October brain dump

Oct 05, 2017 09:28

I woke up earlier than usual and couldn't get back to sleep. So, a quick brain dump of things since July.

Hopefully I'll find time to write a proper post. Got to meet friends old & new, including frysco and Rubato, though it seems I always miss a few. Roomed with wyoon and Dreamfinder. New venue. Things were kinda spread out, but the hotel's layout gave the con a very chill vibe. Pictures are available on Flickr.

DragonCon - Always a crazy time, again, hopefully I'll write more later. Roomed again with wyoon and AlphaScout. Did lots of fursuiting and wrangling. Crowds and sceduling meant that I leaned heavily on DragonCon TV to watch major events. (Seriously FWA, dance comp should be available on the hotel TV system) Did see a Star Trek TNG panel and a Rob Paulsen panel in person. The latter was more engaging, if you have the opportunity to see Paulsen, do so!

Funday Pawpet Show
While we were at DragonCon, FPS was airing its final episode, though noone knew at the time. Irma hit Florida. Furstream bit the dust. Yappy threw in the towel. The show was my first regular contact with the fandom, back in late '03.

Finally got around to replacing the crumbling retaining wall alongside my house. New wall is constructed of stone and was installed just days before Irma hit.

Irma brought strong winds and rain to the Atlanta area. Most structures, including my house, were fine. Downed trees and utility poles made up the bulk of the damage. I was without power for about 12 hours. Since my ISP was also offline, I used my UPS to power devices (lights, TV, etc) during the outage.

Home theatre will soon be getting an upgrade. Since my original AV equipment was purchased second-hand, the screen is not big enough to accomodate the distance of the projector, causing the projection to overflow onto the wall. (First world problems) A new larger screen has been acquired which will rectify that issue.

Our team is now down to a skeleton crew. Company laid off 7 in tech and 113 in sales & support. I survived. Supposedly, the hiring freeze has thawed and we can hire one new dev. That still leaves us half the size of before. Overall, tech department personnel is down 10%. Fringe benefits have been gradually cut and CTO expects us to be motivated merely by the work we're doing.

Anywho, that's all for now.

weather, cons, work, fursuiting

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