The How Verse - How Sam Winchester Found Out (chap 21/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse -  How Sam Winchester Found Out (chap 21/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: PG (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: Sabriel 
Warnings: really nothing in this one
Word Count: 687 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 21: Sam finds out what happened the night before

The next morning, Sam Winchester sat in his usual seat in class and stared at the empty seat beside him. Castiel has never missed a day of his school in his whole life. And yet, here was his empty seat. Gabriel wasn't here either. Sam bit his lip, looking at his phone. No new messages. He sent a couple of texts to both asking where they were, but no answers. Suddenly, just as the bell rang, Gabriel and Castiel came into the room. They were both a total mess. Both looked strung out and exhausted, as if neither of them slept all night. Gabriel has stitches over his left eye, his left hand was bandaged up and the right wrist was bandaged up. He looked like he wore the clothes on his back all night and he was sporting a split lip and under his right eye was bruised.  Castiel had a giant gauze on his forehead taped in place, a giant black eye and he too looked like he wore the clothes all night. Castiel trudged to his seat, plopping down in it, looking slightly disorientated. Sam's jaw dropped. What the hell was going on?!

Sam ripped out a page from his notebook, scribbling furiously and handed it over to Castiel. Castiel blinked, looking at it

"What the hell happened?!" was written, underlined twice. Castiel sighed, taking out a pen and wrote back. He handed the page back.

"Luci and Gabe got into a fist fight. I got injured trying to break them up." Sam bitchfaced, writing back.

"Why the hell didn't you call me?!" Castiel blinked, surprised

"We were at the hospital until 5am. No cells allowed."


Castiel did a small whine, taking a moment before he wrote back, and then handing the note back to Sam looking apologetic.

"I'm so sorry, Sam. I blacked out and the next thing I know, I'm being carted into a car, and then I was at the hospital, I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry!"

Sam paused. There was a moment of silence and then Sam shifted to pull Castiel into a hug. Castiel made a soft sound of surprise but eagerly accepted it. Gabriel blinked, spotting them and then started to speak loudly, to get the classes’ attention, so the boys could have their moment to themselves.


Sam waited until the bell rang. Castiel was obviously going to skip gym; they wouldn't let him participate with a concussion.  Sam sent a quick text to Dean, waiting for the class to empty out. Once everybody in the class had left, Sam stood up and went to close the door and locked it. Gabriel sighed, he knew this was coming. "Why the hell didn't you call me?!" demanded Sam, beyond frustrated. "Sorry, I didn't want to call you at 2am saying I was in the hospital. You have school, kiddo." Sam growled, coming up to Gabriel and slamming his hand down on the desk, looming over the other "I'm also your boyfriend! You can call me for stuff like this!" Gabriel frowned. "No. I want what's best for you, Sam! And you can't panic when you don't know!" Sam sighed, defeated, Gabriel had a point. "What happened anyways?" Gabriel groaned, leaning back in his chair "Luci and I got into a fight." Sam snorted "I know that. But over what?" Gabriel bit his lip, unwilling to answer. "Gabe?" Gabriel shook his head, looking down "Just over family stuff, kiddo." "...Oh." Gabriel shifted, looking up at Sam, now that he had his lie planned. "Yeah...we disagreed on something important...really important...and I said something that set him off." Gabriel smirked "You know me~" Sam sighed, rolling his eyes "Gabe, you shouldn't do that!" Gabriel chuckled softly and then his expression got serious. "Yeah, I know, but I'm glad that I stood up to him, regardless of my injuries." Sam smiled, biting his lip shyly as he moved to straddle Gabriel's lap, wrapping his arms around Gabriel's neck. "So...Do you wanna come over tonight? We could watch a movie and relax?" Gabriel smiled, giving Sam a soft kiss. "Sounds great, kiddo."

the how verse, fic, sabriel

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