
Apr 27, 2012 10:31

So, I have given up. Well, not given up, given up, but I have made an appointment to see the doctor next week. I’m flying apart quicker than I can keep holding myself together so decided to get help now then waiting till I really start to hurt myself, a mistake I've made too often.

Ho hum.

i have depression - it does not have me

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Comments 19

fredbassett April 27 2012, 11:48:15 UTC
That's not giving up, hon. Or if it is, then I've given up too. But I honestly don't see it like that.

Depression isn't something you can climb out of by will power alone. You'd seek help if you had say an infected cut, or a really bad does of food poisoning or something else like that, and this is really no different.



jooles34 April 27 2012, 12:04:08 UTC
Thank you. And I know. Sort of. I haven't needed outside intervention in a couple of years and I was busy being really pleased with myself and I was hoping that I could continue like that, but I'm too much of a mess right now to risk it.


fredbassett April 27 2012, 12:08:33 UTC
I felt the same way when I was recently told that I'll probably need to stay on medication permanently. That's taking a bit of getting used to. But I do hate feeling crap, so I need to listen to the experts.


samueljames April 27 2012, 12:01:37 UTC
I agree with Fred, asking for help isn't giving up. Hopefully the doctor will be able to suggest something that helps.


jooles34 April 27 2012, 12:05:43 UTC
Thank you. I know it makes sense, but I have theis stupid idea I've let meyself down. I'm sure it will pass. Thank you.


darkhorse_99 April 27 2012, 12:20:51 UTC
I don't know what to say that would be supportive except *hugs*


lukadreaming April 27 2012, 12:47:46 UTC
Sensible move ...

*Squishes you harder than a squishing thing*


firefly124 April 27 2012, 12:53:19 UTC
Just to echo what's already been said: that's not giving up, that's taking charge. {{hugs}}


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