Breaking Through...

Nov 13, 2009 13:56

"All units on the ready. Hold your positioning until further notice. And to all of you, I send my deepest appreciations. We're doing work of the Gods now, and as I promised before, you'll be legendary ( Read more... )

aquaman, giganta, raven, dr. mid-nite, mr. terrific, superman, green lantern john stewart, jericho, infinity inc, beast boy, the shark, joker, dr. psycho, batman, green lantern hal jordan, kid flash, wonder woman, red arrow, miracleman, blue beetle, catman, king shark, mary marvel, circe, troia, charybdis, spoiler, big barda, killer frost, lois lane, speedy, plastic man, scandal savage, flash wally west

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Comments 183

Location #1: Kahndaq nynecrymes November 13 2009, 22:02:10 UTC
Catman's eyes narrow beneath his cowl. "Hang on, wasn't there someone else on this line a moment ago? Identify yourself!" He tugs at the ears of his mask to adjust the signal. "Color me nuts here, but that sounded like Luthor on the frequency..."

He eyes his team, then gives a second glance to a secured Lexcorp door. "Just what the hell is going on here?"


_darkknight_ November 13 2009, 22:20:03 UTC
What's going on on the other side of that door is a series of muffled thumps and thuds...heavy ones. Bodies crashing into things when falling ones.


fleet_feet November 14 2009, 00:37:18 UTC
Not to mention some whirlwind whooshing sounds underscoring those thuds.


infinity_inc November 14 2009, 02:35:32 UTC
"Something's going on outside. I'll go recon." Major Lucy Lane, recently assigned as a government contact to Lexcorp chirps from inside the improved Cicada armor, nods in agreement.

The suit whirrs to life, stepping to the door, and opening it. "Nothing but calm, and desert, and..."

A line of grenades blast to life near the new opening, knocking Killer Moth back into the secured area's wall.


Location #2: Peru-Chile Trench jla_extras November 13 2009, 22:18:56 UTC
"Confirmed. All signs are clear on this end." Charybdis growls in response, resuming his patrol on the trench door. He's followed by a stream of piranha that lag behind, giving secondary eyes.

... )


plazmania November 14 2009, 00:43:11 UTC

... )


7_seas_czar November 14 2009, 02:49:54 UTC
Arthur makes a soft sound as he sees Plaz which is mostly lost as he finds his position. He pauses for a few moments as he positions those sea mamals which have chosen to answer his call. He will be moving in with the sharks and the whales once everyone else is in position.


beastlyboy November 14 2009, 03:23:54 UTC
There is one benefit to Beast Boy swimming along as a dolphin instead of taking a submarine or similar one has to hear him singing.

'Under the sea!~ Under the sea!~ Darling its better, down where its wetter, take it from me!~'

Unless you can hear fish talk or something.


Location #3: The North Pole jla_villains November 13 2009, 22:27:55 UTC
"Its cold out here! and white! White! Cold! Not fun!" A rather perturbed man in a child-sized parka continually rubs and shakes his gloved hands together, staring about for signs of any movement.

"I'd just want to THANK you for your perfectly designed location, you misfit. Now come on, patch me into the pretty girl with the Blahnik's thoughts. Just for a minute, since you've left me with the payload here...hang on, there's something else..."


Nearby, in the Fortress of Solitude... pulitzerwinner November 13 2009, 22:43:22 UTC
Lois is not exactly a fan of the cold home base of the Man of Steel, but her husband likes it here, and it's one of the rare places where they usually can steal a few hours alone. She has gotten superhero assistance bringing a full-scale picnic, complete with candles and silver and china, and under her coat she is wearing something that is drop-dead sexy on her, if she does say so herself.

Besides, it's the anniversary of the first time they...

Caught mid-smile, Lois starts setting out the food and recalls in exquisite detail that first time. In some ways, the Fortress is a nice way to get away from the world.


Re: Nearby, in the Fortress of Solitude... metromarvel November 14 2009, 00:21:33 UTC
"Detecting a psychic ping at the north pole!"

Superman's gone before whichever one of Oracle's myriad assistants and contacts can finish the report. Of course. Lois. The Fortress. Tonight. "If you can hear me, Lex." Superman clips out, testing his worst enemy's new cosmic powers, "Please. She doesn't have anything to do with this."

But as fast as the Man of Steel is, it still takes a while to fly from the freaking moon to the north pole. Will he make it there before Doctor Psycho can enact his sinister plans?!


jla_villains November 14 2009, 02:18:30 UTC
Psycho and a band of H.I.V.E troopers all stop, noting a thundering sound speeding towards and past them. "This is the Doctor on ground control Three...I've got company...temporarily."

With that, Psycho turns his gaze to the sound and sends out a mental bolt. A formless, thoughtless burst that's aimed right into its source, amplifying an image of the expected's worst nightmare.

"Ah, ah ah...first you've got to show me some love here. I wonder what makes steel skin crawl..."


Fortress of Solitude II: Porky's Revenge metromarvel November 16 2009, 03:15:48 UTC
Bad day: Lois gets captured and hurt by Superman's enemies.

Worse day: A supervillain uses psychic powers to make Superman suffer his worst nightmares in the middle of duties.

Even worse day: Open combat in the Fortress led by Miracleman.

Today: All three. Needless to say, as Clark's mind gets a breath of fresh air, he's, well; Lois can see the sunlight glimmering around Superman's body as he takes the scene in, despite the gentleness in his gaze as he checks on her. His eyes narrow as he sees that strip of blood, and the Man of Steel kneels down...

...and ROCKETS into the air, flipping around like some kind of flying drill missile, twisting in order to swoop down on Miracleman and plow him into the ice, attempting to trap the mad Daxamite in the frozen tundra below!


infinity_inc November 16 2009, 03:22:14 UTC
The Fortress floor shatters beneath the collision. Superman pistoning back against his rival causes cracking and a low rumble to echo throughout the building.

Miracleman's eyes jolt open for a moment, just long enough to unload a wide-angled beam of heat against the assault!


pulitzerwinner November 16 2009, 18:11:20 UTC
Where Jesse deposited her, Lois peeks out and studies John Stewart. He knows how to stop this lunatic, she thinks. Clark just needs to delay him long enough to let the Lantern do his thing.

She picks up a chunk of ice and hurls it at Miracleman's head to try to distract him from his efforts to fry Superman.


metromarvel November 16 2009, 19:16:56 UTC
It burns. It BURNS. And still, the Man of Steel stands vigil, holding his body in place and forcing his feet forward, trying to shove Miracleman back into the ice...


lois. NO! Superman falls to one knee, wheezing a quick breath, pulling two of his charred fingers to his mouth, and...breathing on them. Those with super-hearing might pick up on the sound...

...but not before Krypto, the super-dog, plows into Miracleman's exposed back! The Man of Steel manages a, "...good dog.", unclasping his cape, tossing it over to Lois, and brushing his nose with his thumb.


Arsenal/Donna/vs Dr. Psycho jla_villains November 16 2009, 03:39:24 UTC
"Yes! Show the bastard!" A massive Kodiak bear looms over the two, roaring its warning, before snarling out in Psycho's voice. "I'll start with you Red Arrow...and then your woman. After her, I'll move down the lineage. the blonde, a weekend with the Queen. And then, I'll be sure to dry off with your sister's skin!" The bear raises up on its hind legs and swipes right at Roy's bow.

... )


Re: Arsenal/Donna/vs Dr. Psycho just_donna November 16 2009, 03:53:17 UTC
Donna's eyes narrows.

He threatened her family. Her family. There's no way she's holding back now.

"Don't fall for it!" she says to Roy, flying towards Psycho, "He's just trying to mess with your mind again!"


Re: Arsenal/Donna/vs Dr. Psycho niiroya November 16 2009, 04:02:22 UTC
"Great." He mutters now knowing that the only real things in this area are Donna and Doctor Psycho.

Red Arrow kept that in mind as he followed the Amazon, ignoring the bear completely as his mind finally ask it's self what a Kodiak bear was doing in the North Pole in the first place. Hoping to give his wife the upper hand he fired off a smoke grenade arrow in front of the villain.


Re: Arsenal/Donna/vs a frackin BEAR jla_villains November 19 2009, 23:45:14 UTC
Dr. Bear swipes through the smoke , not casting any shadow through it as its creator searches. Psycho coughs, waving some of it away from his face in order to get a clear look at the opponents.

"Come on Gracie...C'mon Speedy...Make it easy on yourself..."


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