An Anniversary Thing, 1/1

Jun 02, 2008 06:40

An Anniversary Thing

Peter insisted that they spend their first anniversary in Kendal-he wanted to spend the time, with Rose, in the place where everything had started. Rose had laughed, at first, asking why they couldn’t simply spend it in London, but had relented upon seeing that he was both serious and not a little stung by how cavalierly she’d ( Read more... )

poetry, snogging, romance, kendal, rose, carlisle, year 2, happy

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Comments 66

justlook3 June 2 2008, 14:20:32 UTC
Awww!! So many cute and very real moments. I especially loved this bit:

“D’you miss it?” he asked softly.

She tilted her head down, gazing steadily at him. “Yes. But I’d miss this more.”

Absolutely wonderful that they've gotten to this point and that you've shown that a part of Rose still loves and misses the Doctor even though I think at this point she wouldn't give up what she has with Peter. If that made any sense!
Hope your jetlag gets better, I know it sucks.


jlrpuck_fic June 3 2008, 10:27:20 UTC
If that made any sense!

It makes perfect sense, and was exactly what I was going for! :D

The jetlag will pass....after I get home. Just four more days...give or take a dateline. XD


jai_23 June 2 2008, 14:27:43 UTC
I really loved this a hell of a lot. :) It seems simple yet so intricate at the same time. And incredibly poignant. I love these two and what you've made them into, so much. ♥

“Wee, sleekit, cow’ring, timorous beastie...” He leaned towards her, the words almost a whisper.

Right, at this point, I had to concentrate on how to breathe! Hell, I even had to go away for a few seconds and regain my slowly unthreading composure! ;) Ah, you can't go wrong with Burns as a seduction technique!

And lastly: The stars were sharp against the black velvet of the sky, and Rose paused at the boot of the car to lean her head back and look at the stars, as she so often did.

This bit especially struck a chord with me, I adore your exquisite descriptive writing and injections of reality. It's a joy to read. :)

Thank you for writing such gorgeous stuff for us to enjoy! And I hope you get over the jet lag soon! It's such a horrid thing!


jlrpuck_fic June 3 2008, 10:31:31 UTC
I really loved this a hell of a lot.

Thank you, very much. I am *not* good at brevity, and viewed this almost as an experiment on that front: I wanted to see if I could do broad-brush storytelling (generally) and still convey the finer points of Peter and Rose.

Ah, you can't go wrong with Burns as a seduction technique!

Not at all--especially when it's That Voice saying the words!

It's a joy to read.


Thank you.

And I hope you get over the jet lag soon! It's such a horrid thing!

It's not terribly fun, no. I can't wait to get home and just sleep!


liber_noctuae June 2 2008, 15:34:19 UTC
"The weekend was spent visiting friends-well, such friends as he had. At least, he reflected, he actually had friends to visit in Kendal ( ... )


jlrpuck_fic June 3 2008, 10:33:14 UTC
The people that are worth your aquaitence realize that behind the snark, you're a nice bloke to know.


oh you do like to tease us with these things that have yet to be written/posted, but I love anticipation so I can hardly complain

It's written--and will be posted as part of the sequel.

it's really a gift to the both of them, since Burns has helped them speak their minds when they did not have the courage or the words.

Absolutely--and Rose knows that. Robbie Burns, helping couples get together--and stay together! ;)

Are you done with school for the summer?


liber_noctuae June 3 2008, 13:09:47 UTC
"It's written--and will be posted as part of the sequel."

ooooh. can't wait *wiggles toes in anticipation*

"Robbie Burns, helping couples get together--and stay together! ;)"

I'd like to see the greeting card industry attempt to take that on ;) *not really, it would confuse non poetic people and cheapen Burns*

"Are you done with school for the summer?"

sort of, I'm writing my dissertation, but no more classes so things have definitely slowed down.


jlrpuck_fic June 4 2008, 04:02:27 UTC
sort of, I'm writing my dissertation

Wow. Good luck!


theyellow_daisy June 2 2008, 15:40:55 UTC
Oh god, that was precious! You've made a usually dull Monday, into not such a bad day. *huggles the story* Wonderful job as always.


jlrpuck_fic June 3 2008, 10:33:40 UTC
Thank you! I hope you ultimately had a lovely Monday :)


tookieknits June 2 2008, 15:54:03 UTC
This was wonderful!
And, bandwagon jumping - I too, loved

"D'you miss it?” he asked softly.
“Yes. But I'd miss this more.”

"But...I...I didn't get you anything.”
“I've got you.”

That last one killed me.

I think its quite sweet he took them back to the warehouse. Its such a Peter thing to do!


jlrpuck_fic June 3 2008, 10:34:50 UTC
This was wonderful!

Thank you!

I think its quite sweet he took them back to the warehouse. Its such a Peter thing to do!

Yes! He's so connected to places as well as events.


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