A visitor.

Sep 06, 2006 07:50

A couple of hours later, there's a knock at the door of Corrine Bertran's palatial estate.

Henry had very little trouble getting out here - people seemed to forget sometimes exactly how deep Sanderson Hawkins' resources ran - and, with a gym bag in tow, he was here.

Ready to use his powers for GOOD for a change. His experiences in Kahndaq behind ( Read more... )

merlynne, brainwave, sand, green shield, binge and purge, hotshot

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Comments 33

damage_girl September 7 2006, 03:58:50 UTC
On the other side of the glass panes on the front door, a blue... lump emerges. It shuffles to the door and a little blonde head pokes out. Corrine's not used to visitors, even when she's been told they're on their way. She just examines the stranger for a few seconds before her entire demeanor changes. "Hi. Uh, Sand's friend, right? I'm sorry, I'm horrible with names. I'm Corrine. C'mon in."

When the door opens more, there's still only a head wrapped up in several blankets. Part of her jaw is flickering. She doesn't seem to mind or even really notice, besides the occasional facial twitch.


green_shield September 7 2006, 06:03:33 UTC
She's making more coffee. They're gonna need it. "Hey, Sand. Who's your friend?"


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 09:56:18 UTC
Sand emerges from one of the side rooms and smiles. "Hank. Good to see you got here OK." He then turns to Corinne and Tara. "Corrine, Tara, this is Hank King, one of the foremost telepaths walking the planet today."


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 09:58:51 UTC
"Hello." Hank says. The first thing everyone notices is that he's a little on the shy side. He then walks over and shakes Sand's hand. "I think Sand meant one of the most available telepaths on the planet. Why else would I drop nearly nothing to come down to help?"

"So...why exactly *AM* I here?"


damage_girl September 7 2006, 14:22:35 UTC
Telepath. Huh. Well, that's new... Wait. "Wait, he's going to look in my head?" A hand goes to her temple and she looks at each of them in turn. "This isn't going to lobotomize me or anything, right?"

Corrine gives Hank a nervous smile. "Don't get me wrong, I am eternally grateful for any help, but-- and not that I don't trust your abilities, but, uh--" Remember Lyta? "Well, it's a really long story. Short version, I-- I fell off the wagon last night and I-- we--"

*Pht* She blinks out for a whole three seconds. When she reappears, she hasn't seemed to miss a beat with talking. "--might've... done something to me. But benders and memories don't tend to be friends, so there's not much that I remember."


damage_girl September 12 2006, 02:42:38 UTC
"Gee, thanks," Corrine says rudely to Trevor. She shakes her head. I can't believe I hooked up with this joker. "We're talking about me biting the bullet and you're funny ha-ha."

She slouches back in her chair with a sigh. "I've got about thirty miscellaneous relatives-- few of which I actually know-- and three close family members that I'm pretty sure want my corpse. One of them's in Hell, but apparently that doesn't preclude ordering a hit." She wipes a little at the corner of her eye with a finger, but her face never changes. "At the top of the totem pole, we've got the possibility of a demon prince, and at the bottom we've got the crazy ex's sister who wants to stab me in the eye. Oh, yeah, and I'm pretty sure my first ex is wandering around out there cursing my name after I crushed his junk. I'm not well liked."


hotshot1280 September 12 2006, 02:47:58 UTC
Trevor looks Corrine in the eye, all traces of humor gone.

"The phrasing was funny ha-ha. The sentiment wasn't. When we find the guy from that instant replay, I plan to extract answers and teeth. In that order, and in at least equal quantities."


sand_hawkins September 12 2006, 02:52:43 UTC
"It's a good thing the people that do like you can handle those that don't."

Sand's face shows both resolve and tension. Someone's targeted Corrine. *NOT* happy.

"We've determined WHO may be a link here, but we don't know WHAT and we don't know WHY yet." He looks at Trevor. "How about the two of us go barhopping. Tara, keep trying for a mystical consult. Go through Oracle if you need to. I don't want to risk that whatever is happening to Corrine is slow-acting. Hank, keep working with Corinne. I know you're not mystical, but maybe you can pick up something in the peripheral that can tell us what's happening here."


hotshot1280 September 12 2006, 02:58:16 UTC
Trevor holds up his costume. "Are we going incognito, or is this a pajama party?"


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