Lies my Parents Told Me

Nov 06, 2007 16:10

Todd hasn't been dealing well with the news.

He lied. He said he was coming back, and now he's not. All of that, just to abandon us again. Molly was upset, sure, but her words stuck with Todd. That Dad deserved a rest. That he'd done enough ( Read more... )

green lantern jade, obsidian, dr. fate, damage, power girl, future jsa, static shock, firebrand, black canary, pieces of fate, cyclone

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Comments 90

blackest_knight November 6 2007, 21:48:26 UTC
"...So, that's the list. Anybody else we should add before we start reviewing? And no, Silhouette will not be on the list. My dad didn't let me join when I was older than she is now, and I'm sure not going to."

The list and the pictures are out in front of everybody, and the JSA is preparing to pick potential new members.


jla_extras November 6 2007, 21:57:36 UTC
"You're being entirely unreasonable about her. We didn't listen when Dad said no. Do you really think she's going to?

Besides, she's NOT younger than we were. She's turning twenty-seven in a few weeks. You're not really in a position to tell her no.

I'm voting her in."


allstargal November 6 2007, 21:59:07 UTC
"And as I recall, you kids ended up fighting the Ultra-Humanite when the old-timers wouldn't let you join."

Danette's smirking a bit. As one of the few golden-agers left alive -- having not aged at all -- she tends to stay out of the day-to-day business of the team. But she can't resist ribbing Alan's son.


blackest_knight November 6 2007, 22:04:54 UTC
"She's my little girl. She's never going to be older than we were."

Nice to see he at least knows he's being an unreasonable father.

"Sadly, she's even worse. You know she got mad at me when I wouldn't let her fight Degaton last year? Didn't speak to me for a week."


Elsewhere... grape_taffy November 7 2007, 04:35:27 UTC
The "kids," are assembled at Jerry Lee's.

"I swear to God," if this takes another five hours for a call as to who's "in," I'm reforming the Outsiders! Who's with me?"


Re: Elsewhere... shock2yoursystm November 7 2007, 04:49:25 UTC
"Odd as it sounds, I think Dad might be cool with that." says Jean Hawkins, otherwise known as Jolt.


Re: Elsewhere... blackest_knight November 7 2007, 04:59:07 UTC
Rose would complain, but she's sitting right beside Jordan and Zhane, her crush and her best friend, respectively. So she doesn't really mind.

"I'll bet Aunt Jenny's in there telling everyone how I'm twenty-seven again. I swear, Dad tries to keep me a baby and she tries to grow me up. I'm seventeen, and not a day older.

"You'd think she'd be more understanding of crazy aging habits than she is..."


Re: Elsewhere... kara_zor_l November 7 2007, 05:06:44 UTC
Zhane-L, son of Kara Zor-L and a reporter named Andrew Vinson, sits next to Rose, idly twirling around a straw in his cola. He's not really paying attention to what's going on around him, since he's too busy trying to lock eyes with Jordan.


allstargal November 8 2007, 02:02:42 UTC
After the inevitable disruption of Fate's departure -- they should have figured that having Nabu in the driver's seat all the time would only make the cryptic worse -- the team got back to the important business of picking out the new team members.

"I have to say, Todd ... everyone ... that I appreciate the desire to shelter these children. I do. But I fear that turning them away at this point, as capable and strong willed as they are, they'll simply make their own way. Even after all this time, the JSA is about training the next generation of heroes, and I feel we'd be remiss if we didn't live up to that."

She let's the feel-good part sink in, because the next part won't go over so well.

"I think we should bring in this new Mr. Terrific."

She waits for the response. She pretty much knows all of them think he's a gun-toting, violent maniac and that it's a miracle he hasn't killed anyone yet. The fact that he's taken up Michael Holt and Terry Sloan's mantle has just made it work."


_black_canary_ November 8 2007, 02:08:36 UTC
The Canary is clearly skeptical. "Is there at least a footnote to that think of yours, Firebrand?"


allstargal November 8 2007, 02:12:31 UTC
"There is, Dinah," she says. "We all know he's troubled, and that he's in danger of heading down the wrong path. But his talent can't be denied. He's only 20, and he designed that weapon system himself. Moreover, he did good work for us against the I.Q. virus."

She sighs, and shakes her head.

"I think he's at a crossroad, and if there's not someone to reach out and pull him back from the abyss, he'll be lost."

She looks up, and her true age -- over 100 now -- burns from her eyes.

"Frankly, I think he needs us."


blackest_knight November 8 2007, 02:14:10 UTC
"He needs help, I'll grant that. But not the kind we have. He needs therapy. Psychiatric help."

Todd understands the crazy. He lived far too long and far too many times not to.

"It would be different if it were just us. We could deal with him, help him and keep him under control. But I don't trust him around the rest of the kids."


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