Jan 27, 2007 20:40
...when the person is too dee dee dee to actually get offended.
"You suck."
"OMFG LOLz, i no i sux!"
Other people that should be shot:
People who can't cross Buffy and Harry Potter without making Willow a Weasley. Grow a fucking idea that doesn't revolve around motherfucking hair color, kthnxbye.
Anyone who writes more than one "OMG, Character X is really Character Y!" story. Well, unless they're doing parodies.
"My friends don't want me anymore so I decide to leave down and come back a gay superhero!"
High school "AU" story writers.
Writers who even THINK of writing a high school "AU" story.
People who try to base arguments/"witty" commentary on region or nation-specific television programming. Gee, I wonder why the American is vastly unamused by jokes about/references to some obscure British show...
you can't fix stupid