Fic Meme #..uh... what number. is it?!?!

Apr 25, 2010 19:16

Another MEME

Step 1: Write down the names of 10 characters.

Step 2: Write a fic of [at least] twenty five words for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1 Sungmin

2 Heechul

3 Kyuhyun

4 Yesung

5 Ryeowook

6 Kangin

7 Eeteuk

8 Zhoumi

9 Henry

10 Eunhyuk

Start: April 25, 2010.
Finish:  June 29, 2011

1: First time 4&6 (Yesung & Kangin) - Crying Blood

2: Angst 7 (Eeteuk) - Leaving and Being Left

3: AU 1&8 (Sungmin & Zhoumi) - Less Lonely With You

4: Threesome 3,6&9 (Kyuhyun, Kangin, Henry) - Guardian Angel And Devil

5: Hurt/Comfort 5&10 (Ryeowook, Eunhyuk) - Your Presence I Need

6: Crack 1 (Sungmin)  - Breast Milk

7: Horror 10 (Eunhyuk) - Faceless Lady

8: Baby Fic 5&9 (Ryeowook & Henry) - Baby

9: Dark 2&8 (Heechul & Zhoumi) - To Make A Perfect Puppet

10: Romance 4&7 (Yesung & Eeteuk) - Didn't Know About It Before

11: Death Fic 2&3 (Heechul & Kyuhyun) - Because I love you, I Have To Kill You

12: AU 8&9 (Zhoumi & Henry) - I Love You More Than The Beach

13: Dark 4&3 (Kyuhyun & Yesung) - Immortal Death

14: Threesome 5,7,&1 (Ryeowook, Eeteuk, Sungmin) - People Misunderstood

15: Amnesia 2&10 (Heechul & Eunhyuk) - A Drunk Person Spills Out Truth

16: Hurt/Comfort 8&5 (Zhoumi & RYeowook) - Ouch! My Stomach Hurts

17: Crack 9&4 (Henry & Yesung) - Ddangkoma Ran Away or Kidnapped?

18: Genderswap 1&6 (Sungmin & Kangin) - Reincarnated as a Guy or a Girl

19: First Time 2&7 (Heechul & Eeteuk) - Not My Type

20: Angst 3&8 (Kyuhyun & Zhoumi) - Never Act On Your Feelings

21: Babyfic 1 (Sungmin) - Cute Baby Sungmin

I forgot from who I got this meme from... so... uh... sorry to whoever @_@;;;
The ones I checked means I'm done writing them ^_^
I'll post the following fics in the future,
Good News: I got my newly written fics from my main PC~! HURRAY~!!! My main PC's monitor is still broken but for a few minutes, it allowed me to see!!!! So I quickly took the files of my fics... hehehe~ so yeah, I'll be posting and you should keep posted!!!!


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