Ouch! Stomach Hurts

May 09, 2010 18:01

Theme:16. Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Zhoumi/Ryeowook

Title: Ouch! Stomach Hurts

Back in Ryeowook's younger days, whenever he had diarrhea or constipation which made his stomach and ass hurt like hell, his grandmother would provide him some herbal tea. His tea would be warm, mixed with honey and had a lemon scent. He really loved drinking it slowly sip by sip as the tea gave him a warm and relaxing feeling. In a short while, his bowel movements would be back to normal. It was always very effective.

Lately, everything just became high-tech. People would rely a lot of medicines and so did Ryeowook. He always had a small medicine container in his bag with different pills, tablets or capsules for different purposes such for fever, pain, diarrhea or cough and colds. On the day he had diarrhea, he found out that his medicine for diarrhea was already expired so there's no way he would be taking that medicine. Adverse or side effects can be really scary based from previous experience.

"Are you okay?" His Chinese classmate named Zhoumi asked. He couldn't help but notice how Ryeowook was clutching his stomach with his upper body bending slightly. The pain and discomfort can be easily seen on Ryeowook's face with the sweat forming on his forehead.

"Do I look like I'm okay?!?!" Normally, Ryeowook was a nice and sweet guy but he can't just stay nice and sweet when he's suffering in pain too much. He really hates the 'how are you?' and 'are you okay?' questions when he's in pain. In other words, he tends to be sarcastic and bitchy when in pain.

Zhoumi opened his thermal container. He poured the drink on the cover of the container, which also served as a cup."Have a drink. It'll make you feel better."

Ryeowook didn't have to ask what it was. The moment the scent hit his nose, he instantly remember his grandmother's herbal tea. He took a small sip which was later followed on with bigger gulps. "Thank you very much." Ryeowook returned the empty cup / cover to Zhoumi. "My grandmother used to make this for me back when I was young. This really brought back memories."

"If you want, I can make this for you anytime. Just ask."

"Really? That's so nice of you! Oh and I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier.” Ryeowook blushed in embarrassment.

“That’s okay. I still think you’re pretty cute when you’re angry.”

Ryeowook blushed some more.


A/N: This is like a part of a fic... lolz.. maybe when I write Zhoumi/Ryeowook fic in the future, I can just insert this scene... Hahahaha!!! XD Besides, I didn't really have any plot in mind. I just had this scene in mind. Lolz~ Please comment?

sj: ryeowook, sj: zhoumi

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