The Art Show

Jul 11, 2006 08:48

The doors to the Art Room closed and locked the night before, the judge having requested time alone with the displays. Throughout the night the door was cracked open to allow first beer, then Pepsi (at her insistance) then coffee with copious amounts of chocolate syrup added to it to pass through the door. Around 3:32AM the judge emerged, locking ( Read more... )

capecon, nightstar, santana slade, troia, flamebird, sue dibny, green arrow connor hawke, lian harper

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Comments 127

jla_extras July 11 2006, 14:00:20 UTC
A late-middle-aged man wanders through the sections, finally stopping in front of a photographic essay of the late Flash in action. He smiles nostalgically.


jla_capecon July 11 2006, 14:33:58 UTC
A tall man wearing a "Con Security" t-shirt smiles back, but continues to survey the gawkers. You never know who'll try to run off with something.


littledrow July 11 2006, 14:30:09 UTC
She finally makes her appearance around 10AM. Some careful application of makeup hides the dark circles under her eyes and she actually is wearing something other than ripped up jeans and a black tshirt. Ok it's still black but at least it's a's concealing the important bits anyway.

A lit cigarette in hand and a bottle of Pepsi in the other, she wanders throughout the displays, pointedly not showing favoritism to any one piece.

At the moment, she's paused before a full color illustration of Wonder Woman posed like a body builder in a contest. The form is almost too lean, no body fat. The judge is caught with a look of dubious amusement on her face for a moment before she shakes her head giving a soft chuckle.


jla_capecon July 11 2006, 14:34:50 UTC
A fanboy comes up beside her. "Whoa." His eyes bug out. "Uh, I thought she was ... they were ... uh ... whoa."


littledrow July 11 2006, 14:37:49 UTC
She glances to the fan boy and smirks.

"She doesn't really look like that."


moonanstars July 11 2006, 14:41:35 UTC
Comes up behind her and pokes her in the back.

"Nice hangover look."



littledrow July 11 2006, 15:37:16 UTC
The grand high poobahs of the convention made the strong suggestion that this display, a theme, be placed further back in the room. She had argued the point but in the end they won. Many sighs and grumbles accompanied the moving of the display.

The theme isn't labeled, sensative to the younger crowd, but the unofficial winner of the category clearly shows it. The painting is acrylics. The detailing is so finely applied that the brush strokes are hardly seen. The technique is nearly flawless, subject matter rendered in soft, even tones while the background utilizes contrasting colors to set it off. The subjects are Aquaman and Green Arrow on a beach, facing the setting sun, fingers just barely touching at their sides.

She stands looking at the painting.


mari_grayson July 11 2006, 23:06:54 UTC
A young woman comes up and stares at the painting. "But ... he's not gay, is he?" she asks in a very puzzled voice.


littledrow July 11 2006, 23:08:32 UTC
She shrugs without looking away from the painting.

"That isn't the point."


mari_grayson July 11 2006, 23:10:17 UTC
"Why paint something that isn't real like this?" She tilts her head.


littledrow July 12 2006, 00:27:02 UTC
She is standing in front of an entry with her hand over her mouth, obligatory cigarette burning to ash unsmoked, looking a tad flabberghasted at the image before her.

I swear these hacks have never once heard of proportion or gravity for that matter!

It's a full color, computer rendering of Black Canary. The size of the entry isn't the problem...24"X36"'s the fact that most of the space is taken up by the Canary's...ahem...enhanced torso.

She remembers seeing this last night when she was judging the pieces and also remembers passing it by after one fleeting look with the thought of reminds me of cantelope.

She had to come back today to be sure she saw what she thought she saw. Yup. Cantelopes. She lingers if only to absorb the obsurdity of it all.


jla_capecon July 12 2006, 00:46:44 UTC
A couple of teenagers stop to gawk at it to her left. "Whoa, check that rack out!"


santana_slade July 12 2006, 01:36:25 UTC
Santana had been walking through the exhibit with her new...traveling companion, for lack of a better word. She stops when she hears the teenagers...then casts a sideways look, spiked with a roll of the eyes.


_black_canary_ July 12 2006, 01:38:11 UTC
The ghost stares. "My daughter does not look like that! Quit gawking at her!" she screams at the teenagers.


littledrow July 12 2006, 02:07:18 UTC
The judge disappeared to collect the ribbons that needed to be placed on the winners this year. While everyone was still busy meandering about, eyeing up the hack jobs or admiring the works that had real talent, she slunk her way through the show quietly placing the awards on the winners.

They are as follow:

In the category of Pencils

... )


jla_capecon July 12 2006, 02:17:24 UTC
But someone bumps into her on the way.

"No sense getting wasted on an empty stomach. Delivery!"

A cream cheese and orange marmalade sandwich is pressed into her hands.

"Toodles!" says the stocky blonde on the way out and back around.


_bird_of_flame_ July 12 2006, 02:25:04 UTC

The picture of Wally and Jesse makes her smile. She stops and looks at it for a few moments before moving on to something else.


santana_slade July 12 2006, 03:14:31 UTC
As she turns, she accidentally bumps into another attendee.

"Oh, excuse me, I'm very sorry." Santana says.


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