A Blindness to Evil

Aug 13, 2014 12:55

Observing the current situation in Syria and Iraq, in which the hilariously-named ISIS is engaging in the not-so-hilarious most brutal and insane atrocities upon the populaces they are conquering, including but not limited to mass murders and horribly-sadistic killings of small children and parents before one another, and filming them and ( Read more... )

left, culture, politics, islam, terrorism

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Comments 5

x_eleven August 13 2014, 20:39:37 UTC
If it doesn't advance their agenda, they never care. They work themselves into a tizzy over someone like Sandra Fluke, but remain totally indifferent to the little Afghan girls who're prevented from going to school, &c, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Libbies are hypocrites and racists. Always have been; always will be. In order to be aware of evil, one must first have standards. Liberals are at war with standards. Look at how they behave, especially when they think no one's looking.


skarman August 14 2014, 05:38:59 UTC
Exactly right ( ... )


skawinski August 17 2014, 13:01:36 UTC
As much as I prefer to avoid getting into a military conflict it's just coming to a point where not doing anything only seems to make things worse for those people. Something needs to be done, no doubt, and military action seems to be the only option that gives the best chance to end this genocide. Shouldn't have deposed Saddam in the first place, he was an asshole but he had a grip on things in Iraq. Since he's gone it didn't take long for shit to spill.


gothelittle August 31 2014, 12:46:12 UTC
Considering the direction Hussein was taking, I'd have to question whether we were better off with the guy torturing his dissidents in private (I hear the wood-chipper was in particular vogue) while developing nuclear weapons technology (and pretending he already had it to try to scare his enemies) than with this group of militants torturing *their* dissidents in public and making a general spectacle of themselves.

I don't see as though the region is in a good place either way.


expanding_x_man September 4 2014, 05:20:41 UTC
Yes, I am shocked (as usual) by all the usual suspects silence online, meaning the far lefties -- who will actually go into how terrible the USA is - how we have done just as many bad things in the region and and so on... with the Iraq war and Abu Ghraib. They really do not get it. There was even one person justifying it by saying that the Caliph is a reaction to imperialism and the failed nation state. OK - but look at what * these people -- ISIS * are doing! WHAT THE HELL!!!! I can't believe it. But yes, why should I be shocked, as you state, they are the same folks (essentially, different time, same mindset and secular religion) that ignored the evil of Mao, Lenin and Stalin and more. They just turn their heads away.

I do agree with you and I don't understand it.

My roommate, who I am getting along with these days in spite of our different politics (we don't discuss that), had her eyes closed as the ISIS atrocities were discussed on the BBC World News. She opened them afterwards.


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