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Comments 216

green_shield June 14 2007, 18:02:37 UTC
Crystal SCREAMS, jumping off her lover's lap and does the first thing she can think of.

She always wanted power. Now she has it, but can't manage it - electric bolts fly randomly.


damage_girl June 14 2007, 19:14:29 UTC
Angela's suddenly beside her. She looks a little wrecked. "Lay the area!" A breath. "Where's Louis?"


green_shield June 14 2007, 19:16:04 UTC
She's still flipping out, but more in a direction. "Gone, and I need him with this. He can control it!"


sand_hawkins June 14 2007, 19:23:36 UTC
Suddenly, the ground erupts upwards and surrounds the two in its grasp. Sand's up in the air, on an earth platform. Tefe, I have them surrounded in earth. Care to let the Green have a piece of the two?"


damage_girl June 14 2007, 23:16:43 UTC
Corrine's barely on her feet now, view enough to make out the form of Trevor, a bonfire gone out of control in the middle of the battlefield. There's pain bearing down on her like she's never felt before, she can barely see and standing is taking all the effort. In a couple seconds, she'll have herself together, assess the situation and join the fray.

She faces the other combatant, now on the floor where Sand's throw left him. Everything falls away from her face.

Years left waiting, feeling abandoned, wanting answers, running from place to place, face to face, always looking for somewhere safe. She remembers pulling the shirt over her father so no one would have to see him like that, holding onto Caleb bleeding after the hell assassin, pleading for a second chance over Sand in the yard. Too many thoughts, memories and emotions baring down all at once, confusing what side is up even more than ever before.

No more fighting There will be an end to this finally. No more lies, no more manipulation. They'll all see blood tonight. Light ( ... )


hotshot1280 June 14 2007, 23:27:19 UTC
Trevor is completely blindsided by the attack, his feet lifted clear of his platform and the tendrils ripped from his arms, legs, and chest. The fire Travis encased him in allows the wounds to heal almost instantly, but leaves his clothes shredded as he slams into the wall at least fifteen feet above the floor. Contact between the back of his head and a steel beam makes sure he can't break his fall, and his skull ricochets as he hits the stone floor with only minimal protection from his outstretched hands.


sand_hawkins June 14 2007, 23:35:34 UTC
Corrine...love. It's over. It's done. They're done. You don't need to do this.

Sand is pushing through the wind, moving towards her, trying to catch his eyes.


blind_will June 14 2007, 23:44:36 UTC
With Tefe and Brainwave dealing with Magique, Travis does his best to limit the damage done to the group by Corrine's sudden explosion of power, bracing himself in place, preparing to shield who he can.

*Sand... how can I help?*


sand_hawkins June 15 2007, 12:04:43 UTC
Sand's still very disjointed from all of this and very concerned for Corrine.

But there's still loose ends.

Chimp, use coms to contact Oracle to send authorities for picking up the trash. I still have my JSA credentials so that should be sufficient for any international issues. Tefe, work on healing, but your and Travis' primary job is to keep everyone exactly where they are - there's no way in hell these people aren't going into lockdown if I have anything to say about it.

Otherwise...be ready. I don't think this is over yet.

Understatement of the century.


blind_will June 15 2007, 15:50:43 UTC
A nod from the Lantern.
Thankfully, usually keeping unconscious minds sedate is relatively easy. Granted, these are mages, and there's lots of them, so it takes considerably more effort. But for right now, the request seems doable.

*I wouldn't be surprised.*


green_shield June 15 2007, 16:38:46 UTC
"Of course we doubt!" Tara pleads - sensing that it might not be just Corrine they're talking to. "God made us with free will. That means choice, and with choice comes hesitation - doubt. Even Jesus asked for clarification and His Father gave him none - but he still chose! If we didn't hear the call and either turn away or run towards, then what's the point of any of the almost 2000 years of fighting?!"

"Chose to come back, Corrine. You stepped away from Therese once. Do it again!"


damage_girl June 15 2007, 16:40:07 UTC
There's a very quiet laughing from a bleeding heap. "They're the same... you idiot... Free will... is like callin'... a mugging a financial transaction."


green_shield June 15 2007, 16:41:46 UTC
"Did I ask you?" She kicks him, hopefully back to unconsciousness.


damage_girl June 15 2007, 17:08:53 UTC
Nope. He's not going anywhere but he can take a few more hits in the name of comedy. With a grunt and a chuckle, "Woul'n't be here... if som'ne had."


blind_will June 16 2007, 06:55:15 UTC
The bad guys are mostly gone. Mostly. He knows Corrine is out in the ley lines, and while he can detect them, he doesn't know how to travel them... yet.
Just a couple pieces of business left.
Since the prophecy is done, they don't need Louis conscious anymore.

As soon as he's made good and sure Brainwave is disconnected from him, he turns the ring on Louis, scanning him for every bit of genetic information he can. Finding what he needs, the mage is bathed in a light green glow. *You've screwed things up big. Now shut up.* he offers...

Then the green intensifies, as he fires every synapse in Louis mind and boy at once. Very painful... not deadly... but not pleasant. And almost a guarantee of sensation overload to unconsciousness, and a good long stay that way.

Also, very unlike Travis, whose expression has shifted, from his usual calm determination to almost burning just under the surface, as the job is done, and he can turn his attention to other matters in need of attending.


green_shield June 17 2007, 03:27:33 UTC
Tara reaches out for him after comforting Sand.


blind_will June 17 2007, 16:57:05 UTC
He gives her a small nod, *Its alright, just got one thing to deal with.* he adds, before turning towards Chimp... who he picks up in a field of green and slams back into a wall - enough to hurt, but not to do any serious damage.

*Do you fucking realize what you almost did?! You could have gotten everyone killed because you got too wasted to hit a fucking button! I saw a lot of families, and a lot of people destroyed by that stuff... I left home over crap like that. And I'm not going to put up with it /now/.*

The field flies from the first wall to slam into another, and while coherent, somewhere short of mentally shouting, Travis' voice has an edge to it unlike anything even Tara has heard before.


caleb_z June 17 2007, 18:55:49 UTC
The air around Chimp turns itself into a brilliant shade of gold, nullifying Travis’ grip.

"Travis!" Caleb pulls the amulet, and presents it threateningly. “Do we have a problem, here?"


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