I just finished the audio version of Pride and Prejudice, narrated by Irene Sutcliffe. Although I knew the story, I'd never actually read the book before.
Just finished Graham Joyce's WFC Award winning Some Kind of Fairy Tale. Haven't read anything else on the award short list but if it was better than this I should be very, very surprised. Very imaginative. Very English. Very, very well written.
Reading Embassytown. Sometimes I don't care what's going on and I plow through, then all of a sudden Mieville makes sense and I'm drawn into the book. There are a few instances of inconsistency that bother me.
Inbetween, I reread Alastair Reynolds's Understanding Space and Time. Reminds me of The Fisherman And His Wife as the protagonist goes through numerous alterations to comprehend the complexities of reality. In this case, the benefactors are benevolent and work to help him collapse into a singularity. Also Elton John has a part as a hologram.
I'm reading General Grant's memiors. He's a very intelligent man with a strong sense of morality and irony. I find his writing to be very perceptive when he gets beyond 19th century cultural conditioning.
It's strange how there are always three versions of people: the one other folks see, and the good & not so good versions we think of as our self. It must be interesting to see Grant from his own PoV.
Comments 18
Inbetween, I reread Alastair Reynolds's Understanding Space and Time. Reminds me of The Fisherman And His Wife as the protagonist goes through numerous alterations to comprehend the complexities of reality. In this case, the benefactors are benevolent and work to help him collapse into a singularity. Also Elton John has a part as a hologram.
Now I'm back to reading Embassytown.
Lol, I bet that took you by surprise :)
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