Whom To Fall In Love...Murderer or Detective? (Chap 3)

Apr 28, 2009 22:21

Theme: Set Charlie # 9 Spider Webs 30smiles 
Pairing: Sungmin/murderer (in this chap; murderer shall be revealed), detective!Kibum

Title: Whom to Fall In Love...Murderer or Detective?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (end)

Chapter 3

Everything was dark when I opened my eyes. Have I become blind? I started to panic as I’ve also found out that I couldn’t move. It took a little while for me to realize that I’ve been blindfolded. My wrists were tied at my back and my feet were also tied together. What exactly happened to me? I could only remember being suddenly grabbed from behind and a handkerchief over my nose. The smell made me very sleepy. Then…this happened.

I heard the door being opened and footsteps entering the room. “Where am I? Who are you? What are you going to do to me?” I asked these questions in panicked. I winced as my hair was grabbed and I was pulled into sitting position.

“I’ll make you remember who I am.” That voice…I know that voice. The murderer of that night. I knew that he must have been holding a dagger again as the tie on my feet were easily cut. My legs were spread apart as I felt his presence in between. I could hear my clothes being torn by the blade. The scars were slashed and became open wounds again.

It hurts but the pain is tolerable. I have experienced this before after all. “I remember you.” I moaned in pain. “Why are you doing this to me?” My breath hitched as I felt the cold blade resting on my erection. The smooth side of the blade started to move up and down against my manhood. It felt exciting and scary at the same time. With just a bit more pressure, a cut could be made on my genital. If he wanted to, he could easily cut off my manhood too. Despite knowing this, I’m incredibly turned on.

“Because you like it.” He replied as he caressed my face. His hand felt cold and wet with what I assume, my blood. “Such a masochist.” He said as I cried out in pain as he inserted a needle on my nipple.

“And you’re such a sadist.” I said and hissed in pain that was temporarily relieved when he sucked on my bleeding nipple. Something was inserted on my nipple again. Something cold and dangling but I didn’t think too much about it because I was in pain. The pain was doubled when he entered me without any preparation; hard and swift. My hands that were tied behind me were being squeezed between the wall and my back each time he thrusts. I know that I’ll have a lot of bruises and renew wounds when this is over.

I always seem to slip out of consciousness after having sex with the murderer. It could be  because of too much ecstasy or blood loss or both. Either way, my whole body felt sore and ached but I felt contented. I wonder what kind of person I am for feeling contented after having bloody, messy and brutal sex with a murderer, who killed my entire family and servants.

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room. It was messy and a lot of things were scattered all over. I could even spot some spider webs at the corner of the ceiling. I sat up carefully and started to walk around. I was limping because it really still hurts. I looked at the newspaper clippings on the wall. There were articles of people being murdered and an article about my family that was recently murdered was there too.

“Those are all of my victims.” I turned my head towards the source of the voice. Indeed, it was the handsome murderer. He looked different from the night of murder. Back then, his face was completely void of emotions. He was covered in blood and his eyes had the intent of killing. Now, he looked calm, fresh in a school uniform, which I recognize from a prestigious school.

“Do you really go to SM University?”


“Aren’t you providing me with too much information? I’ve seen your face and now, I know which school you attend to.”

“I’m quite aware of that but I’m confident that you won’t be telling anything to anybody and especially, not to that annoying detective Kibum.”

“I may not have told them anything in the past but what makes you think I won’t tell them anything when I get out of here?”

“That is…IF you get out of here…” The murderer moved closer. His hand found its way at the back of my head and pulled me for a kiss. It was the first time I got to taste him, just purely him. Because the past kisses we’ve shared, his mouth always had my blood or my cum. “I like you, Sungmin and I don’t plan to release you from here anytime soon.”

“Just who exactly are you?”

“I’m wearing my I.D.”

“A murderer is using his real name on his school I.D.?”

“Nobody except you and my boss knows that I’m a murderer anyway.”

I read the name on his school I.D. “Kyuhyun.” It sounded strangely familiar. Yes, I remember now. It’s the name I chose for my younger brother who died at birth. It’s very strange and coincidental that he has the same name as my dead brother.

“I know what you’re thinking.” His finger poked my forehead. “You’re thinking of your dead brother, aren’t you?”

“How’d you--?” I was silenced with another kiss.

“Tell me…do you find it disgusting to be kissing your brother?”

My mind was screaming. WHAT?!?!??! What the heck is he trying to say?!?! He can’t be… my brother is dead!!!

“I’m Kyuhyun, your younger brother, Sungmin-hyung.”

End Of Chapter 3

A/N: Oh…I actually wrote a twist XD;;; Now, do you guys still want KyuMin to end up together even if it’s incest? XD;;;

This is actually just a short chapter but I could have made it longer however, I think Kyuhyun’s introduction seem to be a good ending so I ended it here ^_^ Comments please! Let me know your thoughts~ ♥

sj: sungmin, 30 smiles challenge

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