Title: The Artifice
Disclaimer: This story is derived from the works of J. K. Rowling and her Harry Potter book series. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made (believe me).
Set: The Artifice takes place in an alternate-parallel universe (?) of the fourth HP installment, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Important references throughout are mainly to books two, six, and seven, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Rating: Teen
Character/Pairing(s): Cedric Diggory*, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Hermione Granger (*denotes main character; story mostly revolves around him); Cedric/Hermione
Warnings: You just may not like it. : )
Status: In Progress
Summary: Cedric Diggory wants nothing other than to survive through the tournament that he can take lightly no more. Unexpected second parties agree with his goal and begin to help him in his plight. However… just who is it that can really help him? The faceless benefactor who has taught him the importance of a ruse… or the girl whose hair is as unmanageable as her worry? Who can Cedric depend on when he doesn’t think he can depend on himself? Throw in a bit of romance, drama, and a mysterious diary and you’ve got the makings for an exceptional sixth year at Hogwarts for this Hufflepuff.
Author's Notes: This story was originally written for the Harry Potter Big Bang challenge/community. Through this lovely community (
harrypotterbang ), I was able to work with the also lovely
nicccc whose artistic talent brought life to mere words. Many thanks to her for such wonderful pictures!
i48.tinypic.com/2aa0dnp.jpgi45.tinypic.com/2h81lxi.jpg And now, without further ado...
Part One ||
Part Two ||
Part Three ||
Part Four ||
Part Five ||
Part Six ||
Part Seven