The Art Show

Jul 11, 2006 08:48

The doors to the Art Room closed and locked the night before, the judge having requested time alone with the displays. Throughout the night the door was cracked open to allow first beer, then Pepsi (at her insistance) then coffee with copious amounts of chocolate syrup added to it to pass through the door. Around 3:32AM the judge emerged, locking the doors once more then stumbling to her room to fall flat on her face for a few hours.

The doors open to the public promptly at 8AM even if the majority of the guests and attendees are still sleeping off their indulgence from the night before.

Behind the doors the judge has rearranged the displays into sections. Pencils and sketches all together, inks and washes, paintings, prints and colored pieces...everything has it's place. Everyone knows that the judging is finished but awards have not been placed. If there is a plan, only the judge knows what it is.

capecon, nightstar, santana slade, troia, flamebird, sue dibny, green arrow connor hawke, lian harper

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