
Oct 15, 2007 17:54

Ralph catches the news first in French. Makes sense, since he's in diplomat's quarters in Paris, helping monitor the international side of reactions. He quickly puts out a few calls, the first to influential friends and making sure there's no overreactions, and then over JLA channels ( Read more... )

snakes and other planes, oracle, elongated man, green lantern hal jordan, socialist guardsman, dr. light (kimiyo hoshi), superman, flamebird, flash wally west, atom ryan choi, mother of champions, immortal man in darkness, martian manhunter

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Comments 72

oracle_watching October 16 2007, 01:00:39 UTC
No time for even the synthesized voice--she's multitasking beyond the need for coffee at this point. The Elongated Man gets the latest update sent to JLA members.


martian_manhunt October 16 2007, 01:05:04 UTC
"I may be able to locate Zatanna's mind," J'onn replies. "Please give me a moment."

There's a pause. "I can't locate her. She may be at Shadowcrest, where she's shielded."


itsastretch October 16 2007, 01:12:11 UTC
Ralph looks through the info, starting with the situation in Cuba as they know it. He's probably closing in on as busy as Oracle, having taken up the international relations part of the job, and in some ways, is happy to have reports to read and folders to go through instead of more time on the phone.

After a bit, he goes through the information on Zatanna. After all, international crisis is important, but so are his friends.

He pauses as he gets the call from J'Onn. "That's what I was worried about. Hopefully someone can look in on her soon. This whole thing... and Arthur, has to be rough on her. Thanks J'Onn."


martian_manhunt October 16 2007, 01:17:01 UTC
"Of course. Hal?"


supekutoramu October 16 2007, 01:40:27 UTC
Kimiyo, luckily for her, was in San Francisco conducting business when the word came down. It was only a few hours in the air commercially from San Francisco to Miami, and once she was on the ground there she leaped into the air under her own power to take a look-see at the situation personally.

But shortly after takeoff she reactivated her League comm.

"Doctor Light to Green Lantern. Understand the situation is volatile - thought you might like someone to watch your back." she said with a slight smile. It felt _good_ to be Doctor Light again. Real good.


lanternslight October 16 2007, 01:42:48 UTC
"That's appreciated, Light," he replies. "And, frankly, nice to have someone with that name on our side right now. I'm sending my coordinates now."


supekutoramu October 16 2007, 01:45:17 UTC
"Hai." she said with a grin. "On my way. Be there in ... ten minutes." she said, then switched off.

Time to shake some of the rust loose. She'd used her power for little things, but for flight? It had been too long. Luckily she had plenty of photons to work with and she hadn't gained much weight at all during her time behind a desk.

She poured it on and gave a little war-whoop at the excitement of it all.


lanternslight October 16 2007, 01:59:59 UTC
He smiles at her as she arrives. "Hey, Light. Long time no see."


reducing_ray October 16 2007, 15:27:48 UTC
"Hey guys," says Ryan Choi, his voice cutting briskly across the frequency. "I've got those spectrograph reports on the shield finished. The good news is, I can move on to trying to get us past it, but that's gonna take a while. This thing's 'solid' at a subatomic level, and that just shouldn't be possible."

He sighs. There's a clatter of movement on the other side -- Ryan's clearly working as he talks. "I've also got telemetry reports off the Taiwan Strait. Chinese military are massing, and there's definitely some sort of alien-tech airplane in the air there. Records say it's ... Durlan? Computer's not sure."

The chipper seems to have deflated from Ryan's voice. It's obvious the prospect of war on his home's doorstep doesn't thrill him.


jla_greatten October 16 2007, 15:38:20 UTC
Ryan beams the telemetry -- provided from the U.S. government -- the JLA.

A jet-black, obviously alien machine glides above a Chinese battleship. It changes direction fluidly, even comes to sudden and complete stops as it scouts the field of the impending battle.


jla_greatten October 16 2007, 15:39:36 UTC
The telemetry changes, focusing on the battleship. The crew stands at attention, ready for battle.

All of them seem identical.


itsastretch October 16 2007, 15:41:32 UTC
"Thanks, Atom. I'm doing what I can here, but our relations with China aren't the best. And since Thunderlord died, the Global Guardians don't have much sway there either. Keep me posted, and I'll see if I can do anything on the diplomacy side."


itsastretch October 17 2007, 22:51:58 UTC
Responding to Superman's request, the next call is direct to the Titans.
"This is Ralph Dibney on priority Alpha JLA business. Is Kid Flash available? We have a situation brewing in China, and we need someone with the mobility and invisibility to monitor it without interference, barring an emergency."


_bird_of_flame_ October 18 2007, 02:39:01 UTC
"Mr. Dibny, sir, this is Flamebird. I'll make sure that Kid Flash gets the message." There is a brief pause, "Is there anything else you need?"


itsastretch October 18 2007, 02:43:11 UTC
"Thank you, Flamebird... seriously. And I hope that's it... though, God help us all, any of you there with first aid training, get some supplies ready and be ready to scramble. Things... aren't good."


_bird_of_flame_ October 18 2007, 03:13:40 UTC
"Let me know if you need me. Teleport me to where ever."


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