Australian "Feminists" Protest Long Sentences Handed Out to Rapists!

Apr 05, 2008 18:13

Courtesy of RealityHammer:

In Sydney Australia, two men, Pakistan-born Muslims, were found guilty of gang rapes of two teenage girls. This comes as strict justice for a growing problem in this region. Muslim ( Read more... )

rape, feminism, australia, islamism

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Comments 52

tinymammoth April 6 2008, 02:12:26 UTC
I was skeptical about NOW backing OJ Simpson, so I poked around and found this:

That isn't exactly a full blown endorsement of OJ, but it wholly fails to address the fact that, you know, he murdered some people. I can hardly blame Tammy Bruce for saying a few slightly insensitive things given that she must have been dealing with people who didn't want to address the *horrible murders*.

I do think it's something of a misrepresentation to say NOW backed OJ though, unless there's something else out there that I missed.


headnoises April 6 2008, 02:16:49 UTC
If someone killed the guy trying to rape me, he'd be @#$#@ family.


last_servant April 6 2008, 02:23:38 UTC
I would hesitate to generalize the feminists like that, but DAMN that's retarded of them. I'm sure most feminists are personally against this. At least I hope so.

Groups based on identity politics really just distill the problems with it, don't they?


firstashore April 6 2008, 02:58:39 UTC
Read my comment below. "Hesistate to generalise the feminists" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it.


sergeantbrother April 6 2008, 02:50:10 UTC
That is completely disgusting. I don't have a lot to add to what has already been said aside to express my extreme distaste of the Muslims flooding into Western countries, the liberals who pander to them, and so called feminists.


cutelildrow April 6 2008, 03:01:10 UTC
agreed. I say we throw those 'feminists' into the same cell as the ones they're 'protecting' without 'proper Muslim attire' and see what happens.


firstashore April 6 2008, 02:56:43 UTC
I'm disappointed you'd even post such a worthless "article" (which is actually nothing but an op-ed) without checking your facts. You normally post such well-supported and well-thought-out arguments, but this is just bullshit - full of logical fallacies and sweeping generalisations. Ask any person in Australia who considers themselves a feminist ( ... )


jordan179 April 6 2008, 03:09:54 UTC
We, in Australia, in this case had a similar small group who called these rape convictions racist - they were NOT saying that the rapists didn't deserve jail time. They were pointing out that rapes perpetrated by whites on white women do not attract either this level of attention or this level of punishment.

The rapes perpetrated by whites on white women, in Australia, are rarely this systematic, nor are they popularly supported by the white community (as Skaf's was by at least one immigrant cleric, and by his father).

Incidentally they are almost certainly right in that respect - Bilal Skaf (and your 'journalist' couldn't even get his name right) would almost certainly not have gotten a 55-year sentence if he'd been white. That's triple the average sentence in Australia for first-degree murder. Think about that. The average sentence for a rape, depending on the level of violence in involved, is probably 4 to 14 years.

How many rapists form a gang to commit serial rape, commit their rapes with extreme violence, and then in court ( ... )


firstashore April 6 2008, 03:36:25 UTC
The rapes perpetrated by whites on white women, in Australia, are rarely this systematic, nor are they popularly supported by the white community (as Skaf's was by at least one immigrant cleric, and by his father).

Systematic? There were about three gang-rapes that I recall and they were all about five years ago. How many white rapes have there been in that time in Australia? I shudder to think. Thousands, probably. It is the biased media focus on the Muslim cases that makes it appear "systematic."

The gang rapes weren't supported by the bulk of the Muslim community here either. The vast bulk, in fact. The Australian Mufti was forced to resign over his comments, and, well, Skaf's father raised the misogynistic piece of shit that is Bilal Skaf - I think that explains how fallacious it is to cite Bilal Skaf's father as evidence that the wider Muslim community supported the rapes.

How many rapists form a gang to commit serial rape, commit their rapes with extreme violence, and then in court claim that the victims deserved it because ( ... )


cutelildrow April 6 2008, 03:57:24 UTC
The problem with the Skaf case in particular was that it received such huge amounts of media attention. That's where the controversy came in. It wasn't the sentencing so much - that followed from the public attention. That's why the anti-discrimination board released those leaflets refered to in your article. It was a guide to the media outlets basically saying "if these rapists had been white, would you have made such a media circus out of it?" Its purpose was to ensure that race was not an issue when reporting on such things, which seems fair enough to me.

However, when the rapists use race as a REASON why they were raping women, then it does become an issue. Which is what the Skar brothers did, along with their fellow rapists.


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