The Quantum Pint Glass: Part 2 (of 2)

May 11, 2012 18:24

Title: The Quantum Pint Glass: Part 2
Photographer/recorder of events: pixiequeen10thk
Rating: NC-17 for bad language and sexual content
Pairing: the boys, non-explicit (i.e. no kissing etc) almost canon-AU McKeller mentioned
Warnings: I’m doing this in the notes at the end of the comic as the warnings are super spoilery to the plot. There’s nothing in here that should be especially triggery, so it may only be necessary to scroll to the bottom and check this section if you’re especially worried about something.
Summary: The boys have finally made their way home. But what of their journey? What of all those alternate realities they had to pass through?

Notes: This episode takes place after The Quantum Pint Glass: Part 1. Given the ridiculously long gap between comics you might want to refresh your memory. Please see the notes at the end for an apology/explanation said ridiculous delay. A list of previous episodes can be found HERE. This one is dedicated to taste_is_sweet (see notes at the end for why :) and for the credit she richly deserves). Just in case there's any confusion, the John and Rodney from my little verse are the ones in the offworld gear. Cyan coloured speech bubbles indicate conversation taking place in the background

Additional Notes:
So why has it taken me almost 2 years to complete this story? Well there have been oh so many reasons. Firstly, as I mentioned in a post, I really was waiting for the release of something. I was going to use an upcoming action figure for one of the many customs included in this episode. There were delays and then there was the cancellation of the damn thing. So after waiting so long I had to go back to the drawing board. Then of course there was making the customs themselves. I have to point out that most of the customs were created for a purpose other than this comic. They nevertheless had to be completed before I could use them. And that took a heck of a lot longer than I expected. Add into the mix some very poor health (thankfully it turned out to be nothing serious so not to worry ;)), moving house and my current pregnancy (morning sickness, exhaustion and aches and pains have all taken their toll!) nd perhaps you can begin to see why it’s taken me so darn long to get this thing made and out there. Nevertheless I do feel the need to apologise for keeping you all hanging so long. Yes I am aware that most of you will have completely forgotten about these silly things in the interim, but still, sorry!

Why is this piece of whacky silliness dedicated to taste_is_sweet? Well apart from her general awesomeness and wonderful support, she kindly let me (read happily encouraged me to) use not only the customs I made for her, but also delve into the incredible Centaur!John universe she created in Human Enough. If you haven’t read it yet then you really must as it’s such a beautiful story! On top of all that she wrote some hilarious dialogue during some correspondence for the custom figures. It was so funny that I asked her if I could stealadapt some it for use in the comic and she kindly obliged. If you’re reading this taste_is_sweet, then it bears repeating… YOU ARE AWESOME.

WARNINGS: This episode contains AU mpreg, mention of AU orgy (completely McShep. It will make sense when you see it!).

genre: episode related, rating: nc-17, genre: utter crack, episodes, genre: kink

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