Unleash the Beast

Mar 13, 2011 14:23

Africa is nice, peaceful. The Beast was happy living in a pride of lions in Africa, thinking himself one. After months of a happy, simple, animal living, he was hunting, stalking a gazelle to bring back food for the cubs, when suddenly he feels a prick in his side. He turns his maned head to notice a small dart sticking near his ribs. His vision ( Read more... )

the shark, abra kadabra, zachary zatara, sand, geomancer, flash jay garrick, metallo, clock king, jsa

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Comments 77

greatest_zatara March 15 2011, 17:27:24 UTC
For anyone who bothered to ask, conservation was Zachary Zatara's second-biggest passion, after his work on stage. Third, if you counted women. He loved zoos and aquaria, to the point of donating to the NY Wildlife Conservation Society in the middle five figures annually, and the animals he used in his acts all came from rescue operations. He was currently being lead on a guided tour of the zoo, one of the perks of his generosity.

The keeper lead him to the edge of the service entrance of the lion enclosure. "Now, obviously we can't enter the enclosure, Mister Zatara--"

"Please, Mister Zatara was my uncle. Call me Zachary."

A token laugh. "--, but this is the best view you're going to find, short of becoming a keeper yourself."

"Don't be too sure. Siegfried and Roy had their time. We'll see what the future holds." Zachary smirks, gazing out at the zoo's latest major acquisition.


teh_fuzzy_one March 15 2011, 17:34:04 UTC
The Beast was lazily snoozing on a rock, and then a strange sensation went down his spine. He felt uneasy and threatened, and poked his head up, looking directly at Zachary, somehow knowing he was the source of this feeling. He hopped down off of his perch, and cautiously proceeded towards the service entrance, his eyes never leaving Zachary.


greatest_zatara March 15 2011, 18:38:21 UTC
"Mister Zatara, I..." The keeper watches the lion advancing. "I think you should step back.

Zachary peers right back. "No... I think you should." He puts an arm out and ushers the keeper behind him, meeting the lion's stare, but blinking slowly. Non-aggression, but no flight to trigger prey drive, either.


teh_fuzzy_one March 15 2011, 18:42:30 UTC
Beast met his gaze, staring for a moment. He somehow knew this human was magic. For some reason, that made him more and more uneasy. Why? What was wrong with magic? He didn't know, but he felt compelled to attack this human.

He roared, and then he did something he didn't expect. He stood up on his back legs, his skeleton reconfiguring to a more humanlike shape.


From the Brownstone to the Zoo.. swiftjustice March 16 2011, 17:59:04 UTC
Barely a second's run for one of the Fastest Men Alive.

"What's going on, Zachary?"

Jay's at the edge of the enclosure suddenly, tilting his helmet back to peer at the figure below.


Re: From the Brownstone to the Zoo.. teh_fuzzy_one March 16 2011, 19:51:57 UTC
Beast jumps nervously as a man seems to suddenly appear out of nowhere. He looks wearily at Jay, backing up into the corner of his enclosure furthest from Jay and Zachary.


Re: From the Brownstone to the Zoo.. firestorm09 March 17 2011, 17:10:14 UTC
Sand was not as quick as Jay, but he still made it to the zoo in record time. He looked at what Jay was looking at and arched his eyebrow under his mask.

"Some sort of radiated animal?"


Re: From the Brownstone to the Zoo.. greatest_zatara March 17 2011, 21:23:29 UTC
"I don't think so. Try not to spook it. It's of limited intelligence, and something about it makes magic go screwy." Zach says, as he straightens his outfit.


Precision Ambush jla_miscreants March 21 2011, 22:45:49 UTC
"The target's in sight gentlemen. He's not alone, but that was expected and we are more than equipped to handle this." Temple Frugate gazed through the binoculars at the gathered JSA. Temple smiled to himself. "I can already see the various uses for all that money."


Re: Precision Ambush jl_metropolis March 21 2011, 22:59:05 UTC
"Don't start swimming in green yet, Fugate." Metallo says with annoyance. "Eyes on the prize. And remember people, Sorrow wants this guy to hurt. Send in the dupe."


Re: Precision Ambush jla_villains March 21 2011, 23:14:08 UTC
He'd been asleep for a long time. He didn't know how he'd gotten in the cage filled with water. It was pleasant, but constricting. Food had been tossed to him, but he didn't know the shapes outside. He could their heartbeats, save one, that one gave him pause. Then he'd be returned to slumber. This cycle would be continued until his latest awakening.

He somehow knew he'd stay awake this time. He also knew he must feed. A compulsion nearly as strong as his instincts told him he must feed on a specific human. The prey was on land, but somehow he felt compelled to eat him anyway. He needed to feed on minds, he didn't like not knowing. This place had many caged prey, but they were not what he wanted. He looked from his prey to the other humans and back again. Hunger won out over the compulsion as instead of attacking him, he instead made his way toward a group of the frail creatures. He'd feed on their energy, get smarter, and then he'd kill the prey.

With a roar, the Shark charged at a group of people who had been gathering nearby.


Re: Precision Ambush swiftjustice March 24 2011, 01:17:19 UTC
And a red and blue blur arrives on the scene, whisking the bystanders out of harm's way in less time than it takes to blink.

"The Shark? Is this some kind of anthropomorphic epidemic?"


jla_miscreants March 31 2011, 00:19:57 UTC
"Well now, that's different." Temple said as he saw the Beast's attack upon the Shark. "Seems we have no choice. Gentlemen, phase 2!"


jla_villains March 31 2011, 00:26:24 UTC
A man with a trenchoat near the tiger exhibit throws off his disguise, revealing a blue and red suit, identfying him as the super-villain Geo-Mancer.

A blonde woman dissappears in a flash of light, revealing a dark-haired man in white. The Flash rogue, Abra Kadabra.

Last but not least, with a leap, Metallo arrived in the exhibit, the ground thundering when he hit the ground.

All three figures surrounded the group.


swiftjustice April 3 2011, 21:10:11 UTC
"Fantastic. Zach - Metallo. I've got Kadabra. Sand, on Geo-Mancer?"

Doesn't miss a beat, this one.


firestorm09 April 4 2011, 13:18:28 UTC
"On it Jay."

He fired off a few rounds of sleeping gas at Geo-Mancer before diving into the ground.


Abra vs Garrick jla_villains April 7 2011, 21:27:27 UTC
"Lovely, everywhere I go I run into one of you damn speedsters!" Abra briefly mentally debated on whether to use his tecnology or his magic. Making his decision, he uttered a word, causing the ground around Jay to burn and melt into a form, of lava in an attempt to encircle him.


Re: Abra vs Garrick swiftjustice April 9 2011, 15:45:15 UTC
"What can I say? We're all suckers for a a cheap show, Kadabra."

He's capable of running on water - moving over the lava before it can burn his feet is no trouble at all - even while using his arm to channel a burst of air at the futuristic fiend.


Re: Abra vs Garrick jla_villains April 10 2011, 05:10:37 UTC
Abra sees the attack, in fact the Flash had used it on him before, and teleports to the right of it. His hair blows from the impact.

"You think I wouldn't be unprepared? Your friend is worth 100 million dollars! We planned this thoroughly!"

This time Abra switches to real magic as lava muates into a rubbery like substance. Hands shot forth from the goo and each made way for one of Jay's limbs.


Re: Abra vs Garrick swiftjustice April 11 2011, 17:04:55 UTC
"A bounty? Isn't that a bit beneath you, Kadabra? You used to have style."

He slips into a spin, using the edge of his helmet to slice away chunks of the rubbery arms at supersonic speed.


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