So you would think that since (a) this upcoming fall term will be the last semester I need to graduate and (b) I don't need to take any specific class (just a certain number of credits), I would be taking it easy this semester and just taking "breeze-through" classes
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Comments 2
An abelian grape.
I freaking *LOVE* that joke!
Other bad ones:
Q: What's purple, commutes, and is worshiped by a limited number of people?
A: A finitely venerated abelian grape.
Asked if he believes in one God, a mathematician answered:
"Yes, up to isomorphism."
Q: What's nonorientable and lives in the sea?
A: Moebius Dick.
This one makes me piss my pants:
Q: What does the math student say when he steps on a spider?
A: R3->R2!
Q;: What does he call the spider?
A: Orthogonal projection!
For a good prime call: 555.793.7319
Q. What is grey and huge and has integer coefficients?
A. An elephantine equation.
Q: Why can't you grow wheat in Z/6Z ?
A: Because it's not a field.
Q: What do you call someone who's afraid of abstract albegra?
A: Homomorphicphobic
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