Carry on camping - part 2

Apr 24, 2007 19:22

Carry on camping.

Part 2

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, mentions of other pairings.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: set just after Greeks bearing gifts and before They Keep killing suzie.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(
Summary: Jack takes the team to the beach to unwind. Flirtatious behaviour, alcohol and plenty of sand.

Part 1 -

Ianto flopped back onto the sand and sheltered his eyes with the back of his arm. The weather was surprisingly warm for the time of year and the sun seemed to blaze, burning through his skin. The sound of Gwen's laughter made him sit back up and lean on the heels of his hands as he glared at her.

“What?” he asked.

“Are you a little bit warm in your trainers, jeans and long sleeved shirt Ianto?” she asked, trying not to laugh any more than she was already. She drooped her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose and watched him, waiting for a reply.

“A little.”

“It's not exactly beachwear is it?” Tosh asked from her spot beside him where she lay stretched out.

“All my stuff is in the SUV, I'm waiting for Owen to come back so I can go and change.”

Jack sat up and crossed his legs at Ianto's feet. He had removed his shirt and rolled up his trousers just like the others. He pushed his sunglasses onto the top of his head and pulled at the laces on Ianto's shoes. “I vote that you strip off.”

“Yeah, well you would say that,” Ianto mumbled, leaning over and stealing Jack's sunglasses from his head, putting them on with a smile. “You;re always trying to get people naked.”

“But this time it's for your own good, plus we never see you shirtless.”

“He has a point,” Gwen said, “we never see you without your suit on; I request a striptease.”

“When Owen gets back I'll go and get my bag and change into my shorts,” he promised, playing with the sand, letting it run through his fingers.

“Striptease!” Jack demanded.


“Tosh, tell him he has to strip off,” Jack said turning too look at her. “He listens to you, you're two of a kind. Make him show us flesh.”

“We're not really the strip in public type.” Tosh put her hand on Ianto's knee and pushed herself up, “It makes us feel uncomfortable.”

“Exactly.” Ianto patted Toshiko's hand. “at least I have one person on my side.”

“Well at least take your shoes off,” Jack suggested, “nobody in their right mind sunbathes with their shoes on, plus, I want to see your feet.”

“I can't be bothered, but you can do it yourself if you're so keen to see them.”

Jack proceeded to unfasten Ianto's laces. He pulled the shoes off his feet and then removed his socks, tucking them into the toes and laying them to the side.

“Nice.” Jack smiled. “Do you wax?” he asked, “you have no hair on your toes.”

“My feet are naturally hair-free.”

“They're so sweet!” Gwen said, leaning in to look at them. “Can I paint your toenails!”



“Because I don't want them painted, the brush tickles. God, why does everyone want to paint my toenails. Lisa used to do it too, and it was pink, always bloody pink.”

“I bet you suit pink,” Gwen said, “it would bring out the tones in your skin.”

“No. I don't suit pink, I hate pink.”

“Why? Pink is great.. Pink, pink, to make the boys wink,” Jack said, winking at him, “you'd look cute in pink.”

“I was under the impression that I was cute anyway.”

“Oh you are,” Jack said, leaning forward and pushing him own onto the sand, straddling him, “you'll be even cuter without this shirt.”

“What are you doing?” Ianto asked, sitting back up, only to be pushed back down.

“Gwen, hold the boy down.” Gwen moved around and clamped her hands over Ianto's wrist as Jack unfastened his shirt.

“What are you doing Jack?” Ianto asked again, looking nervous.

“I'm exposing your flesh,” he stated.

“You're going to be very disappointed,” Ianto told him and Jack groaned when he opened the shirt only to be faced with a black t-shirt. “See?”

“Damn,” Jack sighed.

“Can't I leave you two alone for five minutes?” Owen's voice came from Behind him and Jack looked up, starting to snigger. He sat up and leaned back on Ianto's thighs as he looked at the man standing in front of him in a pair of scarlet shorts.

“Come back Hasslehoff, all is forgiven.”Ianto looked up and spoke without the tiniest hint of a smile.

“Yeah Owen,” Toshiko giggled, “Baywatch you ain't.”

“I'll have you know that girls go crazy over this body.”

“Oh really?” Gwen asked, moving away from Ianto. “I would have thought they would have to be crazy to start with.”

“They like it!” He objected, “They can't control themselves. Their breath catches in their chest, their knees become weak they--”

“Bend over and vomit?” Tosh chuckled, “I believe that Owen, I truly do.”

“That's only because you would give anything to get your hands on this.” Owen turned around and raised his hands above his head, shaking his arse. Gwen collapsed onto the sand in giggles whilst Ianto just shook his head; Jack laughed so hard that tears rolled down his cheek and his body quivered.

“You keep telling yourself that, Owen.”

“Come on then,” Jack sighed, rubbing his tears away from his cheek and taking a deep breath. He pushed himself up and took Ianto's hand, pulling him to his feet. “You promised you would change and let us see some flesh.”

“Now?” Ianto dusted the sand off his legs.

“Yeah, I thought I would come with. I feel like a swim.”

Ianto sighed and began to walk with Jack not far behind. Owen waited until they were out of hearing range and sat down on the sand.

“Okay who wants to place the first bet?” he asked.

“Twenty quid says tomorrow night,” Tosh said confidently.

“Tomorrow night?” Owen laughed. “My twenty is pretty sure that it'll be tonight.”

“Well then you had better prepare your money, because your twenty is going to meet my twenty because they're going on a little shopping trip.”

“In your dreams! There's no way they're going to hold out that long.”

“There's a lot to be said for the last night under the stars.”

“Yeah, but they're going to get pissed tonight and they're sleeping in the same tent.”

“Can I just ask,” Gwen said, looking at Tosh and Owen as they bickered, “what exactly are we betting on?”

“The hook-up.” Owen looked at Gwen. “So, when do you think they'll do it?”

“They won't.”

“Come on!” Tosh said, pointing over into the distance where Jack could be seen holding Ianto's shoulders, marching him towards the tent. “You look at them and tell me they're not just waiting to let go and jump on each other.”

“Ianto isn't gay,” Gwen said, “is he?”

“No,” Tosh said, “but he is bi.”

“Is it really right to be betting on them?”

“We do it all the time,” Owen said, “we've had loads of bets on you.”

“You have?”

“Oh yeah, and Ianto usually wins.”

“What bets have you had on me?” Gwen asked.

“We had one bet when you first started about when you would fuck everything up,” Owen said, “I had a week, Tosh had three days and Jack guessed at twenty-four hours. Ianto had an hour and a half which was spot on really. He's frighteningly good at these things.”

“An hour and a half?”

“Yeah. Granted he thought you would just make an administration error rather than let alien sex gas, but still. He won and took us all out fir a pint.”

“Without me?”

“You went home,” Tosh said, “we were working late and Jack demanded that Ianto bought him a drink, so we tagged along to watch the fun.”

“Yeah, whilst you were with precious Rhys we went out and got drunk,” Owen said. “So, are you going to make a bet?”

“I don't think they'll do it. I think Jack will keep it in his pants.”

“Are you willing to put your money where their mouths are?” Owen chuckled. “Twenty quit bet, sixty quid winnings.”

“All right then.”

“Just remember you're not allowed to mess with the process,” Tosh said, “we don't want another fiasco like the time Owen bribed Jack. No more vote fixing.”

“Are you dressed yet?” Jack shouted through the zip of the tent.

“Almost, I'm just grabbing a towel.”

“Finally!” Jack said, walking inside and turning quickly when he saw Ianto, minus his shorts. “Nice!”

Ianto pulled his shorts up quickly and turned around. “Did you not hear me when I said that i was almost ready?”

“I thought you meant that you were dressed but faffing around looking for towels.”

“Obviously not.”

“Sorry,” Jack smiled, “ready now?”

Ianto picked up a towel and shoved it into a canvas bag. “Yeah.”

“What have you got in there?”

“Towels, lotion, Vaseline--,”


“For my lips,” Ianto clarified, taking out a small tin from the bag and showing it to him, “they get dry in the sun.”

“Did I say anything?” Jack smirked.

“No, but you were thinking it.” Ianto sighed and rustled around in his bag further, he continued to list his items. “A book, some flip-flops, a spare pair of shorts, some playing cards, a Frisbee, a cap, some water and a first-aid kit.” Ianto smiled. “Oh and a banana.”

“You're going to the beach, not the desert.”

“I always like to be prepared.”

“There's being prepared and there's being obsessive. Why the hell do you need a book?”

“To read?”

“Reading is for when you're bored and I'm here so you will not be bored, I'll find something for you to do.”

"I also like to put it across my face and pretend that I'm sleeping when Owen tries to talk to me."

"Good plan. Do you happen to have any sunglasses in there because these,” Jack took the glasses off Ianto's head and put them over his eyes, “belong to me.”

“Yes, you can have them back, mine are Versace.”

“Ooh!” Jack mocked, “Come on we should head back.” Jack walked towards the tent and paused for a moment, looking back over his shoulder. He fixed his eyes on Ianto over the rim of his glasses. “Nice ass by the way, cute tattoo. I didn't even know you liked Disney.”
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