Demon Hunt: Epilogue (cont’d.)

Nov 11, 2005 21:36

They had a plan now. Caleb had realized that the amulet had returned Jeremy to life, and Corrine had come up with a theory - a good one, from the sounds of it - as to how they would go about giving Jeremy a soul.

Caleb and Corrine make their way from Fate’s study to the medical bay, and over to Jeremy’s restrained, heavily sedate body.

Here ( Read more... )

zauriel, merlynne, demon hunt, green shield, caleb zukov, dr. mid-nite, hotshot

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Comments 117

midnite_md November 11 2005, 18:35:53 UTC
Dr. Mid-Nite is, as usual, in the lab, but he's at the main computer terminal, trying to process some unpleasant information he's gotten recently, hoping he can find some leads...


hotshot1280 November 11 2005, 18:51:06 UTC
Trevor is still in bed. The fishbowl feeling hasn't quite worn off yet, but he swivels his head around nonetheless at Caleb's presence. "Hey, troublemaker. I assumed by the lack of a body bag you're not dead yet. If it wasn't for the good doctor here I'd have a nice toe tag of my own, so remind me to kick your ass once I'm mobile."

Trevor's tone is serious but there's a smile on his face. He really did owe Caleb an ass-whooping, if only for the fact that he wasn't well enough yet to go outside and smoke. Hey, someone had to take the blame for such a travesty, might as well be Caleb.


damage_girl November 11 2005, 18:54:35 UTC
A roll of the eyes, and Corrine is purposefully not approaching the area of the room where the sedated Jeremy Price lays. A few more states away and the distance might be enough. "That attitude is why we're mobile and you're still whining like a little girl," she teases back.

"I'm... sorry about your friend," she says to Mid-Nite, indicating the work he's involved in. "We think we've found a way to handle Mr. Happy-pants over there, and we'll be out of your hair. I know we kind of made a circus out of things the other day..."


caleb_z November 11 2005, 18:58:15 UTC
*Caleb cranes his neck back at his friend, and gives him a smirk at Corrine’s putting him in his place. Seeing her apprehension, he turns his attention to her.*

“He’s quite sedated, love. And even if he were to, uh … regain consciousness, he’s without his amulet. The odds won’t again be in his favor.” *He gestures towards Jeremy.* “Whenever you’re comfortable, hon.”


caleb_z November 12 2005, 11:47:05 UTC
*Caleb nods as he stands, hurries to the nearest sink, and pours Corrine a glass of water. Moving just as fast as he can without spilling the cup, the returns to Corrine and gives her the asked for drink.*

“That was amazing, love. How do you feel?”


damage_girl November 12 2005, 12:02:11 UTC
Corrine has some difficulty holding the glass-- her digits are a flushed, purple hue-- but she chugs the entire glass at once. Hands still shaking, she shoves it back at Caleb and indicates for more. "Like I was... haphazardly shoved into a barrel... and thrown off... Niagra Falls," she slurs.

Her entire face is pale, her lips are thin and trembling, and she's looking dazed. Still shivering, she reaches for Caleb. Her hands are ice. "Can I never... do that again?"


caleb_z November 12 2005, 12:38:31 UTC
“Well, I can’t say I’m in authority on that matter.” *He takes the glass, and again fills it with cold water. As he returns it to Corrine, he looks up at Jeremy Price.*

He has a soul now. Is … is this even precedented?


jla_extras November 12 2005, 12:50:08 UTC
*Jeremy’s eyes open, and he begins to take stock of his surroundings. He’s certainly never seen this place before. Hell, he hasn’t even seen a hospital in years.*

“W…where am I?” *His voice denotes his great confusion and hints at of fear.*


midnite_md November 12 2005, 14:31:52 UTC
Extremely tentatively... Dr. Mid-Nite approaches the supply closet that's KNOCKING... glancing around at everyone else to make sure they're prepared to deal with whatever he might reveal...

And he opens the door carefully, ready to move if he has to.


jla_extras November 12 2005, 14:45:54 UTC
The only thing that seems to be coming from the closet for a moment is a bright light. There are figures milling about in the background, and then the light dies down and a rather beautiful figure emerges. She smiles softly at Mid-Nite. "Might I come in?"

She closes the door before he can answer, and waves a hand in his direction. "Please, before it even begins, no 'hail Mary's. She's actually quite the shy one, the attention makes her rather nervous. Honestly, humans and their rituals. Live a good life, and you'll end up where you should. You're a good man. That doesn't go unnoticed."

She casts about the room, sighing hopefully. "Now then, onto business, shall we?"


midnite_md November 12 2005, 14:50:04 UTC

Pieter just stands, frozen in place at the sight.


And he can't help but make the ludicrous jump in his mind. No Hail Marys... but what about Hello Dollys?

Strange what you think of at times like this.

But the weight on his soul since this demonology began starts to feel eased...


hotshot1280 November 12 2005, 14:54:32 UTC
Trevor gapes for a bit, then stares around the room. "Okay, is this a collective head trip, or am I just that drugged? Please tell me this is the fucking drugs. The fish can't take much more of this."


jla_extras November 12 2005, 17:15:38 UTC
The air in the room is already tense, electric. An aspect of God's will hovers over the room, her very presence picking at the young heroes' senses of faith and self.

But then that sense of tension eases a bit, and is replaced by a near-overwhelming sense of warmth. Of well-being.

"No good deed goes unpunished," says a voice frombehind the assemblage. "Really, Isabella. Don't you think that's a cynical philosophy for those like us?"


midnite_md November 12 2005, 17:23:37 UTC
Dr. Mid-Nite feels a breath of relief, especially after the other angel has revealed his real name to these young people he's not entirely sure he trusts yet.

"Zauriel. Thank God."

An angel he knows. An angel he's always liked.


jla_extras November 12 2005, 17:25:43 UTC
Zauriel's sword is drawn, but it's at his side -- almost as if he's reminding everyone that he has it. He nods.

"Doctor, Tara," he says, cordially enough. "Good to see you both again. And Corrine, Caleb and Trevor. Nice to finally meet you."

His eyes never fall off the other angel, though.


caleb_z November 12 2005, 17:31:05 UTC
Great. Another angel. “Greetings.”

*Caleb subtly maneuvers himself between Corrine and the pair of celestials who’ve invited themselves into the room. He gestures to Corrine.*

“Everyone’s arguing about Corrine’s role, but she’s a human being, and therefore by definition has free will. We’d all do well to remember that.” *And by we, he means you - the angels.*


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