We Control the Horizontal

Apr 13, 2008 14:20

Killing two birds with one stone. There was little that Noah admired more than efficiency. Luthor had wanted a test for his little group of upstarts, and if Noah could gather a little information on this 'Miracleman' in the meantime - so much the better ( Read more... )

dr. phosphorus, felix faust, killer moth, calculator, the top, miracleman, the wizard, grace choi, chemo, infinity inc

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Comments 45

jla_blackgate April 13 2008, 18:38:11 UTC
"Get on with it, Kuttler."

Money's always useful, but Calculator was a little too eager to set this job up. He didn't feel he was getting the whole story, this time.

Still, who would be looking for Dr. Phosphorus with a distraction as big as this one?

The magical tingle of Faust's transportation spell takes hold - and he's outside the First National Bank of Metropolis. Along with his distraction - Calculator's living weapon : Chemo.


chemo_therapy April 14 2008, 06:34:42 UTC
"Yes." Chemo was awake and viewing its surroundings. There were a number of locations Calculator had prepared for him, and for his teleportation, should missions come up that required a large container of toxic waste. After gazing about briefly, Chemo came to the conclusion that it was currently housed in an abandoned warehouse on the east side of Metropolis.

"Typical. Abandoned warehouse." Chemo wasn't often one to attempt wit, but it did occur to its mind that warehouses in Metropolis never seemed to be filled.

The plans of the mission filled the mind of Chemo, including a contact for the insane Dr Phosphorous. At least, Chemo considered the doctor insane, as far as its perception went.

Chemo strode towards the door, currently 10ft tall. "QX866OOP", and the door opened, revealing a twisted back street. Chemo took to the street, and headed for the bank, slowly brewing.


jla_blackgate April 14 2008, 16:40:26 UTC
Phosphorus waits until Chemo is in sight to make his move - stepping into the bank and pulling off his hat - and cranking up the intensity of his radiation for a nice, intimidating glow.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. If any of you ever expect to have children, or see the ones your already have again, I suggest you empty your cash drawers into whatever bags are convenient."


chemo_therapy April 14 2008, 16:50:11 UTC
Chemo observes the glowing doctor enter the bank and moves more quickly to the entrance. It was surprised that it managed to make it this far without discovery, but also quite pleased. To signal to Phoshorus that it was in position, it took the opportunity to spread its arms and open the visor over its mouth.

"Bllluuuuugggghhhhhh...." A gout of acids and other foul chemicals from within the villain spouted from its mouth, ten feet above the ground. Chemo aimed the spray in a wide radius around the front door of the building, partially as an attempt to dissuade any foolish citizens from coming closer, and partly to create a barrier of toxic soup between the bank and any cops that might show up.

"Doctor, consider the bank closed to new customers." Chemo turned and ducked under the arch of the front door, to watch the lobby. Nobody was to escape.


bana_grace April 14 2008, 23:58:11 UTC
"Feels like there oughta be some sort of fanfare, maybe a marching band."

Grace stretches her arms out, cracking her knuckles as she does, and takes a look around.

The glowing greenish yellow creature towering by the door and surrounded by a small sea of nasty-smelling liquid is the first thing Grace sees, and the first thing she heads for.

Over comms, she says, "I'm goin' for the head, try to break some of that pretty machinery up there."


chemo_therapy April 15 2008, 20:26:23 UTC
Not having eyes in the traditional sense, Chemo senses the woman going for it and turns around to 'face' her.

"QW2LK..." Chemo doesn't open its mouth to vomit acid, knowing it'll take a while before the correct chemicals can brew, but instead lowers one of its claws quickly to impale a heavy piece of floor tiling. "Hit." Thrusting its arm out, the slab flies off Chemo and towards Grace.

"Doctor. Combat without." Chemo sends the message across to Phosphorus, in case the burning villain missed the rending of marble from the floor.


bana_grace April 16 2008, 02:31:42 UTC
"Holy fu--" Her words are cut off by the whistle of the marble tile through the air; diving off to the side, Grace almost gets out of the way, but is clipped by one corner, which causes her to slam into one of the decorative columns.

She picks her way out of the rubble, shaking concrete dust and bits out of her hair.

"That hurt, you giant sack of shit." Reaching over, Grace grabs a large chunk of rubble in her hands and, after hefting it, leans back and hurls it at Chemo's head, aiming for one of the more sensitive looking pieces of electronics.


chemo_therapy April 16 2008, 06:33:03 UTC
"GNnn!" A large piece of rubble connects with the shutter covering Chemo's 'mouth', making it fold in slightly. If Chemo had been anything other than a over-large, incredibly resilient plastic container, the marble would have caused serious damage.

"Try harder." Chemo's mouth-plate attempts to slide open, signalling the villain's destructive acid attack, but only goes half way. The hurled rubble must have damaged the mechanism!

"YP002H." Chemo turns, and instead of aiming a high-pressure gout of chemicals at the customer that was trying to sneak past the fighting pair, a light, but no less deadly haze of glowing mist envelopes him.


bana_grace April 21 2008, 22:14:22 UTC
Grace, after seeing that Miracleman appears to have Chemo suitably distracted, goes looking for a side door to start moving civilians through.

A moment later one booted foot knocks out a side window, followed quickly by Grace, who pauses long enough to clear out the remaining glass.

She motions to the bank customers. "Over here! I'll lift you out."

Over comms, she says, "Catman, you see any civilians, send 'em my direction."


infinity_inc April 28 2008, 02:49:01 UTC
Some of the late moving bank customers are shoved out of the window by Top, into Grace's arms.

"Go! Go! Hazardous material here, people...move your ass!"


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