We Control the Horizontal

Apr 13, 2008 14:20

Killing two birds with one stone. There was little that Noah admired more than efficiency. Luthor had wanted a test for his little group of upstarts, and if Noah could gather a little information on this 'Miracleman' in the meantime - so much the better ( Read more... )

dr. phosphorus, felix faust, killer moth, calculator, the top, miracleman, the wizard, grace choi, chemo, infinity inc

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jla_blackgate April 13 2008, 18:38:11 UTC
"Get on with it, Kuttler."

Money's always useful, but Calculator was a little too eager to set this job up. He didn't feel he was getting the whole story, this time.

Still, who would be looking for Dr. Phosphorus with a distraction as big as this one?

The magical tingle of Faust's transportation spell takes hold - and he's outside the First National Bank of Metropolis. Along with his distraction - Calculator's living weapon : Chemo.


chemo_therapy April 14 2008, 06:34:42 UTC
"Yes." Chemo was awake and viewing its surroundings. There were a number of locations Calculator had prepared for him, and for his teleportation, should missions come up that required a large container of toxic waste. After gazing about briefly, Chemo came to the conclusion that it was currently housed in an abandoned warehouse on the east side of Metropolis.

"Typical. Abandoned warehouse." Chemo wasn't often one to attempt wit, but it did occur to its mind that warehouses in Metropolis never seemed to be filled.

The plans of the mission filled the mind of Chemo, including a contact for the insane Dr Phosphorous. At least, Chemo considered the doctor insane, as far as its perception went.

Chemo strode towards the door, currently 10ft tall. "QX866OOP", and the door opened, revealing a twisted back street. Chemo took to the street, and headed for the bank, slowly brewing.


jla_blackgate April 14 2008, 16:40:26 UTC
Phosphorus waits until Chemo is in sight to make his move - stepping into the bank and pulling off his hat - and cranking up the intensity of his radiation for a nice, intimidating glow.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. If any of you ever expect to have children, or see the ones your already have again, I suggest you empty your cash drawers into whatever bags are convenient."


chemo_therapy April 14 2008, 16:50:11 UTC
Chemo observes the glowing doctor enter the bank and moves more quickly to the entrance. It was surprised that it managed to make it this far without discovery, but also quite pleased. To signal to Phoshorus that it was in position, it took the opportunity to spread its arms and open the visor over its mouth.

"Bllluuuuugggghhhhhh...." A gout of acids and other foul chemicals from within the villain spouted from its mouth, ten feet above the ground. Chemo aimed the spray in a wide radius around the front door of the building, partially as an attempt to dissuade any foolish citizens from coming closer, and partly to create a barrier of toxic soup between the bank and any cops that might show up.

"Doctor, consider the bank closed to new customers." Chemo turned and ducked under the arch of the front door, to watch the lobby. Nobody was to escape.


nynecrymes April 14 2008, 22:41:36 UTC
Monday bank traffic was the worst. Not only were Saturday's drunken binges needing to be accounted for, but the start of the business week, and the end of last's made for a horrific line at this branch.

Not to mention the glowing skeleton in the lobby. That made for a unexpected delay as well.

The man had just arrived at the teller window prior to the warning, and while the others scattered, he stood his place. "I'm not going ANYWHERE until someone fixes this loan rate. You have any ideas?"


jla_blackgate April 15 2008, 15:01:34 UTC
"I don't think they like extending credit to high-risk subjects. And if you keep talking, that's just what you are."

Someone always had to get smart. At least the tellers were doing as instructed - probably expecting the big blue goon to fly in to save the day before the cash got out the door.

"Hurry it up and quit stalling."

Reaching out, Phosphorus grabs one of the check-writing desks and melts it to slag.


nynecrymes April 19 2008, 07:21:38 UTC
"You see, there's the rub." Thomas Blake turned to size up the situation. "Top...we need an extraction in five, four, three, two..." He spoke into an earpiece.


infinity_inc April 19 2008, 07:26:08 UTC
The Top perks up from the outside, cycloning past the battle between Chemo and Grace outside.

"On it." He spins inside the banking center, ushering people out of one of the emergency doors.

"Extraction's done...who's le...Oh, you have to be kidding me...Doctor Phosphorus on a bank job?"


jla_blackgate April 20 2008, 01:27:21 UTC
"I know, right? It's like sending the Joker to rob a convenience store. Complete overkill."

Phosphorus's mostly-transparent lips curl into a smile.

"But we all have to make ends meet. I'll try to go easy on you, Top, since you used to have better taste in friends.."

The glow around Phosphorus intensifies as he amps up his radiation.


infinity_inc April 20 2008, 04:14:35 UTC
"I always liked your style, Al. Oh, word of advice? This is going to suck...

The Top's eyes flash, and he begins to twirl in place, shifting over the speed to contain Phosphorus in a man-sized tornado.


nynecrymes April 20 2008, 04:17:44 UTC
Blake pulls his working gloves over his hands, having the time to only get those out and prepped.

"Burning elements...radiation...now whipping around at high speeds. REALLY?"

Catman now scans one end of the center and another, running and giving a leap behind one of the plexiglass windows.


jla_blackgate April 21 2008, 02:32:11 UTC
Dr. Phosphorus's anatomy isn't fully human anymore, so the dizziness isn't as fully debilitating as it could be - and he's going to use the spin to his advantage, in a manner of speaking - to try and kill a hell of a lot of people.

He begins firing blasts of hard radiation, rapidly and at random.


nynecrymes April 21 2008, 02:37:50 UTC
Catman stays in radio contact with the others from behind a wall. "Get the civilians out! Whirlwind shot had an unforseen reaction, alright Big Gun, you ready to do this?"


infinity_inc April 21 2008, 02:49:17 UTC
Killer Moth gets the signal from his location on the rooftop, watching Miracleman and Chemo rise above him.

"Clear some space. Big Gun out." He goes airborne, arcs to face the ceiling and thrusters through it, crashing down on Phosphorus' heat signature.


jla_blackgate April 21 2008, 17:07:59 UTC
Phosphorus's cackling is cut short as he looks upward at the buckling ceiling - and onrushing assailant.

"Well.. crap."

He directs his blasts upward at Killer Moth, but the impact's still going to be a doozy..


infinity_inc April 22 2008, 02:02:56 UTC
The Doctor's blasts singe the outer Moth shell.

Temperature stabilizing...activate cooling system. Moth's inside computer speaks to his headset before he responds. "System active...prepare for impact in 2..1.." WHAM!

He collides into Phosphorus, feeling the superheated air around the two. "Catman...get it prepped!"


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