Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! :D
::in her best Tenth Doctory voice:: Did ya miss me?
Crickets chirp.
Well, at least the crickets missed me then. ;) *wink*
Anyhoo - nothing much to report. EXCEPT...
Just gotta say that yesterday's - at least it was "yesterday's" at the time of me originally writing
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Of course, the acting is ALWAYS great. BUT, the whole my-ex-wife-becomes-my-lovah-again storyline from around this time last year was NOT my cup of tea. It was silly and annoying and even a bit unbelievable. Nor was their treatment of Castle's big reveal to Beckett at Season 1's end that great, because we NEVER EVER EVEN GET TO SEE IT GO DOWN OR HEAR ABOUT WHAT HE SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER, be it in the finale OR the next season's primere. Attention! HUGE 'Missed Opportunity' Alert, Marlowe! ARGH! :(
But, I, of course, am happy to say tht the third time REALLY IS the charm, just like everyone keeps telling me. :D Those old wives had some truth in their heads after all. ;) THIS season's finale had action, it had angst, it had whump, it had unexpected twists, it had shoking scenes, it had beautiful scenes, it had a compelling storyline...and it was PERFECT! :D (Except for the whole shooting thing happening at a shooting-death funeral. Irony much, Castle peeps?) And it even ended with a killer cliffhanger. (Pun possibly intended. Sorry Kate.)
And because of that last part, I'll be lucky to hang on for four months straight. There better be some payoff waiting for me though. None of that flashfowarding-6-months-on-from-the-finale's-events-and-she's-fine business!!! *shakes warning finger at Marlowe and Co.*
In fact, I'm already writing fic to help tide me over.
Well, that and Burn Notice is soon to be back too. So, that shoould help ease my pain. Even though IT doesn't even start until this time NEXT month. Why can't it be June 23 already? ;) *lol*
Glad you liked the finale as much as I did though! :D Now, just say it with me: BRING ON FULL-ON DOUBLE CASKETT IN SEASON FOUR!!! :D:D:D:D:D \0/
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