
May 24, 2006 14:24

Heeey, comment here to backstory with Jory! ;)

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Comments 40

juhi_saraf May 25 2006, 01:39:15 UTC

Juhi's a fifth year claw. She's a chaser on the Quidditch team, and she's pretty goofy and stuff, but comes across as fairly serious and slightly awkward when meeting people.

Whatcha think?



jory_elecott May 25 2006, 01:51:04 UTC
Yup, he'd probably love her, especially if she's on the Quidditch team. Let's see, if she's a year below him, he might've met her in his second year at the sorting ceremony or sometime in the common room. I don't know if he'd approach her, because he's lame like that, but if she had any telltale signs of being enthusiastic about flying, he'd probably find some way to talk to her.


juhi_saraf May 25 2006, 02:21:21 UTC
I'd love for them to have met during her first year, as she pretty stuck to the tower and such then. Awwwickle.

Perhaps she wandered out to the pitch her first year, since they can't bring their brooms then, and met him there?


jory_elecott May 25 2006, 02:26:40 UTC
Aw, they'd be so cute, both staring out at the pitch longingly... Haha. Works for me. XD


bastian_myles May 25 2006, 07:24:46 UTC


I have tobias_kingston, who is a 7th year Claw. He's really quite shy and awkward. Extremely unobservant as well. Hehehe.

wesleybroderick is a cruel 7th year Slyth. He's... pretty much picked on everyone who isn't Pure and a supporter of Voldemort, but I don't know what he'd think of Jory.

terrwynbowen is the Charms Prof... *shrug*

And then I have two Aurors who I don't think would have any backstory with Jory. Hee.


jory_elecott May 25 2006, 11:53:09 UTC
Okay, Tobias and Jory would know each other -- either as simple acquaintances since they're both Claws, or I could see them possibly getting along pretty well because Tobias seems so bloody nice and if he's into Quidditch and is on the team, Jory's certainly a big fan. He wouldn't approach Tobias on his own, though, so if you think Tobias would have approached him, right on.

And Jory's family is a pretty influential Pureblood family, so he and Wes might know of each other... As Jory's decidedly neutral about Voldemort and... uh, everything, he probably wouldn't dislike Wes or actually find him all that cruel. But yeah, I don't know what Wes would think of him... Jory's grandparents are rumored to be Voldemort supporters, so would that be enough to have Wes begrudgingly respect/acknowledge Jory, or does he not do that? XD

And heh, yeah, Jory has the Charms Prof. for Charms.


bastian_myles May 25 2006, 15:16:38 UTC
Wes knows of pretty much all the Voldemort supporters, so he'd know of Jory's grandparents. I think he'd not respect Jory, because he -- well, he doesn't really respect anyone other than Death Eaters that are high in the ranks... but he and Jory could have an interesting dynamic going. XD

Aaaaand, Tobias would probably not have approached Jory on purpose. However, he's quite clumsy when he's NOT in the air, so he's likely to have run over Jory, quite literally, in the halls. *snicker*


jory_elecott May 25 2006, 15:31:32 UTC
Ah, that works. And Jory's grandparents likely know of Wes as well, and tend to encourage (er... force) Jory to reach out to purebloods of any stature, so yeeees, definitely interesting. And Jory's got a pet fascination with Voldemort, although he's still neutral; he's probably rather interested in Wes, although he wouldn't let on.

Heh, Tobias literally bumping into Jory might be enough incentive for Jory to just say, "Good flying on Saturday," or somesuch. And he likes to hang around when the team has practice, so they could've built some sort of acquaintance-like relationship. XD


jackie_zhang June 1 2006, 18:39:51 UTC
Always up for more backstorying ;) I have 3 characters, though he might only know one or two.

First, Jackie - 5th year gryff - not sure how much BS there, but she's now on her house quidditch team, and she flies a lot, so they could've ran across each other near the pitch or on the grounds somewhere. she's pretty out-going too, so if the libary or study hall had no available seats except for the one next to him, she would've introduced herself. I'm kinda out of ideas, so if you have something different, let me know :)

Second, Veronica - veronica_myers - 3rd year claw, horribly introverted and quiet; they could've met in the common room or great hall or any place but she's not the type to say hello or introduce herself, so it depends on him or if they just bumped into each other coincidentally.

Third, Ana - anastacia_f - 2nd year snake, who's pureblood and could've met him pre-Hogwarts. but if you don't want to go the pre-Hogwarts route, I doubt they would've run across each other in school.

let me know :)


jory_elecott June 2 2006, 00:38:12 UTC
Uh huh, if Jackie plays Quidditch, Jory knows her whether she knows him or not. XD But both would work, actually -- if they saw each other near the pitch a bunch of times and then she decided to sit next to him in the library to say hi because they kept seeing each other? That would work.

Veronica and Jory are both ridiculously quiet, heh, so it would've been really hard for them to meet, but I can see him being incredibly interested by her, so a quiet night in the common room if they were the only two there might be enough for him to go over and say hello. And they both like Ancient Runes, so maybe he saw her reading the textbook? (I guess that would have to be this year, too, since you can't take Ancient Runes till third year.)

And yeah, Ana and Jory wouldn't have the opportunity to know each other very well, but they could've known of each other pre-Hogwarts, that's cool. XD


jackie_zhang June 2 2006, 00:50:02 UTC
Lessee... ok, then how about...

Jackie - most if not all of the Gryff quidditch teammates are her friends (even in past years) - so even though she only joined this year, she would've hung around the pitch earlier. So, let's go with that she saw him a lot and introduced herself in the library? :) What year? her 2nd / his 3rd or later?

Veronica - how about beginning of this 'current' school year then (like the first week)? she was reading her Ancient Runes text and he said hello, though he noticed her being quiet the years before? They can start forming a friendship this year. :)

Ana - ok, sounds fine :) She's heard of his family; he's heard of hers, but they haven't 'formally introduced' themselves (and probably won't) though who knows if they'll run across each other in the halls. ;)


jory_elecott June 5 2006, 19:19:28 UTC
Yeah, her second, his third, that works. All three sound good to me. XD


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 00:13:44 UTC

(hey this is random but im new and this character caught my eye because hey, come on, hes a looker. . .)

Lazy and unmotivated?
That's my avis too.

she's a 5th year gryff that gets along better with boys and those older than her, and she's also really lazy and slackerish. sleeps in class and misses assignments and spends a lot of time in free time sitting in random areas around the school.

study halls? ditching out of classes?
milling around in halls not studying?

backstory? maybe??


jory_elecott June 8 2006, 00:32:57 UTC
Ha, I liiike her. And she and Jory would get along famously, they could nap and be lazy together. XD Trying to think of how they might've met, since they're in different houses and different years and she wasn't raised in the wizarding world...

Yeah, I guess we could say they shared a study hall and met there. Like, his third year, her second (I'm pulling these years out of thin air, so it's cool if you prefer they knew each other longer/shorter). Or! She seems like she might get in trouble sometimes (correct me if I'm wrong, but since she's so outspoken), they could've met in detention, since he's in trouble a lot. 'Course, she'd have to have talked to him first because he's too passive. What do you think?


avis_abernathy June 8 2006, 00:45:26 UTC
I totally like it!

your idea sounds great to me. and yep, avis is completely outspoken and quite intimidating to some people, they could have met in detention for sure!

she could have complained about the teacher to him, and then they got started.

and yep, they are both total sloths.

heeehee nap. in study halls and then get more detentions.

we'll see about this!


jory_elecott June 8 2006, 01:07:33 UTC
Works for me, cool. We must thread them soon, I've got to see what the interaction between them is like.


fujiwara_h July 27 2006, 03:38:50 UTC
Fellow 6th year halfblood Hufflepuff here! Wondering if you'd like to backstory with Hiroshi? Jory and him could probably talk a lot since they both love Quidditch, but don't actually play (Hiroshi's tried out but never made the team). Anything?


jory_elecott July 27 2006, 16:49:00 UTC
Sure. :D Jory's incredibly quiet, though, so unless Hiroshi approached him, I'm not sure how they could've met. But the Quidditch idea sounds good; maybe they met one year while watching a match or something?

Hiroshi would probably also know my 7th year Puff sean_brightwell too; he's on the quidditch team, really friendly, probably would've welcomed Hiroshi to the House when Hiroshi was a first year.


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