Evil Racists of Worldcon

Aug 28, 2014 00:20

Here at http://woodwardiocom.livejournal.com/915223.html Jonathan Woodward calls for kicking out the “dinosaurs” whom he claims are racists from Worldcon. And here at “Further Thoughts on Fandom and Reverse Racism,” he explains why only whites can be racists and why the world is divided into “whites” and “people of color.” http://woodwardiocom.Read more... )


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Comments 27

philmophlegm August 28 2014, 09:32:19 UTC
I see he uses that tried and tested debating technique of accusing you of using a "strawman" whenever you point out a fallacy in his argument. Bravo ( ... )


jordan179 August 28 2014, 12:45:03 UTC
My criticisms must have terrified the original author to the point of wetting his pants, because he closed down comments on the first post and then banned me from his blog. Essentially, because I persisted in pointing out the problems with the assumption that only whites can be racists. The specific thread he closed down comments over was the one in which I asked one of his other commentators whether or not WisCon's "Safer Spaces" was racist.


jordan179 August 28 2014, 12:46:49 UTC
Charles Stross is a particularly vile individual. He equates Hamas with Israel, actively supports supporting terrorism, and considers it unobjectionable to engage in criminal business fraud to go after conservatives. This is too bad, as he's not a bad writer. I have made it a point of pride to only every buy his books used, to avoid giving him any credit or royalties for his work.


inverarity August 28 2014, 14:21:41 UTC
Equating Hamas with Israel is a fallacy, but is it on that basis or something else that you say he actively supports terrorism? Also, what do you mean by "(he) considers it unobjectionable to engage in criminal business fraud to go after conservatives"?


haikujaguar August 28 2014, 14:33:48 UTC
Still honestly confused over whether I'm white because I look white to most people, or a person of color because I'm Hispanic. :/


philmophlegm August 28 2014, 15:02:34 UTC
That's precisely the issue that Larry Correia has had. He looks 'white' (whatever that means), but ethnically, he's Portuguese-American, which the powers-that-be class as 'hispanic'. He hasn't been slow to point out this fact to people who decided to vote against him in the Hugos because of alleged racism (I've never seen anything remotely racist in any of his blog posts).


haikujaguar August 28 2014, 15:14:09 UTC
Is Portuguese Hispanic? I would have thought them European, but that's because I only think I understand Portuguese. I hear it and think 'oh, hey, I know what they're say--wait, is this French? Ack! Stop that!'

My dad is fond of complaining that he feels discriminated against because all the Hispanics on TV are dark-skinned. I laugh, but then I walk away and start feeling a little weird in that 'wait a minute, he's right' way. :,


philmophlegm August 28 2014, 15:33:43 UTC
Since the word 'hispanic' is derived from the latin 'Hispania' which was what the Romans called the entire Iberian peninsula, surely it has to include Portugal as well as Spain (and Gibraltar too for that matter).

I watch Spain and Portugal play football and most of the players look as 'white' as I do (just maybe a little bit more tanned - I'm British).


inverarity August 28 2014, 14:34:48 UTC
I do not have a problem with cons saying "You aren't allowed to get up on a panel and spout racism." But I have never actually seen that happen.

The problem I have with his "kick them out of the tent" proposal is that SJWs want to literally prohibit anyone from saying anything that is not SJ-compatible, and they have developed an elaborate system of rhetoric and jargon to redefine disagreement as "oppression," "violence," and "harm."


jordan179 August 31 2014, 14:07:33 UTC
The problem I have with his "kick them out of the tent" proposal is that SJWs want to literally prohibit anyone from saying anything that is not SJ-compatible, and they have developed an elaborate system of rhetoric and jargon to redefine disagreement as "oppression," "violence," and "harm."

(*nods*) And only disagreement with them, mind you. They themselves are allowed to use the most extreme rhetoric, to the point of what would normally be considered slander, libel and terroristic threats, against anyone who is not one of their own. This reaches hilariously-vicious extremes when they have in-fights, since both sides imagine themselves to be on the side of "social justice."

What's more, the SJW's change the rhetorical standards without warning. This is part of why they wound up claiming the older writers were racists and sexists -- the two writers they went after in particular, Malzberg and Resnick -- were more or less leftist writers who had simply had the jargon changed under them.


banner August 28 2014, 15:41:53 UTC
On his second post the one where he stands up and says 'I am the ONLY white man who UNDERSTANDS racism and ALL OTHER WHITES ARE ASSHOLES, I was going to reply that he was a self absorbed narcissistic fool. But I stopped when I realized, what is the use? That man is so impressed with himself, and his own moral superiority that nothing short of his own mortality will ever stop him. I'm sure he will continue to be a smug self-righteous ass up until the day he dies, and will never one understand just how wrong he is ( ... )


marycatelli August 29 2014, 14:56:52 UTC
The point is to alert innocents who may not realize how crazy he is.


jordan179 August 30 2014, 15:09:57 UTC
Also note lillibet, who insists that the nature of kindness and compassion doesn't change so there's no problem with predicting what the future values of same will be, then goes ballistic when I point out to her that "kindness and compassion" to the Progressives of c. 1914 meant re-imposing racial segregation -- which is, of course, what WisCon organizers also believe.


expanding_x_man September 7 2014, 08:43:19 UTC
You have an enormous amount of patience to take these people on, but I'm glad someone does. This is your genre, so it matters. I wonder though, what the hell has happened that * science fiction * has so much of this type of extreme PC thought and PC bullying going on? Science fiction has famously written of dystopias based on just this kind of political correctness or similar -- as I remember, 1984 , Brave New World and others... what the hell has happened ( ... )


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