A Shaving Thing

Apr 21, 2008 06:54

Title - A Shaving Thing
Author - Read more... )

london, carlisle, year 2, happy, romance, rose

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Comments 171

lostwolfchats April 21 2008, 11:59:50 UTC
Sigh. Lovely. So intimiate and ordinary and blissful :-)

Hurry up with the sequel!!!


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 12:27:25 UTC
Thank you--I really enjoy writing Peter and Rose simply being Peter and Rose. (and you, you sneaky woman--you've got another story going already?! I've got it bookmarked, and just have to make the time to read it properly).

The sequel is...85% formed in my wee little brain. I just have to commit it to paper.


lostwolfchats April 21 2008, 15:24:58 UTC
It's not sneaky! My master fic list lists most of what is coming soon :-)

In your head? Oh dear - how long til it is on paper/computer? Or can I access your brain somehow?


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 15:54:32 UTC
My master fic list lists most of what is coming soon

Bah. Details. ;)

Oh dear - how long til it is on paper/computer?

It depends on what my life is like, really. I was totally in the zone Saturday, but not so much yesterday. Tonight, I'm on a plane for five hours, so I might get some writing done. It takes as long as it takes, unfortunately.


ppyajunebug April 21 2008, 12:20:55 UTC

I definitely went through a moment when I was reading and saw the name Annie and thought "OMG it's Life on Mars Annie, which means we get a special guest appearance from the sex god John Simm which will make my head explode" before remembering that the entire plot of LoM has it taking place when these characters are toddlers/not even born.

This is what happens when fan fic takes over your brain. Lovely little ficlet, by the way. Take a well deserved break from the one-shots this week, and OMGSEQUEL!


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 12:30:20 UTC
Sequel indeed. *g*

thought "OMG it's Life on Mars Annie, which means we get a special guest appearance from the sex god John Simm

Heh. That could be funny, actually, especially if it was because Peter was working with the Manchester force. "Sam Tyler? Any relation to Rose?" It would, however, have to be the morose, semi-suicidal, present-day Sam Tyler, and not the smokin', snarky, leather-jacketed past-Sam Tyler. WOE.

Take a well deserved break from the one-shots this week, and OMGSEQUEL!

I have enough ficlets in the hopper to cover the next three weeks. Hopefully, in that time, I'll be able to write enough chapters of the Sequel that I can start posting it (even though it will flagrantly violate my "don't post until finished" rule). EGT is betaing every little thing I send her way, so keen is she for it to be posted!


earlgreytea68 April 21 2008, 13:18:57 UTC

Also, I was told by bouncy_castle79 that I wasn't allowed to let you start posting until the sequel was completely finished...


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 13:40:00 UTC

You're biased, all because of a lollipop.

Also, I was told by bouncy_castle79 that I wasn't allowed to let you start posting until the sequel was completely finished...

Hmmm. Well, let's put it this way. I can do that, and not write ficlets, resulting in a month or two with no ficlets at all. Or I can get as many chapters as possible under my belt in the next month, and start posting as I go, resulting in no fic gap.



jvgymnast April 21 2008, 12:33:15 UTC
she’d simply smiled before dragging him into it, fully clothed, and turning on the water.
Lol-- what a fantastic image!

He’d never admit it to her, but he rather wished, more often than not, that the bath in the cottage was heated, too.
Awww... but that's part of its charm... I'm sure Rose would help him warm it up ;0)

Another legacy from Annie, the silver of the handle was heavy in his hand; she’d given it to him when he graduated Uni, just before he’d moved back to Croy for a bit. ... Rose was absolutely fascinated with it, loved to pick it up and look at the gorgeous engraving on the handle, test the weight in her hand. He’d loved her a little bit more when, upon learning who’d given it to him, she’d fought down her uncertainty and smiled, complimenting Annie’s taste with sincerity. While it does show Rose has grown so that she's able to smile and accept the past as past, I wonder what she thinks about Annie and how curious/insecure she really is about it. (And of course, if they're going to meet her at some point-- I get the ( ... )


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 12:58:48 UTC
Lol-- what a fantastic image!

Yes indeed. Mmmmm...wet!Peter!Carlisle!

I wonder what she thinks about Annie and how curious/insecure she really is about it.

She's definitely curious--and still a bit insecure about Annie her role in Peter's past. That will pass with time--but it hasn't yet at this point.

Lady neighbors might not mind...

Some of the male neighbors might not mind, either.

Has Rose ever done this before, to anyone?

If she's done it to anyone, it'd have been to the Doctor. I can't see Jimmy wanting to do it; and Mickey, at the time he and Rose were dating, wouldn't have gone for it either (which isn't to say he wouldn't go for it at this point in time, with Jake *g*)

Where'd she get the idea? Just a spur of the moment thing, or has she been wanting to do this?

I don't think she planned to do this, but I do think she'd been kind of curious about it. So this was more spur-of-the-moment than anything else.


principia April 21 2008, 15:14:56 UTC
Some of the male neighbors might not mind, either.

Rose is just lucky Jack's never going to meet Peter. Although the thought of Jack trying his patented lines on Peter is rather priceless.

Rose: Jack, knock it off!
Jack: I was just saying hello.
Rose: No you bloody well weren't, you were trying to get into his pants. You can't have them. They're my pants.
Jack: Can you blame me for trying?
Peter: *blinks*


xebgoc April 21 2008, 15:56:41 UTC
BWAAHAHAHHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


earlgreytea68 April 21 2008, 13:22:52 UTC
"He showed her how it was best done, his eyes straying to her face as she watched, rapt, her eyes bright. He loved it when she was like that, when she was excited and happy, her face glowing, her lips always curved into a smile."

Did I comment on this in my beta comments? Maybe I did and I'm just repeating myself. (Okay, I'm insane, because I *know* the Marathon is today, but I just glanced out my window as I was typing and I was like, "Why are all those policemen outside...?") But I love this bit, I think because I love Rose paying such rapt attention to Peter, hanging on his every word, while he teaches her something. He *needs* things like that, as much as he needs to be teased and to be loved, he just needs someone to make him feel *interesting,* y'know?

(Oh, and I am using Icon of New Favoritism.)


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 13:42:06 UTC
Did I comment on this in my beta comments?

You didn't, which surprised me because I loved it and figured you might, too.

I think because I love Rose paying such rapt attention to Peter, hanging on his every word, while he teaches her something. He *needs* things like that,

And this is exactly *why* I loved it, and thought you would, too ;)

(Oh, and I am using Icon of New Favoritism.)

I have much love for that icon. Oh yes, I do.


earlgreytea68 April 21 2008, 14:20:08 UTC
"You didn't, which surprised me because I loved it and figured you might, too."

Sometimes I deliberately leave out a beta comment so I'll have something to leave you in these comments. And then I inevitably forget what it was. So that plan doesn't work too well...Although it apparently worked this time around.

"And this is exactly *why* I loved it, and thought you would, too ;)"

And you were right about that one.


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 14:23:15 UTC
Sometimes I deliberately leave out a beta comment so I'll have something to leave you in these comments. And then I inevitably forget what it was.

Heh. I tried to do that for Chaos Theory, and then decided to hell with it--I'd just lay it all out there, and trust that my notoriously spotty memory would kick in, leading me to make comments when you posted each chapter.


penguinandbanjo April 21 2008, 14:52:32 UTC
That was such a lovely scene !! Both Peter ( well wet Peter is a given)
and Rose were adorable !!!!

Somehow that type of shaving always remind me of my grand dad but best not mix the image of Peter with my grand-dad !!

This tops and already great day as my little cousin Dorian is born this morning !! ( sorry but i'm so happy)

Did I read right a Sequel ??? YAY


jlrpuck_fic April 21 2008, 15:09:23 UTC
It was a very nice treat to write something that was simply a 'day in the life' of Peter and Rose. Not that I'm complaining about writing everything else--but a change of pace is good every now and again. And yes, the Sequel is in the process of being (slowly) written.

Congratulations on the birth of your cousin!


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