
May 24, 2006 14:24

Heeey, comment here to backstory with Jory! ;)

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jackie_zhang June 1 2006, 18:39:51 UTC
Always up for more backstorying ;) I have 3 characters, though he might only know one or two.

First, Jackie - 5th year gryff - not sure how much BS there, but she's now on her house quidditch team, and she flies a lot, so they could've ran across each other near the pitch or on the grounds somewhere. she's pretty out-going too, so if the libary or study hall had no available seats except for the one next to him, she would've introduced herself. I'm kinda out of ideas, so if you have something different, let me know :)

Second, Veronica - veronica_myers - 3rd year claw, horribly introverted and quiet; they could've met in the common room or great hall or any place but she's not the type to say hello or introduce herself, so it depends on him or if they just bumped into each other coincidentally.

Third, Ana - anastacia_f - 2nd year snake, who's pureblood and could've met him pre-Hogwarts. but if you don't want to go the pre-Hogwarts route, I doubt they would've run across each other in school.

let me know :)


jory_elecott June 2 2006, 00:38:12 UTC
Uh huh, if Jackie plays Quidditch, Jory knows her whether she knows him or not. XD But both would work, actually -- if they saw each other near the pitch a bunch of times and then she decided to sit next to him in the library to say hi because they kept seeing each other? That would work.

Veronica and Jory are both ridiculously quiet, heh, so it would've been really hard for them to meet, but I can see him being incredibly interested by her, so a quiet night in the common room if they were the only two there might be enough for him to go over and say hello. And they both like Ancient Runes, so maybe he saw her reading the textbook? (I guess that would have to be this year, too, since you can't take Ancient Runes till third year.)

And yeah, Ana and Jory wouldn't have the opportunity to know each other very well, but they could've known of each other pre-Hogwarts, that's cool. XD


jackie_zhang June 2 2006, 00:50:02 UTC
Lessee... ok, then how about...

Jackie - most if not all of the Gryff quidditch teammates are her friends (even in past years) - so even though she only joined this year, she would've hung around the pitch earlier. So, let's go with that she saw him a lot and introduced herself in the library? :) What year? her 2nd / his 3rd or later?

Veronica - how about beginning of this 'current' school year then (like the first week)? she was reading her Ancient Runes text and he said hello, though he noticed her being quiet the years before? They can start forming a friendship this year. :)

Ana - ok, sounds fine :) She's heard of his family; he's heard of hers, but they haven't 'formally introduced' themselves (and probably won't) though who knows if they'll run across each other in the halls. ;)


jory_elecott June 5 2006, 19:19:28 UTC
Yeah, her second, his third, that works. All three sound good to me. XD


jackie_zhang June 5 2006, 19:35:13 UTC
cool. timelines are updated :D


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