Carry on camping - part 3

Apr 25, 2007 22:50

Carry on camping.

Part 3

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, mentions of other pairings.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: set just after Greeks bearing gifts and before They Keep killing suzie.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(
Summary: Jack takes the team to the beach to unwind. Flirtatious behaviour, alcohol and plenty of sand.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Jack leant back on his hands and looked around, turning to Owen who was getting a drink from the cooler. “Where is everyone?”

“Tosh is over there waiting to get her arse beaten by me at ultimate Frisbee, Gwen is in the tent on the phone with loverboy and Ianto is.” Owen looked around. “Actually I don't know where Ianto is, he's probably filing the sandwiches or something.”

“Well his bag is still here,” Jack said, standing up and pushing his sunglasses over his eyes.

“No doubt you'll find him somewhere.” A yellow Frisbee flew through the air and slammed Owen in the head. “What the fuck?” Owen said, picking the disc up and rubbing his head. He looked over at Toshiko then back to Jack. “If you'll excuse me I have some revenge to get back to.” Owen ran off quickly towards Toshiko with a Frisbee and a threatening look in his eye.

“Ianto?” Jack called, looking around the empty beach, “Ianto?”

Jack started to walk down the beach, looking around.


He heard Ianto's voice calling from somewhere close by, but looking around he saw nothing. “Ianto?”

“Come into my hole.”


“Down here!” Ianto popped his head up from nowhere, smiled and grabbed Jack's ankle. He looked up and held out his hand. “Come and see my hole.”

“Well that's an offer I would never turn down.” Jack smiled and Ianto helped him jump don into the deep hole. He looked around. “Oh yeah, his is a nice hole.”

“It took me ages to get it this big with something so small.” Ianto held up a small spade. “But you have to make do with what you can get at the time and I think it turned out pretty decent.”

“It's more than decent, it's great.” Ianto lay down on the sand and pulled Jack don with him. The two men lay down side by side, their bodies touching. “Your hole is a lot tighter than I thought it would be.”

“I could try to make it bigger if you would like. ”

“No, tight is good.” Jack moved a little closer to him, turning his head and locking his eyes onto him. “You can have a lot of fun in a tight hole, y'know?” Jack looked at him and raised his eyebrows, shooting him a smirk. Ianto turned on his side and leaned on his elbow.

“You really do like innuendo don't you?' Ianto asked.

“It fills in the time.”

Ianto sat up and picked up the small yellow spade. “This is quite a nice beach, not pebbly at all.”

“Yeah, it's not bad. Plenty of sand and not many people; I would say it was near perfect.”

“I used to go to the beach a lot when i was a kid. My mam and dad used to take me and my brothers to Aberporth every year for a week and we would just spend all day on the beach.”

“There's not a lot of good beaches where I come from,” Jack said, “so when I get to go to one I enjoy it. I'm glad everyone is having such a good time.

“Gwen doesn't seem to enjoy it much,” Ianto said, picking up some sand in the spade and pouring it over Jack's feet, patting it with the flat end, “she's spent almost all day in the tent.”

“She misses Rhys.”

“But we're at the beach and when you're at the beach you sit on the sand and you enjoy it, you don't sit in a tent moping because you miss your boyfriend.”

“Maybe she's not a beachy person,” Jack suggested.

“Who in their right mind doesn't like the beach?”

“I love that you're so giddy here,” Jack said, reaching his hands out and touching Ianto's foot, pouring loose sand over it playfully. “Fun beach Ianto; I have no idea where he came from but I like him.”

“I guess it's cos I've always loved the beach,” he said, continuing to cover Jack in sand, “I used to cover my brother in sand and build sandcastles on him when he was sleeping.” Ianto laughed to himself and looked at Jack. “We would do some horrible things to him, give him sand boobs and devil's tails. We even built a sandcastle on his head once.”

“We should do that to Owen later,” Jack suggested, “wait until he's asleep and cover him up, then build sandcastles all the way around him with a moat.”

“I did consider writing twat on his back with tanning oil when he's sunbathing.”

“That would be hilarious!”

“I know, it would pay him back for the crap he puts me through.” Ianto put down the spade and continued to cover Jack's legs with sand using his hands.

“You shouldn't let him bother you.”

“He doesn't bother me,” Ianto said, “he pisses me off.”

“You should stand up to him more,” Jack told him, sitting up, “he'll continue to be an ass if you don't.”

“He'll do that anyway.”

“Can I just ask what it is that you think you're doing?” Jack asked, looking at Ianto as he covered his leg with sand, patting it. The sand covered his knee now and Ianto looked proud as he continued to build the sand up around his thigh.

“I'm slowly burying you deep in my hole,” Ianto smirked.

“Now who's Mr Innuendo?”

“I'm not, you're just reading into it with your filthy mind.” Ianto picked up a handful of sand and poured it over Jack's leg, building it up to his mid-thigh.

“Y'know if you keep doing that you're going to bury me completely.”

“That's the plan.”

“Your plan is to bury me in sand and leave me in this hole?” he asked.

“You're letting me,” Ianto said, “I don't see you struggling to get away.”

“And why would I want to get away from you?” Jack asked, sitting up. He picked a handful of sand up and put it on Ianto's head, moving back into the corner when he looked back over his shoulder. “I like playful beach Ianto; he relaxes.”

“There's sand in my hair.” Ianto locked his eyes onto Jack and pointed to his head as he moved closer to him. “You know that I don't like people messing with my hair.”

“I didn't know that.” Jack reached out to Ianto and dusted the sand out of his hair, letting his fingers linger as he smoothed it. “You never told me that I wasn't allowed to put sand in your hair.”

“I didn't think I would have to.”

“And what exactly are you going to do?” Jack asked.

“It's not nice to have sand in your hair, Jack.” Ianto moved closer to Jack who shuffled back into the corner, he picked up a handful of sand and held it threateningly above Jack's head who knocked it away.

“If you do that you're going to pay for it.” Jack warned.

“I don't see why I shouldn't get to have some fun.” Ianto put his hands on Jack's shoulders and steadied himself as he climbed over him, straddling him. He licked his lips and smirked as he filled his hands with sand again. “You just said you liked it when I had fun; this is fun.”

“I do like it when you have fun, especially this kind of fun,” Jack said, putting his hands on Ianto's arse, pulling him closer. “Do your worst.”

“There's a lot of things I could do to you from this position.” Ianto knocked some sand from the wall of the hole onto Jacks head and then dusted it off.

“I know, and I would let you do all of them.”

“Jack?” Jack looked up and saw Owen lying with his head inside the hole. “What are you two doing?”

“I hope you've got your handbag,” Owen said sitting down beside Toshiko as she fastened a sarong around her bare waist, “Because you're going to owe me money.”

“In your dreams.”

“Jack and Ianto are definitely going to hook up tonight.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I've just seen them together looking rather cosy.”

Toshiko looked at Owen and shook her head. “You're talking nonsense.”

“I'm serious, they were sitting in a big hole in the sand with their hands all over each other.”

“Mm-hmm, yeah. Al right Owen, whatever you say.”

“They were! Ianto was on top of Jack and if I hadn't interrupted them at that particular moment I bet you anything that they would be shagging in that hole right now.”

“I bet you're over-exaggerating,” Tosh said, “ Jack has always been touchy-feely.”

“Not like this, he had his hands on his arse!”


“His arse!”

“I have a question,” Tosh said, “if they do do it then how are we even going to know, neither of them is going to admit to it.”

“We'll be able to guess.”

Tosh smiled and licked her bottom lip. “We could always use our expertise and plant a little something.”

“Ohhh.” Owen smiled. “The bug.”

“The bug.”

Jack lay down on his beach towel, his head resting on his hands as the sun slowly baked his back, heating his skin. He turned his head to the side and looked at Ianto who lay beside him, also on his front with his eyes closed as he rested his head on a rolled up towel.

“Ianto?” Jack said, reaching over and poking him gently with his finger.

“Hmm?” Ianto groaned. He opened his eyes slowly and turned his head to the side lazily. “What?”

“Where did Owen wonder off to?”

“For a walk with Tosh,” he mumbled, “Gwen tagged along too I think, although he didn't look too happy, I think she's pissing him off.”

“How's your tan going?”

“Feels like I'm slowly cooking.” Ianto smiled. “I think I could easily live here.”

“You look like you're going to sleep.”

“No, I'm just relaxed,” Ianto said, “I can't even remember the last time I felt like every muscle in my body has gone on holiday.”

“You look content.”

“I'm very content.” Ianto reached his hand into his bag lazily and pulled out some lotion, throwing it in Jack's direction. “Now be quiet and cream me up; I'm burning.”

“Since when did you throw around orders?” Jack chuckled.

“Since we had a day off, now stop your yapping and lather me up.”

Jack groaned as he sat up and put his glasses over his eyes, he grabbed the bottle and crawled over to him. “You're very bossy when you're relaxed, next time I'm going to bring the filing with me just so that I get a break.”

“You order me around enough.”

“I'm your boss, it's my job.”

“Well it's my day off and I never get one of those, so just do what you're told for once or I'll never make you coffee again,” Ianto threatened.

Jack chuckled and kneeled by Ianto's side. “Your tan's looking good.”

“Is it?”

“Yeah, you're browning up nicely.” Jack pulled down the rim of Ianto's shorts a little bit and felt Ianto's hands slap them away blindly.

“Hands off.”

“But you're getting a tan line,” Jack said, “you should sunbathe in the nude.”

“No,” he mumbled.

“Why?” Jack looked around. “The beach is deserted.”

“Not deserted enough,” Ianto said, “I'm not getting naked in front of you.”

“It's not like I've never seen a naked man before, plus I've already seen your ass.”

“Yes, and once is enough.”

“You're playing hard to get,” Jack complained.

“I'm not playing.” Jack smirked and picked up the tube of lotion and shook it, pouring some onto his skin. Ianto jumped. “That's cold!”

“Yeah well I have to get my kicks from somewhere as you're not going to let me see you naked.”

“Maybe later,” he mumbled, settling back down.



Jack continued to rub the lotion into Ianto's skin, running his hands over his back and around his shoulders. He sighed as he moved them south and put his fingers just under the waistband of Ianto's shorts. “You're not even going to consider--”


“I'll get naked too,” he said, running his hands down Ianto's sides.

“I'm still not doing it.”

“Don't you want to see me naked?” Jack asked and Ianto sat up, turning around to face him for a second before turning away again. He sat with his back to Jack, who smiled. “You want to see me naked! I knew it!”

“I think we should go for a walk. We're wasting our time off sitting here doing nothing.”

“We're not doing nothing, were discussing whether or not you want to see me naked.” Jack manoeuvred closer to him and ran his hands over Ianto's shoulders, trailing them across his chest. “Do you want to see me naked?”

“That's sexual-”

“We're not at work, it's not sexual harassment.”

“What would you do if I said that I did?” Ianto asked.

“Strip off and then strip you,” he smiled.

“And if I said that I didn't?”

“I would keep asking you until you admitted it,” he told him, wrapping his arms around him and smoothing the lotion over his stomach.

“I'm not going to admit it.” Ianto stood up and dusted the sand off his body before slipping his flip-flops on.

“You're not going to admit it?” Jack asked. “Does that mean you want to but you wont admit it. or that you don't want to see me naked.”

“I'm not admitting anything,” Ianto said, “lets go for a walk, I feel like some ice cream.”

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