The Art Show

Jul 11, 2006 08:48

The doors to the Art Room closed and locked the night before, the judge having requested time alone with the displays. Throughout the night the door was cracked open to allow first beer, then Pepsi (at her insistance) then coffee with copious amounts of chocolate syrup added to it to pass through the door. Around 3:32AM the judge emerged, locking ( Read more... )

capecon, nightstar, santana slade, troia, flamebird, sue dibny, green arrow connor hawke, lian harper

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littledrow July 12 2006, 02:07:18 UTC
The judge disappeared to collect the ribbons that needed to be placed on the winners this year. While everyone was still busy meandering about, eyeing up the hack jobs or admiring the works that had real talent, she slunk her way through the show quietly placing the awards on the winners.

They are as follow:

In the category of Pencils

... )


jla_capecon July 12 2006, 02:17:24 UTC
But someone bumps into her on the way.

"No sense getting wasted on an empty stomach. Delivery!"

A cream cheese and orange marmalade sandwich is pressed into her hands.

"Toodles!" says the stocky blonde on the way out and back around.


_bird_of_flame_ July 12 2006, 02:25:04 UTC

The picture of Wally and Jesse makes her smile. She stops and looks at it for a few moments before moving on to something else.


santana_slade July 12 2006, 03:14:31 UTC
As she turns, she accidentally bumps into another attendee.

"Oh, excuse me, I'm very sorry." Santana says.


_bird_of_flame_ July 12 2006, 03:19:43 UTC
Bette looks up at Santana, "Oh, no problem..." Pause, "Hey! How're you doing?"


santana_slade July 12 2006, 11:51:18 UTC
Santana blinks. "Bette! How are you?" Santana gives a friendly hug - as much as she was jealous of her natural grace, she was the closest thing to an actual friend that she had during the show. "You know, you didn't mention your inner fangirl to me before! Whatcha doin' here?"


_bird_of_flame_ July 12 2006, 15:49:28 UTC
Bette hugs the other woman back. She's a little surprised by it but she likes hugs and isn't going to turn one down. "I've met some of these people in years past and all and so..." The blonde shrugs some, "It became something I was interested in. They're amazing people."


santana_slade July 12 2006, 16:16:33 UTC
Santana smirks. "Must be meeting the wrong folks - other than one particular person, the rest have been horny fanboys drooling over the art of Liefeld-wannabes."

She smiles. "I'm actually here, believe it or not, as a panelist."


_bird_of_flame_ July 12 2006, 16:25:26 UTC
"Some of the art is .... Yeah. But some of it is great." Bette smiles and her brows arch up at the mention of being a pannelist, "Really?"


santana_slade July 12 2006, 18:48:50 UTC
"Yeah." She pauses. "My grandfather was an obscure mystery man back in the 40's. Went by the name of Tor. There's a panel regarding 'Legacy of the Golden Age' or something like that, and I think they invited everyone with any sort of tie to any sort of Golden age hero."


_bird_of_flame_ July 13 2006, 02:45:39 UTC
"Wow." Bette pauses for a few moments, "I... That's cool." Pressing her lips together she grins, "You want to get something to eat?"


santana_slade July 13 2006, 02:51:17 UTC
Santana at that moment realized she was, in fact, hungry. "Sounds like a plan. Do we want to brave the hotel food or be even braver and hit the Big Belly Burger down the street?"

Health? Not while she's on vacation!


_bird_of_flame_ July 13 2006, 02:52:53 UTC
The blonde arches a brow at that, "I honestly cannot tell you the last time I had anything resembling fast food." Bette grins a bit, "I'll leave it up to you."


santana_slade July 13 2006, 02:54:18 UTC
"I normally don't - my agent would have a fit, especially given my genetics already have blessed me with a tank ass, but damnit, I'm on vacation." She smiles. "I really don't care. If you've got something you need to keep your impossibly lithe body up to snuff, I can indulge later."


_bird_of_flame_ July 13 2006, 02:57:15 UTC
Bette arches a brow, "I am /not/ impossibly lithe." There is a grin on her face as she says it, though, "It just means I have to swim an extra mile or five. No big deal. Your pick."


santana_slade July 13 2006, 03:01:46 UTC
Santana smirks. "Yeah, and you pulled off that Matrix move in the finals because you like to do the breaststroke." She arches an eyebrow. "Compromise - I think I saw a Planet Krypton about a 15 minute walk from here. Work for you?"


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