GLEE: The Grass is Always Greener

Sep 30, 2011 23:52

Title: The Grass is Always Greener
Chapter: 9/?
Rating: overall NC-17, this chapter NC-17
Characters: Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, ensemble
Pairing: Quinn/Puck
Warnings: Body swap, teen pregnancy, smut
Spoilers: Blanket Season 2
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money. No affiliation.
A/N: from the glee_angst_meme, prompt here
Summary: Somehow, Quinn and Puck somehow end up in each others bodies. It's not as fun as it sounds either. The really horrifying thing? Puck ends up pregnant and seeing how the other half lives. This is not how he wanted to spend his senior year.

Secondary Note: Really, really, really confusing pronouns and body swap sex ahead.

He’s not sure when it happened -somewhere between Quinn going up the stairs and him following, but somehow, Quinn got super confident about this whole thing and Puck just sort of went with it. He should totally worry about how comfortable he is with just letting her lead, but it’s really working out in his favour now, so he doesn't complain, not really.

He reaches the top of the stairs after locking up and Quinn’s already waiting to grab him around the waist and push him up against the wall, bringing their lips together to kiss him breathless and shit if that’s not turning him on too. He trails his hands up to the back of her neck, toying with the little wisps of hair at the base of the mohawk while her hands run down his waist, shifting to the back of his ass and then down the back of his thighs. He’s really not expecting Quinn to grab him and push him further up the wall until his legs are around her waist.

Puck gasps against her mouth, feeling the press of hardness right against his crotch and rocking into it. “Jesus, fuck.” Cursing in Quinn’s voice still sounds weird, but that whole being horny and using Quinn’s voice totally makes it hotter. “We’re in the hall, in the bedroom, c’mon.” He really wants to get horizontal, and naked. Not necessarily in the order though. Quinn just wrapped her arms around his waist to pull him in tighter before moving away from the wall. Shit, he’d pulled this before himself, but wrapping his legs tighter around Quinn’s hips felt totally different from having the legs wrapped around him and Puck groaned against Quinn’s jaw as she walked into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind her.

When she got them to the bed, Puck didn’t waste any time in getting the shirt off Quinn, kicking off his own Cheerio issued sneakers while Quinn went for the zip on the side of the uniform. The butterflies sort of kicked up in his stomach as her fingers brushed his side, the zip giving way to skin and jolts of sensation spreading along his side with the touch of skin on skin. It was a thrill, one that he hadn’t been on the receiving end of and was pretty much on board with. He let Quinn pull the Cheerio top off him, pulling her down afterwards to steal another kiss while her hips pressed down between his legs and yeah, that was what he was looking for. The pressure between his legs sparks the roll of heat through his body and he shudders against her. Quinn’s lips work their way down his throat, teeth nipping just slightly at his collarbone as her hands run up his ribs now. “Too many clothes.” He knows what’s coming, where they’re going with this, and he’s all for the teasing and tormenting, but not when it’s him on the receiving end of it all.

The last time showed them that they shouldn’t attempt to strip each other, so Quinn pulls back to kneel on the edge of the bed and strip while Puck does the same, slipping off the uniform and tossing it to the floor before shifting to the bedside cabinet where he stashed the condoms earlier. Quinn slides her hand around his waist while he’s facing away from her, his back pulled to her chest and the press of a hot, hard, erection to his ass feels so much different than just the press of her in her jeans. His breath stutters as he leans back, her hand slipping down between his thighs and fingers teasing just lightly around the edge of his pussy. “You’re so fucking wet.” The voice is just as effective as before and Puck leans back against Quinn’s chest, moaning just a little as she teases, fingers slipping inside him, stroking, stretching, curving up and pressing just right. Puck almost doubles over as the pleasure just slams into him, his muscles clenching and shuddering and Quinn just holds him with an arm around his chest and fingers teasing at his breasts.

“Quinn, fuck,” he pushes forward, rocking against her fingers, muscles tightening again and his legs shaking as she pulls him back, lips moving to his throat and upwards to his jaw. She knows exactly what she’s doing and Puck is caught a little off guard at the intensity of the sensations.

“So hot,” her breath is cool over his skin and he twists his head to lick at her lips while rolling his hips against her hand. He’s pretty sure she’s trying to kill him or something. “I want to see you come, Puck, I want to see you before I fuck you, do it, let go, c’mon Puck.” He’s really going to have to find out where the hell she’s getting all this, because it’s hot as fuck and he’s pretty sure he can’t actually take much more. Quinn’s fingers curve up again, pressing harder and deeper and her thumb flicks over his clit and Puck bites on his lip before shuddering back against her with a gasp.

He had not expected that, really. Quinn was still Quinn in his mind and sex was still sex and really, Quinn and sex only really slotted together in this almost innocent sort of way where he’d figured he’d be leading her through it even with their bodies reversed. But apparently, she’s full of surprises, because she’s still stroking her fingers inside him, sort of chasing those aftershocks and the clenching muscles. “Q,” he really can’t believe that he’s the one shaking in her arms, but hell, he’s blaming the body and the nerve tingling orgasm, okay.

She pulls away, slowly and carefully, but she raises her hand to his mouth and Puck doesn’t really stop to think before he licks her fingers -she hadn’t let him go down on her the first time, when they’d had sex, through the whole pregnancy thing she’d let him get her off when she was really horny, but only ever with his hand and that was the only time he’d ever gotten to do this. It’s the same, funnily enough, although apparently it’s way sexier when it’s not your own fingers. “Oh, God,” Quinn’s hips rock forward into him as he sucks her fingers into his mouth just to taste her, or him now really, still kinda weird. He’s just hollowed out his cheeks with a suck when she hisses and pulls away, hands both going to his hips and turning him around. “Shit, I didn’t think I could get more turned on.” He’s pushed down into the bed, his head hitting the pillow just as Quinn follows him, tongue in his mouth in seconds while she pulls his legs apart and hooks his knee over her hip. Puck isn’t really used to being this submissive to the control, usually he’s the one doing the seducing and all the work involved on that side, but this is totally driving him crazy.

Quinn’s lips move from his lips to his throat, even as their hips press together and there are little sparks between his legs every time Quinn shifts to press against him, nerves still startlingly sensitive. He tips his head up as Quinn sucks a hickey into his throat, fingers gripping at the back of her head. He doesn’t notice when she grabs the condom that he’d dropped on the comforter, not until she pulls back slightly to open it and slip it on. Puck feels his heart hammer into his chest, because it’s just a little weird again, even as Quinn leans up again to kiss his lips before their foreheads rest together. They share a breath for a moment, Quinn running her hand down the side of his thigh to his knee, pulling it up slightly while he pushed his hips up in an attempt to help. The first press of cock head to him makes him pull in a breath as Quinn presses forward and slides in slowly.

His hand tightens on her shoulder as his muscles clench slightly against the intrusion before he makes himself relax into it -it’s just sex, he knows it feels good. But it’s not like Quinn’s body is used to this, so he’s not really surprised that it takes a little bit to get used to it. She kisses him lightly, hips inching forward slowly like he’d done the one time before and Puck realises that she’s just following what he did. “Fuck,” her eyes were shut, bottom lip bitten between her teeth and Puck slid his hand over her ribs to rest on Quinn’s hips before pulling down and pushing his hips up until Quinn was pressed fully inside him. “God, so tight. Jesus, Puck.” Quinn didn’t need much more urging onwards, her hand holding to his hip as she pulled back slightly before pressing in, building a pace and rhythm while their foreheads stayed pressed against one another.

Puck shifted his legs up, drawing his knees up to her hips, opening himself better to her angle and pressing up with each thrust, gasping against Quinn’s mouth at the strange sensations. The angle altered and Puck shuddered, figuring that they’d gotten it down, Quinn’s thrusts picking up speed as she fell into it better, her whole body moving with each press and Puck was just floating on the sensations; the tingling, the coiling in his gut, that steady build of heat, it was fucking amazing.

“You are so fucking tight, and hot, and shit, it feels so good.” Quinn drops her head to Puck’s throat to bite lightly, her rhythm faltering just slightly, and then there’s just this onslaught of pleasure all over. One of Quinn’s hands slides over Puck’s chest, thumb dragging over Puck’s nipple lightly, flicking the nub while her mouth dips to the other, teeth grazing just slightly. But its Quinn’s other hand that causes the pure bursts of nerve searing pleasure. She uses her hand to spread his leg out to the side, pushing it into the mattress and practically pushing him into the splits on the bed while her thumb finds his clit and starts to press circles against the nerves. The suddenness of it all makes it hard to breath, his hips bucking upwards and nails digging into Quinn’s shoulder and side as he presses up into her. “C’mon, fuck, it’s so good.”

And it is, even more so when Quinn bites right over his heart and presses her thumb up and it’s like something snaps. That steady heat of pleasure in his gut just spills out and his body tightens, muscles clenching up sporadically as his back arches and a cry rips from his throat. Quinn loses any semblance of rhythm and Puck isn’t even keeping track as he clenches tighter and runs his hand up the back of her head to tug at the mohawk lightly. Quinn grunts his name against his throat as she stiffens, spilling into the condom and almost collapsing forward onto Puck.

They stay exactly where they are for a while, Puck’s hand stroking through Quinn’s mohawk while she nuzzles and kisses at his throat. But eventually, Quinn has to pull away and Puck moans a little at the loss of that feeling. It’s so fucking weird now; not awkward weird, but messed up weird. Because he just had sex with what is, in all technicalities, himself, and it was fucking awesome. Quinn disappears -probably to take care of the condom issue, and Puck curls onto his side on the bed to process everything. He doesn’t hear Quinn come back until she’s sliding up against his back and wrapping her arms around him. “Regrets?”

“No,” he answers instantly, because he doesn’t regret a thing, he never really regrets sex. “Just thinking.” Not that he does that very often or anything, least of all about sex. “Kinda weird, isn’t it.” Quinn is pressing kisses to his neck though, so evidently she doesn’t think it’s a bad kind of weird either.

“No weirder than you being me and me being you.” And she has a point, really. Puck wasn’t exactly sure what he expected -maybe not enjoying it as much? Maybe not having it feel as natural? He’s not really sure, but he knows, without a doubt, that they’ll be doing it again. Because Quinn is a horny teenage boy and Puck is Puck and even in Quinn’s body, he’s not turning this shit down. “Your mom is working a double, Sarah’s staying over at Maddie’s.”

Puck shifts until they can roll under the bed covers, pulling Quinn’s arm around his waist again and leaning back into her chest -he’ll forever blame her stupid hormones for just how much he rather enjoys this whole spooning shit. “Stay then.” Because he doesn’t exactly want her to go -they’ve been getting on amazingly well now that they’ve gotten this whole tension thing sorted, and he doesn’t actually want to be alone. “That was a twelve pack of condoms.”

Quinn hums against the back of his neck and pulls him closer.

Part Ten

#quinn/puck, !glee, :post season 2, *noah puckerman, *quinn fabray, ..multichapter, -nc17, !!grass is greener, +body swap

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