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jordan179 July 11 2009, 19:23:54 UTC
When I was young I found it hard to take leftists seriously because they were so obviously sawing away at the branch upon which they were sitting. They were people who supposedly reveled in nonconformity who were trying to weaken our country so that the Communists could take over -- and one thing I knew about Communism was that it was death on nonconformists. I assumed that they were ignorant of either the Communist threat, or assumed that victorious Communists would embrace them as ideological brothers.

Now, the situation is even more obviously suicidal for them. If the Islamists win, they will impose a religious tyranny on everyone, and the leftists are clearly their ideological opposites rather than brothers on most issues. Yet the leftists continue to support them.

I can only assume that the leftists either (1) don't know anything about Islam, (2) so despise the Islamists that they assume that they will never take over no matter what happens, or (3) really want to die. It may be a mixture of motives with some.

Because they are serious about weakening us.


polaris93 July 11 2009, 21:16:15 UTC
Yes, and that holds for Obama. While many of us, myself included, have said he is rather divorced from reality, it's quite possible that rather than being "timid and confused," he is in fact hell-bent on destroying America, and has a hidden agenda for doing so -- an agenda he keeps concealed by acting as if he were a dolt when in fact he is not. Okay, so I'm paranoid -- but even paranoiacs have enemies, dammit.


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 21:59:01 UTC
You know, I'm starting to wonder along those lines too. He doesn't strike me as a stupid man. Perhaps he simply is THAT naive (which is different than being stupid) and blinded by his own ego. It could be that he sincerely thinks his policies and ideas will work - even against all common sense. But as we see his continued actions, that theory is getting harder and harder to accept.

I really don't know what to think at this point. I truly don't.


polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:02:01 UTC
Add in the fact that he palled around with Saul Alinsky, a known radical and Communist, and it begins to look rather obvious what he is.


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 22:04:33 UTC
Well, yes, there is that. But God help you if you mention it, or you will hear the screams of, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST!" so fast it'll make your head spin.


polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:05:17 UTC
So what race is Saul Alinsky?


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 22:23:43 UTC
Ah, there you go inserting logic into the conversation. If there's one thing I've learned when it comes to this topic is that logic is the first thing to go out the window.



polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:26:37 UTC
Which is why I throw expressions such as "I had one grunch, but the eggplant over there," "It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide," "Furshlugginner," and "Farshimelt" right back at them. It throws them every time.


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 22:33:47 UTC
:::dies laughing!:::

I should try something like that. That's about how much logical sense their own comments make. Might as well give 'em a taste of their own medicine!


polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:37:14 UTC
I get mine from pre-1992 MAD Magazine, especially the earliest versions. There are collections of them around, and they're not only worth reading, they're worth mining for such things. William M. Gaines, the publisher of MAD until his death in 1992, was a true and real patriot who collected every image and statuette and other representation of Lady Liberty he could find anywhere, and put them up in his office and at home. Great source of good luck. :-)


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 22:39:54 UTC
I had no idea! Thanks for the info.


polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:41:11 UTC
You're quite welcome. You can also use the names of MAD artists and writers, all in lower-case and run together, too. And if you'd like, I can mine some for you.


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 22:03:33 UTC
If the Islamists win, they will impose a religious tyranny on everyone, and the leftists are clearly their ideological opposites rather than brothers on most issues.

That is the most bizarre part of this whole thing! Not only do the Islamists hate them just as much as they hate everyone else, but they stand for so many oppressive things that the leftists normally hate. So to see leftists defending these very people and their ideology makes my head explode.


polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:06:51 UTC
Especially groups such as Code Pink. What Islamists would do to them if they ever got control of this country is a nightmare nobody wants to go through. So why do they want to go through it? Are they suicidal? Masochists? - Well, maybe they are.


mosinging1986 July 11 2009, 22:24:22 UTC
Ain't that the truth!


polaris93 July 11 2009, 22:27:49 UTC
Liberals are becoming more and more programmed to self-destruct when they become obsolescent. The most useful form of useful idiots.


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