NASA plans for Lunar Landings and Outpost

Mar 14, 2008 10:01

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Comments 16

rinku March 14 2008, 18:48:00 UTC
Shouldn't it be Republicans that are against needless government spending, though? I'm a Republican and I'm all for slashing NASA down to nothing and privatizing space exploration instead of keeping it a government monopoly. We'd probably have had bases on the moon by now if the government didn't prevent or limit private companies from exploring space.


last_servant March 14 2008, 19:02:43 UTC
Agreed, but neither party will ever cut spending. It's either "For the TERRORISTS!" or "For WHOEVER IS CURRENTLY PLAYING THE VICTIM!"

But really, that Democrat line sounded a little unwarranted. Does the party have a record of slashing our moonbase budget?


jordan179 March 14 2008, 22:50:24 UTC
Does the party have a record of slashing our moonbase budget?

Starting with Carter, they have a record of cutting back on manned space exploration. Obama has specifically stated he wants to cut NASA's budget.


jordan179 March 14 2008, 22:49:12 UTC
Governments have often pioneered new territories. One of the big achievements of the Bush Administration has been making NASA institutionally more friendly to space commerce, and I believe that NASA returning to the Moon will make it easier, not harder, for private companies to also go there.


princejvstin March 14 2008, 19:03:43 UTC
I've never been a fan of NASA. This does seem like a realistic proposal. Unfortunately I don't think that true space exploration is any more or less safer under any of the three candidates for President, frankly.


selenite March 14 2008, 19:38:23 UTC
Seem, yes. You have to dig into the details to find the looming disaster. Which various bloggers have been doing. I don't expect this design to get to the moon.


jordan179 March 16 2008, 22:39:30 UTC
I don't expect this design to get to the moon.

Why not?


selenite March 18 2008, 15:28:50 UTC
Alas, life isn't leaving me time to write up a real answer to that. Short version: a vague mission with lots of political pressures leads to a pork-driven design and lots of short cuts. Even if it works as designed it's too damn expensive for what we're going to get.

Long version can be found here:
and more discussion here:

(You'd probably like the guy's non-space stuff too)


maxgoof March 15 2008, 01:40:50 UTC
"No lunar project ever fed a hungry child."


electorprince March 15 2008, 04:56:16 UTC
No hungry child has ever been fed to a Lunar project, either.


maxgoof March 15 2008, 12:51:59 UTC


jordan179 March 15 2008, 14:24:50 UTC
Darn, there goes NASA's plans for the orphan-fuelled rocketship.


aboutagirl777 March 15 2008, 05:03:15 UTC
I want my own spaceship, dammit! xD NOOOOOOO @ slashing space program.


madwriter March 16 2008, 20:06:22 UTC
Days like this, reading news like this, make me think sometimes that in relation to the space program I'm a One Issue Voter.


jordan179 March 16 2008, 22:43:01 UTC
There are two single issues on which I very strongly disagree with the Democrats that keep me from voting Democrat, even given a lackluster Republican candidate (like McCain).

The first is missile defense. I cannot vote for a party which regards deliberately increasing our vulnerability to enemy nuclear attack as a good idea. Relying on the implicit rationality of our enemies to protect us strikes me as suicidal, especially given tne nature of our currrent enemies.

The second is expansion into space. Centuries from now, the human sphere will encompass the whole Solar System, and any culture restricted mainly to Earth will be a backwater. And the Democrats don't get that. They would toss away our current lead in space and instead spend the money on utterly ephermal concerns. And it isn't even that much money.


madwriter March 16 2008, 23:30:09 UTC
Strictly speaking of space exploration rather than missile defense ( ... )


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