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blind_will June 16 2007, 06:55:15 UTC
The bad guys are mostly gone. Mostly. He knows Corrine is out in the ley lines, and while he can detect them, he doesn't know how to travel them... yet.
Just a couple pieces of business left.
Since the prophecy is done, they don't need Louis conscious anymore.

As soon as he's made good and sure Brainwave is disconnected from him, he turns the ring on Louis, scanning him for every bit of genetic information he can. Finding what he needs, the mage is bathed in a light green glow. *You've screwed things up big. Now shut up.* he offers...

Then the green intensifies, as he fires every synapse in Louis mind and boy at once. Very painful... not deadly... but not pleasant. And almost a guarantee of sensation overload to unconsciousness, and a good long stay that way.

Also, very unlike Travis, whose expression has shifted, from his usual calm determination to almost burning just under the surface, as the job is done, and he can turn his attention to other matters in need of attending.


green_shield June 17 2007, 03:27:33 UTC
Tara reaches out for him after comforting Sand.


blind_will June 17 2007, 16:57:05 UTC
He gives her a small nod, *Its alright, just got one thing to deal with.* he adds, before turning towards Chimp... who he picks up in a field of green and slams back into a wall - enough to hurt, but not to do any serious damage.

*Do you fucking realize what you almost did?! You could have gotten everyone killed because you got too wasted to hit a fucking button! I saw a lot of families, and a lot of people destroyed by that stuff... I left home over crap like that. And I'm not going to put up with it /now/.*

The field flies from the first wall to slam into another, and while coherent, somewhere short of mentally shouting, Travis' voice has an edge to it unlike anything even Tara has heard before.


caleb_z June 17 2007, 18:55:49 UTC
The air around Chimp turns itself into a brilliant shade of gold, nullifying Travis’ grip.

"Travis!" Caleb pulls the amulet, and presents it threateningly. “Do we have a problem, here?"


onthecase June 17 2007, 18:58:03 UTC
The chimp says nothing, somewhat stunned by Travis's reaction.


hotshot1280 June 17 2007, 19:05:29 UTC
The fire wall that springs up separating Caleb and Bobo from Travis is wavery, and takes all of Trevor's concentration, but it gets the point across.

"There's a right way to do things and a wrong way." Trevor says, leaning against the rough wall as he holds out his hand to maintain the wall. "That counts as the wrong way, Travis."

Looking at Chimp, Trevor continues. "I don't care if I'm not Vice-Chairman any more, I think Sand would agree that your ass if suspended until you get some help, because Travis is right. You almost got us all killed."

Finally, to Caleb: "And Caleb, put the amulet away."


caleb_z June 17 2007, 19:07:54 UTC
He complies without hesitation, returning to Amelia's side.


tefe_holland June 17 2007, 19:14:35 UTC
"All of you stop it right now." She's just about had it and when it's Tefe saying calm down you know there's an issue.

"Time enough to be pissed off and hurt each other with words and fists later. Right now we need to pull ourselves together." She moves over towards Amelia and Caleb.

"Do you need healing?" She'll scan Amelia to make sure there's no impending seizure activity and it's also to give her something else to do.


blind_will June 17 2007, 19:30:59 UTC
Travis shifts to consider the other people, then he nods. "Count it as whatever you want. I've known enough lives that got screwed up... or cut short by alcoholics and addicts. I'm not going to do it again as part of a team. Good luck." he says firmly, before turning to Tara, waiting for her reaction above all others.


sand_hawkins June 17 2007, 22:55:47 UTC
Travis. Sand is speaking directly to his mind. Chimp screwed up. But he deserves the opportunity to either make amends or say he's not, at which time he's fired. But give him the chance to speak before you storm off. As I recall, Hal Jordan nearly exterminated the Green Lantern Corps single handedly. The fact he's still carrying a ring tells me someone, at some point, gave him a second chance.

But trust me, this will be dealt with.


green_shield June 17 2007, 23:04:50 UTC
Tara just stares at them all. "Are you all insane? We just lost a teammate and now it's open season on ourselves." She points to Amelia. "She and those other idiots wanted us to do exactly that after all this - fall apart. Either by ourselves -" she looks pointedly at the Chimp. "Or with help." She glares at her SO.


blind_will June 17 2007, 23:32:56 UTC
Travis nods, first to Tara, then Sand. *He can have all the second chances he needs, as many as you want to give him. I don't speak for the team. But... I can't be around while he self-destructs, and takes the team with him. I experienced it with two of the men who were almost my new 'dad', I experienced it with my older brothers and one of my sisters, and now I live amongst it in the city every day. I tried coming home to that for seven years, an found it was easier being a blind kid picking pockets and begging for scraps. Sorry, but unless he cleans up, this isn't home for me... it can't be.*

Then to Tara, he adds, his tone softer. *I'm sorry I couldn't be what you needed.*

In a flash of green and lightspeed, he's gone, with just his communicator left behind.


onthecase June 18 2007, 02:27:35 UTC
Released to the ground, the Chimp looks over at Tara.

"Don't worry about it on my account, Tara." He begins knucklewalking out of the room. "I screwed up. I'll see you all around."


sand_hawkins June 18 2007, 02:32:52 UTC
And wouldn't you know that at that instant is when the authorities begin to show up ( ... )


green_shield June 18 2007, 02:43:27 UTC
Outwardly, Tara is a statue. Inwardly, Sand and Brainwave can feel everything become quicksand and shattered glass before she abruptly cuts them all off. Alone isn't a good place to be and she doesn't want to be there, but right now, it's the only place she can be.


caleb_z June 18 2007, 03:29:14 UTC
He gives Amelia a quick look that just screams ‘I’m sorry.’

“Yeah, let’s, uh … lets get this over with.”


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