Part of an ongoing conversation. A reader known only by the mysterious initials
whswhs has this remark about myths:
"I take a myth to be a story about beings who can act on a cosmic scale; who, rather than being part of nature, are the shapers of nature, with powers that transcend nature, and whose actions in the past made nature what it is and may have
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You are confusing transformation with creation. The human body was formed of clay -- that is, was made of matter -- but that was not the act of creation. Creation is the "combining" of an essence with an act of existence; and the essence of the human being is the ability to exercise reason.
At first, and for a very long time, both Neanders and Humans used the same toolkit (pretty much the same as Heidelberg/Rhodesian Man). Anatomically modern humans were around for over 100,000 years, they said.
Then, about 40,000 ybp the anatomically-modern humans suddenly got smart. They started making artwork on cave walls, developing new (and continually changing) toolkits, making musical instruments. Nothing similar happened to the Neanders, and the rest, like they say, was history. Or prehistory, actually.
A clearer example of the "man of clay" and the "man of reason" is hard to imagine.
Ah, then we've got a problem (maybe?) because God is regarded as creating each individual human soul directly, whereas the human body is a secondary creation according to nature (we are made by our parents, who were made by their parents, and so on).
The difference between the Norse and Egyptian pantheons, and the Judaeo-Christian mythos, is that in the first, out of chaos arises the primordial egg or earth mound or worlds of fire and ice and then the various deities are generated, whereas in Genesis the creative spirit of God brings forth all that is; God does not arise out of chaos or the primordial sea or the cosmic egg.
Apollo does not create the sun, nor is Zeus the maker of the sky and earth (though father of gods and men, yes). Odin comes across the ask and elm logs which the three use to make man and woman, he does not create the trees. Tiamat's corpse is chopped up for world-building.
The Jewish and Christian God, on the other hand, has no forebears nor descendants, nor does He use the overthrown deities to create the world out of (nearest we get to the Tiamat-Anu confrontation is when the Ark of the Covenant is brought into the temple of Dagon and the statue of Dagon is found cast down in the morning).
But yes, that's a higher level than we need to function at, you're correct
It is therefore, causally that Scripture has said that earth brought forth the crops and trees, in the sense that it received the power of bringing them forth. In the earth from the beginning, in what I might call "the roots of time," God created what was to be in times to come.
-- On the literal meanings of Genesis, Book V Ch. 4:11
Creation is also looked at as occurring right now, and not at some remote time in the past. That is, anything that exists is sustained in existence at every moment. Creation ought not be looked at from the perspective of a workshop in which a designer makes clever items, but in the manner that thought is creative ( ... )
And yes, I do know that technical meaning of "creation." But I am talking precisely about myth, not about technical philosophy. If Augustine believed that the six days were a story, then it is that story I refer to what I talk ( ... )
By "full blown" concept, you seem to mean the concept plus the specific details. But the details are altered and corrected precisely because they do not match yet the concept in the mind.
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Regarding myth, Jan Vansina's Oral Tradition as History is very informative. In one interesting passage, he describes the passage from history to myth of a Navajo ambush of a party of Hopis near Fort Defiance that was recorded on two occasions. One can see the progressive mythologizing of the event ( ... )
Man, that was confusing. I was sure you were talking about Hopis traveling all the way to Ohio, back in the French and Indian War days.
You aren't God.
I will stipulate that some human creators may do things otherwise, and that an omniscient and omnipotent god could do otherwise. On the other hand, the narrative of Genesis does sound as if God were mucking about and seeing what happened, whether he needed to or simply liked doing it that way.
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