The Rogues of Gotham

Nov 14, 2008 23:50

The invitations have gone out to the proper sources - anyone who's anyone in the Arkham Alumni, plus a few of the more mundane but reasonably reliable 'sane' Gotham villains might expect an invitation. Anyone with that certain sense of flashy panache that distinguishes them from the common thug ( Read more... )

catman, the scarecrow and mr. nygma, scarecrow, joker, killer croc, killer moth, riddler, harley quinn, firefly, catwoman, scarface, ventriloquist, poison ivy, penguin

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Comments 97

femme_du_chat November 15 2008, 06:08:50 UTC
Selina is present but for the moment, she hasn't moved into the area where there will be others. Pressing her lips together, she finds a place where she can watch the goings ons down below. While she's going to be here, she's not certain she wants to be with the others participating.


scream_and_cry November 15 2008, 09:18:18 UTC
Dr Crane is staying similarly quiet. Although he has certainly begun to enjoy Edward's company more, he's still ever-so-slightly paranoid about his apparent impending death. He's felt no pain, or discomfort, over the past weeks. Were there really shards of metal working their way towards his spinal cord? "Hmph."

He looks around the crowd. An interesting assortment of freaks and villains. They'll either make the night go stunningly well, or the Iceberg Lounge will be a mound of rubble by the end of it. Either way, Crane is quite content to watch.


jla_villains November 15 2008, 09:24:42 UTC
It's been a while since Firefly has been out and about with any of his associates. In full costume, he walks around the poker tables, observing how the games are going. "I'll bet $200." He joins in on one of the tables, briefly, losing his bet.

"Damn!" Restraining himself from torching the croupier, he walks over to Nygma. "So what is all this in aid of? It's not every day or night that the psychos decide to have a party."


eddie_nygma November 16 2008, 05:09:15 UTC
"Really, I just thought we fellow freaks hadn't had much face time together recently. Socialization at Arkham is so constricted, and gambling for extra portions of Jell-O lacks a certain thrill. How's business?"


flightlessfelon November 15 2008, 16:26:00 UTC
There is so much to do, so much to do. If only good help weren't so hard to find he wouldn't have to worry himself with these petty last minute details. This was Nygma's party but it was his club, and Cobblepot takes pride in his club. Besides, he was rather proud of Eddie and his new turn of leaf. It would never last, but that wasn't the point really. And, Nygma could always be a good tool for future use.

Of course no one would ever know that his mind was racing, that he was casually handling a thousand little emergencies every minute. Externally he is the calm cool host that everyone has come to know. This calm portion of his mind finds itself idley wondering if Selina was going to eventually come in and join them. He wonders what game Crane is playing with Nygma, pretending to reform and why Nygma can't see that he is being played. He wonders who allowed firefly to keep his torch upon his entry to the club!

Damn and blast, another situation he needed to take care of.


eddie_nygma November 16 2008, 05:10:37 UTC
"Dear, dear Ozzie. I thank you for providing the roof over our heads this evening. And rest assured, if any of our felonious associates gets a little out of control, I will make good the damages."

The Riddler seems downright chipper this evening.


jla_villains November 18 2008, 00:39:15 UTC
"Get outta the way," snarls a green hulk on entering. "Where's the beer in this shindig?"


eddie_nygma November 18 2008, 01:56:26 UTC
"Croc, old pal. We have a few kegs with your name on them, right over by the buffet table. Good to see you in the proverbial pink."

Truth be told, Croc was not one of his favorite people - more a thug than a true master criminal - but it can be useful to befriend thugs now and then.


nynecrymes November 18 2008, 00:41:13 UTC

... )


eddie_nygma November 18 2008, 01:57:52 UTC
"Catman and Killer Moth, truly a motley crew. How are you, gentlemen? Is life in Metropolis to your liking?"


nynecrymes November 23 2008, 05:50:49 UTC
"For what's left of it? Not bad. Nothing's better than East End falafel still. And the coldest martini's in town right here."

Blake takes one from a passing tray, sniffing it and lapping out of the glass with a content smile. "Its times like this, I miss the old place. But, before I drink all your liquor, what's the hitch here? C'mon Nygma. There's something up, right?"


eddie_nygma November 23 2008, 05:54:27 UTC
"Not in the usual sense. I'm not planning some huge crime spree - merely renewing the bonds of mutual insanity that bind us all. I think trouble is on the horizon, and this will help everyone remember whose side they should be on."


clownluvin November 23 2008, 06:18:02 UTC
Look up there! It's a Bird! It's a Plane!

...It's the wrong intro line!

Coming through the window was a costume sure to strike terror into the something, something, but it was obvious from the way the woman in the costume moved, even how she landed in a full gymnastics finish pose, that she was NOT what she appeared to be.

It looked like Bat Girl, the Barbara Gordon variety, had risen from the ranks of the Super Hero defunct!

But the voice that came out a second later totally blew that theory or any like it out of the water, "Heeeerrrrreeeee'sssssss BATGIRL!" Harley said brightly in her happy Yiddish accented voice.

"Now let's get this party started!"

Where she had found the full and very, very realistic Bat Girl costume was a well guarded secret, but she was having fun wearing it if the grin on her face meant anything at all.


femme_du_chat November 23 2008, 06:25:32 UTC
Selina looks.... unamused as Harley shows up. They're not on the best of terms at the best of times and this wouldn't be the best of times for Selina right now. She goes to find a glass of something to drink - if only for something to do and somewhere to go that isn't right here.


xpoisonivy November 23 2008, 06:28:00 UTC
Despite the pizazz that a window entrance has, Ivy chose to use the door like a normal plant person. Her outfit was also a bit more low key, just a strapless dress coloured a few shades darker than her skin with a nice slit up the left side to show off those gorgeous legs of hers.

Though right now she wasn't flaunting the dress, she was rubbing her temples and sighing at the spectacle that was 'Batgirl'. Ivy looked up and smiled apologetically at anyone with a confounded expression on their face.

"I tried to talk her out of it, honestly, I really tried." For about an hour and a half. Harley's determination won out over Ivy's patience in the end.

As usual.


eddie_nygma November 23 2008, 06:30:10 UTC
"Welcome, ladies. And don't worry, I've come to expect the unexpected when it comes to Miss Quinn."

Nygma smiles and nods to Ivy in greeting.

"The bar is open."


clownluvin November 23 2008, 07:12:29 UTC
Harl let go of Ivy just because she was nice and got her own drink from the bar. Pure sugar+caffeine+lots of fizz+awesome. Almost as awesome as her costume.

She'd make Pammy spank her later.

Giggling she drank from the bendy straw and looked around the party. The party that was now at its most bestest with her here.


jla_villains November 23 2008, 23:11:06 UTC
"Is it hot enough in here for you, Harley?" Firefly hasn't had a drink yet, having not removed his mask. "Perhaps I can warm you up."


clownluvin November 23 2008, 23:38:02 UTC
"Oh, I'm plenty toasty warm," Harley said, picking at the outfit a bit, "This just proves their all crazy though, this thing doesn't breathe at all. But I make it look way better."

She really did. No one made a Bat outfit look quite as good as she did. But if she walked around in this all the time people might start expecting her to be responsible or something.

That wasn't happening. Responsibility was boring.

"Bet you wish this place was on fire," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.


jla_villains November 24 2008, 11:39:00 UTC
"Damn right." He lifts the lower half of his mask up, revealing horribly charred skin. More badly burnt than a normal human should be able to stand without continuous dosage of painkillers. He gets one of Harley's bendy straws and sips a beer through it. "Fancy torching a place later? My treat. I've got some gripes with the Odessas. We could burn down one of their Commie delicatessens."


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