At the Penthouse...

Oct 12, 2007 13:32

Molly busies herself, as she usually does these days, making sure everything is just so. She does this a lot lately, finding that more and more of her time is spent idle. She's come to terms with the fact that while Alan is away, she's likely to be a little depressed but she wasn't ready for the empty space...the time she would need to keep herself busy to keep herself from thinking too much and work can only carry you so far.

Uncertain what Jenny wanted, but knowing enough to know it's important, she hustles and bustles about the house making everything ready. Tea. Sandwiches. Cookies (the one's she knows Todd likes)...

Lemonaid...they might want lemonaid. She pulls the container out of the cubpboard and begins filling a pitcher with water, Nothing like Joan's homemade, but the quick-mix variety seems to do ok in a pinch

green lantern jade, obsidian, molly mayne-scott, green lantern alan scott, from emerald ashes

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