No shit, Bono. Got any ideas on how to get unstuck, genius?
- My allergies are so bad that it feels like someone has been repeatedly wacking me on the back of the head with a two-by-four. *ouch*
- I am on my period AGAIN. Internal organs on Narnia time, I guess.
- Being uber-hormonal AGAIN meant I cried myself to sleep last night (more on that in a
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Comments 4
Much laughter. But I'm sorry you're feeling so hormone-y.
Uh, since my last post a few hours ago, good news huh? Oh! The mailman was awesome today and totally cool toys and books came in.
Huzzah for the mailman and the bringings of toys and books.
I can't wait to see Stranger than Fiction. Will Ferrell and Emma Thompson in the same movie may prove to be my undoing. [/unapologetic fangirling]
Erm, uh. Six weeks until Christmas? Shorter than that until Thanksgiving? ... then again I love holidays and you might not so I might have just made things worse. D:
And you just cheered me up with that rockin' icon! LOL...
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