The How Verse - How Sam Winchester Fell For Gabriel Novak (And How Cas Is Okay With That) (chap 9/2

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse -  How Sam Winchester Fell For Gabriel Novak (And How Cas Is Okay With That) (chap 9/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: PG (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: one-sided!Sabriel, one-sided!destiel (destiel/sabriel in the later chapters)
Warnings: mention of underaged sex?
Word Count: 652 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 9: Gabriel winds up making a bigger impact on Sam that he ever expected

Gabriel Novak was intriguing to Sam. And he didn’t even know why. That fateful night, Castiel came back to Lawrence with his brother. The Novak family apparently was torn between being overjoyed at having their brothers back and utterly angry at Gabriel and Castiel for leaving in the first place. Also, for Castiel not telling them that he knew where Gabriel was this whole time. But, nether less, Gabriel got his old room back (the room adjoining to Castiel, with adjoining bathroom and closet) and Gabriel signed up for a placement in Lawrence - in their very high school.

Sam met Gabriel briefly throughout the summer. Gabriel insisted on meeting Castiel’s friends (which wasn’t the case with Castiel’s other siblings, Sam having not met anybody else aside from a brief intro with Michael and angry phone calls with him too.). Gabriel had seemed nice; he had this smirk on his face and was ready to throw comments to get a rise out of people. His favourite victim seems to be Dean. Also, Sam found him to be incredibly handsome, when Gabriel flashed him a smile; he could feel his insides twisting up.

Gabriel at school though, was rather different. Same smile, same bright and colourful personality, but he behaved. He was doing his placement in their English class and drama class, and Sam had to admit, he looked very forward to these classes every day. There was just something so electric about Gabriel that really drew him in. And Gabriel was so smart and insightful, and always managed to make everything so exciting and it was not possible to not pay attention when he was speaking. He could be in Gabriel’s presence all day. Just the sight of Gabriel’s candy red 66’ Mustang in the school’s parking lot was enough to put a giant smile on his face for the rest of the day.

Sam Winchester will always be intimidated by the Novak's house. It was enormous and practically took the whole block. He always stood at the door, stunned.

This time was no exception.

He rang the doorbell, rocking a bit on his feet, looking down nervous. He was concentrating on how big his feet had gotten when the door swung open. He looked up and spotted Gabriel. But this wasn't the Gabriel from school, rather this other form of him, the unrestricted one, with a sleazy smile, leaning on the doorframe. "Yeah?"

Sam cleared his throat. "Hello! I'm here to see Castiel"

Gabriel bit his lip, feigning concern "Oooh, I'm sorry! It's Wednesday, you'll have to see Uriel."


"W-What? But I want to see Castiel."

"But it's Wednesday! You have to see Urie-!"

Before Gabriel could finish his sentence, Castiel crammed himself between Gabriel and the doorframe, openly irritated


Then Sam felt his arm get grabbed as he was dragged away to Castiel's room. When he looked over his shoulder, he couldn't help but blush a bit at the grin he saw on Gabriel's face.


"Castiel is the angel of Thursday? And Uriel Wednesday?"

"Yes. Now you see why his joke was horrible?"

Sam hesitated, biting his lip to try and stop himself from smiling " Well, it's kinda clever when you think about it..."

Castiel could not be frowning harder.




"Stop that! My brother does that, and it's annoying."

Castiel wasn't blind. He could see that Sam was smitten. It was a long time coming, really. He had started seeing the signs early this summer and now that class had started, he knew that Sam was falling head over heels with his older brother. But, with the thought of older brothers, Dean popped into Castiel’s head. Well, he shouldn’t talk, he did just spent the entire day dreaming of Dean fucking him on every piece of furniture in the room. Guess he should be okay with this.

destiel, fic, sabriel

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