A visitor.

Sep 06, 2006 07:50

A couple of hours later, there's a knock at the door of Corrine Bertran's palatial estate.

Henry had very little trouble getting out here - people seemed to forget sometimes exactly how deep Sanderson Hawkins' resources ran - and, with a gym bag in tow, he was here.

Ready to use his powers for GOOD for a change. His experiences in Kahndaq behind ( Read more... )

merlynne, brainwave, sand, green shield, binge and purge, hotshot

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green_shield September 7 2006, 06:03:33 UTC
She's making more coffee. They're gonna need it. "Hey, Sand. Who's your friend?"


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 09:56:18 UTC
Sand emerges from one of the side rooms and smiles. "Hank. Good to see you got here OK." He then turns to Corinne and Tara. "Corrine, Tara, this is Hank King, one of the foremost telepaths walking the planet today."


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 09:58:51 UTC
"Hello." Hank says. The first thing everyone notices is that he's a little on the shy side. He then walks over and shakes Sand's hand. "I think Sand meant one of the most available telepaths on the planet. Why else would I drop nearly nothing to come down to help?"

"So...why exactly *AM* I here?"


damage_girl September 7 2006, 14:22:35 UTC
Telepath. Huh. Well, that's new... Wait. "Wait, he's going to look in my head?" A hand goes to her temple and she looks at each of them in turn. "This isn't going to lobotomize me or anything, right?"

Corrine gives Hank a nervous smile. "Don't get me wrong, I am eternally grateful for any help, but-- and not that I don't trust your abilities, but, uh--" Remember Lyta? "Well, it's a really long story. Short version, I-- I fell off the wagon last night and I-- we--"

*Pht* She blinks out for a whole three seconds. When she reappears, she hasn't seemed to miss a beat with talking. "--might've... done something to me. But benders and memories don't tend to be friends, so there's not much that I remember."


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 16:27:14 UTC
Sand just blinks.

Then blanches.


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 16:28:16 UTC
The shades drop down Brainwave's nose, and he looks at Corrine over them.

"Um..." He turns to Sand. "She just disappeared for three seconds. Is that normal for her?"


hotshot1280 September 7 2006, 16:40:16 UTC
Trevor comes out of the kitchen, his nearly ever-present coffee cup in hand, and looks around.

"Oh, is someone gonna introduce me to the ho-" Corrine reappears, still in the middle of her sentence, and Trevor stops with a jolt, spilling coffee on his shirt without realizing it.

"F*** me running" Trevor mutters, the coffee and the previously-mentioned hottie forgotten.


sand_hawkins September 7 2006, 16:46:42 UTC
Brainwave turns to Trevor and smiles. "That would be awfully hard." He extends a hand. "Hank King. I'm Sandy's friend. I'll take it from your reaction that fading in out like Princess Leia in 'A New Hope' is not a natural occurance."


hotshot1280 September 8 2006, 16:41:19 UTC
The thought of inviting Hank to a brainstorming session of how they can work the mechanics to make that less difficult barely forms before Trevor's attention returns to Corrine.

"No, she doesn't usually do that" Trevor tells him, switching his coffee to the other hand to shake Hank's hand. Our job is to find out why she's doing that."


green_shield September 7 2006, 15:54:21 UTC
She whistles and reaches out a hand. "Green Shield. Okay, um, patient is over there. If she's ready, so am I."


damage_girl September 7 2006, 22:09:09 UTC
The eternally oblivious one. "I never saw 'A New Hope'."

But they're right.. it happened. Again. That left arm is still giving Corrine problems and not quite back yet. She shakes it rather violently. Not that she really thought that would work. "So what's the game plan? Do we have a game plan? Because this whole blinking thing is really starting to be NOT FUN!"

She suddenly looks very paniced as a thought crosses her mind. "What if I don't come back next time? Where-- where do I keep going?"


sand_hawkins September 8 2006, 11:33:47 UTC
"First things first, Ms. Bertand." Brainwave directed Corrine to the dining room table. "We need to find out what happened that night. Sand said that your memory of events for that evening were...incomplete."


damage_girl September 8 2006, 15:58:47 UTC
She's a little hesitant to sit down, but she does. Something about the idea of someone stomping around in her brain doesn't quite feel right; there's a lot of junk up there.

It might save your life, stupid. "Yeah. There's... I've got bits and pieces." Looking at Sand puts her a bit at ease. If he didn't trust this man, he wouldn't have offered.

She'd also not like to go through the rest of her life-- however long that may be-- blinking like the Las Vegas lights.


sand_hawkins September 8 2006, 17:25:35 UTC
Brainwave has had an adult lifetime of reading facial reactions like that. "Don't worry, this isn't going to be me reading the novel of your life - more like the foreward of last night." He sits down in front of her. "My abilities are strongest through direct contact. Because different people have different comfort levels regarding the touch of a stranger, do you have a preference as to where you would like to be touched?"


sand_hawkins September 8 2006, 17:26:21 UTC
Sand tries. He really tries.

But the snort of laughter at Hank's statement just can't be held in.


sand_hawkins September 8 2006, 17:27:48 UTC
"OK, for the peanut gallery, let me rephrase that. Head, hand, shoulder, knee? I can try the positioning for a Vulcan mind-meld if you really want to go old school."


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