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Comments 21

mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 17:27:59 UTC
I will have to read the entire piece when I have more time. But just to touch on your comment:

He then gives several examples of deep anti-Western sentiment on the part of Western intellectuals.I can somewhat understand this, because such (so-called) intellectuals like professors, writers and their ilk are able to think their thoughts and spout off their (again, so-called) wisdom and not have to deal with harsh realities ( ... )


jordan179 July 11 2009, 19:23:54 UTC
When I was young I found it hard to take leftists seriously because they were so obviously sawing away at the branch upon which they were sitting. They were people who supposedly reveled in nonconformity who were trying to weaken our country so that the Communists could take over -- and one thing I knew about Communism was that it was death on nonconformists. I assumed that they were ignorant of either the Communist threat, or assumed that victorious Communists would embrace them as ideological brothers.

Now, the situation is even more obviously suicidal for them. If the Islamists win, they will impose a religious tyranny on everyone, and the leftists are clearly their ideological opposites rather than brothers on most issues. Yet the leftists continue to support them.

I can only assume that the leftists either (1) don't know anything about Islam, (2) so despise the Islamists that they assume that they will never take over no matter what happens, or (3) really want to die. It may be a mixture of motives with some ( ... )


polaris93 July 11 2009, 21:16:15 UTC
Yes, and that holds for Obama. While many of us, myself included, have said he is rather divorced from reality, it's quite possible that rather than being "timid and confused," he is in fact hell-bent on destroying America, and has a hidden agenda for doing so -- an agenda he keeps concealed by acting as if he were a dolt when in fact he is not. Okay, so I'm paranoid -- but even paranoiacs have enemies, dammit.


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 21:59:01 UTC
You know, I'm starting to wonder along those lines too. He doesn't strike me as a stupid man. Perhaps he simply is THAT naive (which is different than being stupid) and blinded by his own ego. It could be that he sincerely thinks his policies and ideas will work - even against all common sense. But as we see his continued actions, that theory is getting harder and harder to accept.

I really don't know what to think at this point. I truly don't.


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