The How Verse - How Gabriel Novak and Lucifer Novak Ducked It Out (chap 20/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse -   How Gabriel Novak and Lucifer Novak Ducked It Out (chap 20/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: PG (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: Sabriel, On sided!Lucifer/Sam
Warnings: Lucifer being a creepy son of a bitch
Word Count: 733 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 20: Lucifer finds out about Gabriel and Sam and he isn't happy

Months had gone by since Lucifer Novak first discovered Sam Winchester. It was his personal little hobby. He had now massive folders about Sam, filled with documentation, video feeds and pictures. He knew was he was doing was very illegal, but frankly he couldn't care less. But now he was tired of documentation, photos and such, he wanted the real thing. Lucifer contemplated this enough, trying to figure just how exactly he was going to get to Sam Winchester. But there was something crucial that Lucifer didn't know.

Gabriel was an expert at hiding things. As a child, they never found him when they played hide and seek and when he ran away when he was 18, even with all of Michael's resources, he was never able to find him. So, when it came to hiding his relationship with Sam, he was flawless. He even went to the point of disconnecting all of the video feeds when they were together. He didn't want one single scrap of evidence lying around. So, Lucifer was completely unaware of the relationship. Until this late April day. Lucifer found himself coming home early; having caught the feed that Sam was over. But what he saw next surprised him. Gabriel rushed into the house, dumped his bags and came straight for Sam who was sitting on the couch, kissed him deeply, explained that he had an appointment and had to go, but was happy to have had a chance to see him for a second, and then ran out. Lucifer was furious.

Later that evening, when the sun was down, Lucifer stormed into the living room, where Gabriel was watching tv. "Gabriel. We need to talk - NOW." Gabriel blinked, lifting a brow "Alright? About what?" "About how you need to leave Sam Winchester alone! You can't have him! He's mine and you need to cease and desist what you're doing with him." Gabriel looked at Lucifer shocked, then he got angry "Excuse me?! What the hell you say, you asshole?!" Lucifer growled, grabbing the front of Gabriel's shirt and pulled him forward off of his seat "I'm telling you to stay away from what is MINE." Gabriel growled, glaring at Lucifer "Listen to me, you conceited, self-entitled dirtbag! Sam Winchester is my boyfriend and you better be damn sure that will never change, you big giant bag of dicks!"

Castiel, hearing the screaming from the kitchen ran into the living room just in time to see Lucifer punch Gabriel in the face. Gabriel retaliated by punching Lucifer in the stomach, and soon enough, both boys were clawing at each other, throwing wild hits everywhere. It all went to hell the minute a place was smashed in Gabriel's face. The fight got the attention of everyone. Castiel was the first to try and pull them apart. Anna soon came down, trying herself. Uriel and Raphael weren't far behind either. Michael came down just in time to see Lucifer's elbow go back, hit Castiel across the face, causing him to fall backwards and hit his head on the coffee table, blacking out and bleeding rather badly from the cut on his head. "ENOUGH!" And everybody instantly stopped. Gabriel instantly noticed Castiel on the floor and ran up to him, dropping to his knees as he cradled his brother's unconscious body. "Look what you did, you piece of shit!" growled Gabriel. Before Lucifer could reply, Michael let out a loud cry. "Everybody in the cars, right now! We're going to the hospital, ALL OF YOU." It was at that moment that the Novaks, aside from Lucifer and Gabriel, all looked at each other and realized that were all beaten, battered and bleeding - and it's also when they realized that while they were trying to stop the fighting - they had joined it.

The ride to the hospital was extremely tense. Uriel and Raphael and Lucifer were in one car, while Michael, Anna, Gabriel and Castiel were in the other. Gabriel was cradling Castiel close, crying as he held his brother close. He kept apologizing under his breath, unable to shake the guilt he felt. Castiel let out a small groan, trying to concentrate, but kept trying to close his eyes. His vision and his head were spinning and he kept looking around confused. Gabriel paused, pushing Castiel's hair back. "You okay, Champ?" "...I want to puke." "MICHAEL! HURRY UP!"

the how verse, fic, sabriel

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