
May 24, 2006 14:24

Heeey, comment here to backstory with Jory! ;)

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Comments 40

rylielogan May 24 2006, 20:29:58 UTC
7th year claw. XD

any backstory ideas?


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 20:38:04 UTC
Oi, I think Jory would probably love Rylie; he probably met her in his first year. He's pretty quiet, but he would probably have a slight crush on her in that way that Jory does with older girls. If he saw her reading in the common room (or library, etc.) he would have probably taken an hour to decide to ask her what she's reading, but I can see them having met that way. Unless you've got something more specific in mind. XD


rylielogan May 24 2006, 21:08:45 UTC
I think Rylie would definitely be friends with Jory, the way you described them meeting sounds perfect. Sadly, if Jory does crush on Rylie, he'll be very jealous of his fellow 6th year Claw Sebastian Rivera, who's recently won Rylie's heart. XD

but yes. we shall thread, I think. :)


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 21:31:23 UTC
Even better. Jory can be his brooding best when it's all unrequited. :P


arisu_ryusaki May 24 2006, 21:07:05 UTC
Alrighty, he would know Ari, a 6th year Gryff. She would like him enough and I'm sure she would try and get him to open up a bit. She's slightly insane so I'm not sure how he would take to her.

adrienbennet is my other 6th year though he's a Snake. He would be try and be civil enough to him seeing as he's pure though I don't think their relationship would go much beyond that.

Aaaand finally, there's gabe_lucas, a 7th year Puff. Neither are the epitome of social so they might not have met at all.

Profiles are up in their userinfo so any ideas with any of them?


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 21:38:36 UTC
Jory would find Ari charming, actually, because he likes people who manage to be less serious than him; she'd probably frustrate him a little, but they'd get along all right. XD Probably met at one time or another, being in the same year.

For Adrien, Jory's grandparents encourage him to make friends with children of older pureblood families, so if Jory thinks Adrien's family is at all influential, he'd be pretty civil, too. So yeah, sounds right.


tyra_jaregski May 24 2006, 21:14:57 UTC
Ok, Tyra and Jory probably would have met somehow...I don't know how, but there's always a possibility. They seem like they'd get along exceptionally well. Any ideas?


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 21:40:55 UTC
They'd definitely get along... as far as backstory, all I can think is that if Tyra plays Quidditch, she most likely saw Jory hanging around the Quidditch pitch (even though they're in different houses); he doesn't play, but he's absolutely obsessed and probably knows everyone who plays.

If you've got anything else in mind, though, right on. :)


tyra_jaregski May 24 2006, 22:04:38 UTC
(Wrong name!)

That sounds perfect! Was your character approved to start threading because I could post one now for just him and Tyra if you'd like since I need to thread or I may just implode...yes, implode.


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 22:08:44 UTC
Yup, all approved. Go ahead, I'd hate for there to be an implosion of any type. XD


liesl_jacobs May 24 2006, 22:48:20 UTC
Ahahahaaa! *Fangirls over young!Leo.* Fabulous!
And really rather like his quirky bio. Good on you!

*Cracks up at the "muscle shot."*

Liesl is in his year, and a Slytherin, so they most likely know each other, if only from a removed distance. She probably finds his quietness reassuring (as so many bleeding students these days find it so difficult to SHUT. UP.), and his sad lack of aptitude... puzzling. And if she were the type of girl to even think twice about mooning over a boy, she would probably think him quite attractive for all these reasons. I foresee a confused Liesl wondering why she is making excuses to talk to this Ravenclaw...

clover_manalo is a 5th Year in his House, so they probably know each other vaguely at least. Seeing as they're both quiet unless properly befriended, they might not know too much about one another. But a chat in the common room one evening is always nice!

ghostozma is my poltergeist and dearly departed BINT. She might have been a lovely girl when she was alive, but in death she has grown bitter, vengeful, and an ( ... )


liesl_jacobs May 24 2006, 22:52:27 UTC
Hah. I typoed my own char's journal. Sly's is slyautolycus. Jeeze.


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 23:33:14 UTC
Ooh, Jory would certainly find Liesl's general loner-ness (... it's a word) fascinating; I can see them having a potentially interesting relationship, he could somewhat consider her a friend (insofar as Liesl does friendship, as she doesn't seem to XD). Don't know when they met, but doesn't matter as they're in the same year.

I see a common room meeting with Jory and Clover at one point or another; if either of them brought up the subject of Potions, they probably get on well. And good luck to Ozma on getting Jory to say anything; that'll be interesting...

As for Sly, I don't know if they'd know each other, but if Sly's really that vocal about being anti-Voldemort, Jory'll know of him, certainly. Voldemort's his secret fascination, although he has no real allegiance either way. (Grah, I should probably put Jory's alignment into his profile.)


liesl_jacobs May 25 2006, 00:46:45 UTC
Oooo. Jory has secret, dark fascinations. I like it.

Yay to all three things.

And uh... *Pins up posters of Jory in Liesl's dorm. Shifty.*
Liesl: *RAGES. TANTRUMS. ...Sort of.* xD


sebbyrivera May 24 2006, 22:53:39 UTC

I'm going to throw out the fact that both Jory and Sebastian are socially inept, as they've obviously been in a dorm room together long enough not to awkwardize all over the place. Sooo, I'm guessing they'd be friendly, as Sebby likes to be amused and Rory's "mischievous". Though, Sebastian would disapprove about his not-studyingness (but would never actually say anything outright ;)) and would be completely lost whenever a Quidditch subject arose. Um... they're good and bad in all the same classes? Dur, is that good backstoryness I DUNNO?


jory_elecott May 24 2006, 23:43:07 UTC
Woot, roomies. I think they get along real well, knowing each other for six years and all that. They've got that neat somewhat-polar-opposites-somewhat-not thing going on. :P Works for me. Also, I'm pretty sure Jory fancies rylielogan, is probably a bit jealous of Sebastian (although he would certainly try not to show it), and that's interesting enough for me to find it awesome. XD


sebbyrivera May 25 2006, 01:56:20 UTC
HAHA, if poor Sebby KNEW he fancied Rylie, he would die of embarassment. Or uncertainness, as he really does not know how to deal with these things.

In other words, we should thread them soooon! ;)


jory_elecott May 25 2006, 02:09:53 UTC
Haha, YES. They're both so awkward, if Sebastian finds out, they'll both probably blush until they pass out or something. :P


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