Demon Hunt: Epilogue (cont’d.)

Nov 11, 2005 21:36

They had a plan now. Caleb had realized that the amulet had returned Jeremy to life, and Corrine had come up with a theory - a good one, from the sounds of it - as to how they would go about giving Jeremy a soul.

Caleb and Corrine make their way from Fate’s study to the medical bay, and over to Jeremy’s restrained, heavily sedate body.

Here ( Read more... )

zauriel, merlynne, demon hunt, green shield, caleb zukov, dr. mid-nite, hotshot

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midnite_md November 11 2005, 18:35:53 UTC
Dr. Mid-Nite is, as usual, in the lab, but he's at the main computer terminal, trying to process some unpleasant information he's gotten recently, hoping he can find some leads...


hotshot1280 November 11 2005, 18:51:06 UTC
Trevor is still in bed. The fishbowl feeling hasn't quite worn off yet, but he swivels his head around nonetheless at Caleb's presence. "Hey, troublemaker. I assumed by the lack of a body bag you're not dead yet. If it wasn't for the good doctor here I'd have a nice toe tag of my own, so remind me to kick your ass once I'm mobile."

Trevor's tone is serious but there's a smile on his face. He really did owe Caleb an ass-whooping, if only for the fact that he wasn't well enough yet to go outside and smoke. Hey, someone had to take the blame for such a travesty, might as well be Caleb.


damage_girl November 11 2005, 18:54:35 UTC
A roll of the eyes, and Corrine is purposefully not approaching the area of the room where the sedated Jeremy Price lays. A few more states away and the distance might be enough. "That attitude is why we're mobile and you're still whining like a little girl," she teases back.

"I'm... sorry about your friend," she says to Mid-Nite, indicating the work he's involved in. "We think we've found a way to handle Mr. Happy-pants over there, and we'll be out of your hair. I know we kind of made a circus out of things the other day..."


caleb_z November 11 2005, 18:58:15 UTC
*Caleb cranes his neck back at his friend, and gives him a smirk at Corrine’s putting him in his place. Seeing her apprehension, he turns his attention to her.*

“He’s quite sedated, love. And even if he were to, uh … regain consciousness, he’s without his amulet. The odds won’t again be in his favor.” *He gestures towards Jeremy.* “Whenever you’re comfortable, hon.”


damage_girl November 11 2005, 19:14:40 UTC
"I..." A long sigh. "I'm not exactly sure what to do. I mean, I know what I -want- to do, but..." Corrine casts about the room, slowly starting to approach the unconscious man, hand out-stretched.

She stops just a few feet from the bed, staring at him quietly. eresnonetofe you will do as you were made to asalGdscresweadeo. She looks up, alarmed, listening carefully. The muscle of her right arm begins to tighten, her fingers twitching, trying to pull her hand away but it's as if it's frozen in place. She looks utterly -terrified-.


caleb_z November 11 2005, 19:18:19 UTC
*Every instinct in Caleb wants to rush over to her and find a way to comfort her, but he knows that it’d be in vein. Whatever was happening, it was from a source far above Caleb’s power level, and he didn’t want to accidentally interrupt what might or might not turn out to be a delicate process. Instead he watches, feeling helpless. Again.*

*It’s worth noting that Caleb vehemently hates feeling helpless.*


midnite_md November 11 2005, 19:21:21 UTC
Mid-Nite finally spins to see what's going on over here, attention drawn by Corinne's words - he only responds with a nod. This group has already once tried his soul, and he's not looking forward to another crisis of conscience...


damage_girl November 11 2005, 19:30:42 UTC
Corrine moves closer to Jeremy, not entirely by her own accord. It feels as if something's tugging her insides, pulling her closer and closer to the bed. Her entire upper body feels warm, and her vision begins to swim.

There's no need to fear you will do as you were made to asalGdscresweadeo.. Closing her eyes, she concentrates on the voice she hears, her hand finally making contact with Jeremy. Her hand erupts in light, a soft glowing that slowly begins to grow. ...As you were made to do as all God's creatures were made to...


caleb_z November 11 2005, 19:38:35 UTC
*A sense of wonder fills Caleb as he watches the scene unfold. He can feel a human soul forming in Jeremy Price, and knows that this is a monumental moment. History is unfolding before his eyes, as he can feel life itself forming in the man on the table.*

“It’s working, Corrine! I … I can feel a soul!”


hotshot1280 November 11 2005, 19:47:27 UTC
Trevor can see Corrine struggling, and as the light erupts around her hand, he rolls off the bed, forcing his legs to coordinate with each other as he stumbles toward Caleb. After the first step, his eyes try to cross and he bites down on his lip, forcing the double image of hsi friends into one coherent picture.

"Anyone want to fill me in here? Short sentences and key words will be fine."


caleb_z November 11 2005, 19:50:19 UTC
*At hearing Trevor moving, Caleb rushes over to him and steadies him as best he can.*

“You should be in bed…and Corrine’s attempting to give Jeremy a soul. Now, bed?”


damage_girl November 11 2005, 19:57:45 UTC
Corrine's hand grips tightly around Jeremy's arm, as if she's holding on to stay up, and in a way, she is. Everything else in the room has faded to a searing whiteness, like turning on the light in a pitch black room. She knows Trevor, Caleb and Mid-Nite are here, but beyond the general knowledge of this she has no idea of the goings-on.

Like a whip, her other hand lashes out in Caleb's direction. She's confused at first as she feels herself siphoning energy through him, but then it starts to become clear. 'Caleb uses soul to make energy... what if there were a way to reverse the process?'

She starts to understand; she's just a tool. As that thought begins to escalate in her mind, the voice from earlier booms about the room, warming and comforting her. "You will do as you were made to do, as all God's creatures were made to."


midnite_md November 11 2005, 20:06:18 UTC
Dr. Mid-Nite... Dr. Pieter Cross... his eyes widen beneath his goggles, and he feels a swell of hope in his chest. He's... unsure of what's going on here, as he's not a man of magic.

But he suddenly feels the touch of heaven with that voice... and it brings a small tear to his eye.


hotshot1280 November 11 2005, 20:07:35 UTC
Trevor accepts Caleb's help, holding onto Caleb's shoulder and staring at his friend blankly in response to his question. Before he can respond, though, Caleb is engulfed in a soft light, and the voice booms through the room, re-igniting the headache Trevor has been battling since having his skull fractured by Jeremy Price.

Partly out of reactionary caution, partly from anger at the pain, Trevor's free hand ignites and he stares around the room wildly.


caleb_z November 11 2005, 20:12:10 UTC
*Caleb can feel the power flowing through him, but at the same time there’s neither pain nor strain. When the voice booms, Caleb looks around. The omnipresent magic in the room is preventing him from feeling the presence of anything else. It’s sort of like jamming a radar - there’s too many return signals for any one to be distinguishable.*

“It’s alright, hotshot. Put that out...”*Caleb tries to make sure he doesn’t loose his grip on Trevor as he turns his focus to his girlfriend.* “Corrine? Are … are you alright?”


damage_girl November 11 2005, 20:23:37 UTC
"Calm yourself," Corrine says in a voice not quite her own, and the fire in Trevor's hand extinguishes with a soft phft sound.

The light she is seeing becomes nearly blinding, her entire body igniting in the same light and flowing into Jeremy Price's body. "Libera, Domine, animam servi tui." Deliver, Lord, the soul of thy servant. Over and over again she repeats it, letting go until the words are all she knows, all she sees, all she hears, feels, thinks. They embrace her like the heavy feeling of sleep, and the world falls away.

In a final flare of light the room is bathed, almost as if everything inside will ignite at any moment-- and then, with an abruptness and a dizzying darkness, it's gone.

Corrine is curled up on the floor, holding onto the bed rails for dear life and shaking uncontrollably.


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