Happy Chistmas, Merry New Years', & Thanks For All The Castle!!!

May 18, 2011 01:08

Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! :D

::in her best Tenth Doctory voice:: Did ya miss me?

Crickets chirp.

Well, at least the crickets missed me then. ;) *wink*

Anyhoo - nothing much to report. EXCEPT...

Just gotta say that yesterday's - at least it was "yesterday's" at the time of me originally writing ( Read more... )

stana katic, nathan fillion, caskett, castle

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Comments 27

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johnsheppardluv May 18 2011, 16:37:36 UTC
Very true point, Traci. :) Amazing, yet also so UTTERLY heartbreaking as well. *makes teary eyes at whole cast and crew* And if Andrew and/or Will were on Twitter right now (which they're not as they swore such things off for the summer...smartly so, I think *lol*), I'd forcibly cry on his and/or their shoulder, until he and/or they FIXED it...Just sayin'. ;) ...After all, how could they resist a crying girl-fan like me? ;) *slightly evil cackle* *innocent look*

~Sharma, sooooooooooooooo obviously already looking forward to Season 4!!! :D


kyrina May 18 2011, 12:04:18 UTC
I have to admit I'm behind on Castle. I was even going to start catching up last night and was burned out watching anything with detectives because I did watch The Mentalist. Maybe today's task to stop me from finishing work will be to watch Castle.


johnsheppardluv May 18 2011, 16:45:01 UTC
Dear Steph! :D

Catch up with Castle.

I have tons to discuss.

That is all.

Except For: Where the heck are you in the season (as per episode name or number or plot)? And, prolly more importantly at this rate, are you even IN the midsts of Season 3 yet? :S

NOW, that is all.

Except For me reinterating....YOU MUST CATCH UP. IT IS A MORAL IMPERITIVE. And, yes, I AM channeling a youthful Val Kilmer. What's your point? ;)

your friend,

PS How was your trip down south to London by the by? Or was it east to France? Or have you gone yet? :S


kyrina May 18 2011, 18:19:52 UTC
I will catch up today (although I shouldn't. I have something major due tomorrow... so I'll be dual tasking)

I'm not so bad actually. I'm watched up through episode 21 (the one about the dead swimmer), so the next one I have to watch is "To Love and Die in L.A."

My trip to London was fantastic. I'll have to fill you in on details when I'm not half worried about a major paper.


johnsheppardluv May 19 2011, 07:09:37 UTC
London FTW! :D Can't wait for your finals/papers to be over so you can fully tell me ALLLLLL about it. ;)

Good for you not being so bad as well, although I'm sorry about your having a paper in the pipelines due soon. Papers suck. Especially when doing them. *lol*

Yay for not being TOO far behind with Castle though. ;) I thought the LA episode was pretty cute actually...aside from the whole Royce-being-murdered thing. Also? Beckett was a BAMF in it, what with her pier-jumping tuck-and-roll and everything. And any episode depicting that in all its glory is bound to be all kinds of awesome! :D Yes, yes? ;)


cassandra_elise May 18 2011, 12:27:47 UTC
Season finale was LOVE. Great writing, great acting .... Terrible cliff-hanger. LOL


johnsheppardluv May 18 2011, 17:15:42 UTC
Ah, yes, Cass. ;) YOU, m'dear, have just named all the things that I want, yet rarely get nowadays, from a season finale. And it only took them three years to give me a completely satifying one as well. So, consider that progress as HAVING been made. YAY ( ... )


giallarhorn May 18 2011, 17:12:28 UTC
Not related to Castle at all, BUT WELCOME BACK AND HI :D

P.S. You should totally also watch The Doctor's Wife


johnsheppardluv May 18 2011, 17:46:55 UTC
Thanks for the 'welcome back' message, dudette. YOU ROCK! :D ( ... )


giallarhorn May 19 2011, 02:07:31 UTC
Neil Gaiman just needs to take over writing for Doctor Who. Seriously, or at least write one episode every so often. He actually has an idea of CHARACTERS, y'know, something that Moffat tends to disregard for Convoluted Surprise That Usually Gets Recycled.

And also, Gaiman can get emotional scenes well done, and do creepy really well.

I gave Moffat the benefit of the doubt, and well. WELL. Gaiman managed to singlehandly renew my hope for Eleven.

(Ten/Glasses OTP :D)


johnsheppardluv May 19 2011, 07:22:58 UTC
Hells to the YES! I totally agree! Neil Gaiman needs to get on that like YESTERDAY. He actually got me to like Eleven, which I thought would never and could never be possible.

It IS a bit sad though when some other writer (Neil Gaiman), who's never even written a Who episode before, knows and depicts a character better than you do (writing-ways, anyway), AND you ARE BOTH the creator of said character AND the head writer of said show that this character is in (yes, I'm looking at YOU, Herr Moff, you slightly creepy, slightly slime-y bastard, you).

I've tried for TWO years now with Moff. To no avail. Heck! I was sold by Rusty in less than one (Series 2, to be exact...and minus GITF, of course), and I'm already sold on Neil after just the one episode. And he isn't even in the running for the job! So, I ask you now...What is wrong with this picture?

Ten/Glasses OTP 4ever! :D And I'll raise you a David/Glasses OTP too. ;)


titan5 May 18 2011, 23:11:37 UTC
I don't know - I loved it and hated it. Loved it for being so totally nail-biting and wonderful and hated the death and that terrible cliff-hanger ending. I hate season finale time because no one can just let you rest for the summer - they have to rev you up and hang you off the edge of Niagra Falls and leave you dangling for several months. But I have to say, it was beautiful in true Castle fashion. I really love that show.


johnsheppardluv May 19 2011, 07:33:58 UTC
I know, Titan. I know, and I feel your pain. By the time I'm done cliffhanging (for both Castle AND The Mentalist), BOTH of my arms might need to be amputated, cuz they'll be utterly numb and useless. *lol* In fact, I'm writing a fix-it fic already or the Castle cliffhanger, because I can't bear to leave them like that for 4 months. *grin* Their backs and knees would give out, after all. And we can't have that, can we? ;)

*needs brain bleach for that saddening Cappy death AND that OMGWTFBBQ Becks-shooting moment, but obviously NOT for that breathless "I love you!" whispered by Castle to Kate just before the credits rolled* Ah, true wuv conquers AAAAALLLLL. :: makes an obligatory Princess Bride reference ::


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