
Apr 27, 2012 10:31

So, I have given up. Well, not given up, given up, but I have made an appointment to see the doctor next week. I’m flying apart quicker than I can keep holding myself together so decided to get help now then waiting till I really start to hurt myself, a mistake I've made too often.

Ho hum.

i have depression - it does not have me

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Comments 19

owensheart April 27 2012, 12:59:45 UTC
I think you have made the right decision.


mysteriousaliwz April 27 2012, 13:36:51 UTC
It's not giving up, sweetie, it's being proactive about your mental health. It's you looking after yourself rather than letting yourself slide into the slough of despond. It's a positive thing you're doing.

There are a lot of us out here who know what a bastard depression is, so don't let it persuade you that what you're doing is some sort of failure.



thrace_adams April 27 2012, 14:05:06 UTC
I honestly don't think it's giving up. Because it takes a really strong person to admit they need help. And you've made the first step. *HUGS*


angelkitty101 April 27 2012, 15:54:32 UTC
*agrees with Fred*

This is not giving up, it's taking full advantage of your NI contributions, and it's having the bravery and presence of mind to realise that you are no longer waving, but drowning. I'm proud of you.


hab318princess April 27 2012, 16:27:52 UTC
my husband has depression and I have learned to read his signs... for example I will make darn sure he takes a sleeping tablet tonight because lack of sleep makes it worse... so I'd say it's a good thing that you know what you need and that you are asking for it!



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