Title: Third Time’s The Charm Plus Revenge is Sweet

Nov 15, 2008 21:41

Theme: 24. Spotlight
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

Title: Third Time’s The Charm Plus Revenge is Sweet
A/N: Okay, what a long title XD;; The Longest Title I had so far

Sequel to Looking for Yesung

For sallysync because I promised XD

Kyuhyun didn’t really believe in his parents’ love story.  He’s just an adopted child by Yesung and Ryeowook. Really, who would believe in such a tale? But when accidents started occurring to him, he decided that there’s probably nothing wrong into believing such a tale. Ryeowook brought him to the fortune teller.

“Our son, Kyuhyun, seems to be getting into a lot of accidents lately. We want to know the cause.” A very concerned Ryeowook, who is actually acting as the mom in the family, asked the fortune teller. The same fortune teller from years ago. The age of the fortune teller probably ranges from 90-100.

“Do you know that there was a prince named Kyuhyun and he fell in love with a peasant named Sungmin…”

“Bullshit. You’re just saying the exact same story as you told my mom!!! I meant…to Ryeowook.” Calling Ryeowook as mom is okay as long as it’s just them but it would be weird in front of other people so he would simply call his ‘mom’, Ryeowook when there are others around. After hearing what the fortune teller said, Kyuhyun got pissed off because…”It’s obviously just a made up story.”

“You’re grandmother Leeteuk also said that to me 60 years ago.”

“Don’t worry, Kyuhyun. I’m sure you’ll find Sungmin just like how I found Yesung. I should just warn you though that there’s a possibility that Sungmin might be a boy in this lifetime instead of being originally a girl like thousand years ago.” Ryeowook said warmly to his son.

“I already found Sungmin.” Kyuhyun grumbled and looked away. “And he’s a boy.”

“Oh? Then what are you waiting for? Go and have sex with him already!!!” Ryeowook said, which earned him a glare from his son.

“I would just like to clarify that Kyuhyun needs to make love, not just sex.” Heechul added and… um…clarified. >.>

“But Yesung and I only had sex. We were drunk.”

“That was the first time but at the second time, you made love right? Not to mention, that your second time happened before you became 17.” Heechul and Ryeowook were talking casually as if there wasn’t any ‘innocent’ bystander namely Kyuhyun.

“What the heck…I do not need to hear this conversation!!! Mom, let’s go home!!!” Hearing about your parents’ sex life or how they started it, is not something Kyuhyun wants to hear.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun had been classmates since high school started. Kyuhyun already had a crush on Sungmin for a long time. During their 2nd year of high school, Kyuhyun decided to confess but he was rejected. However, they became close friends after that. Hoping that their closeness might open up Sungmin’s heart, Kyuhyun decided to confess again during their 3rd year of high school but still got rejected.

After hearing what the fortune teller said, Kyuhyun doesn’t know what to feel. He was happy to know that it was Sungmin, who he was suppose to make love with and not just some random stranger that he has to look for. At the same time, he felt discouraged because he knows Sungmin doesn’t feel the same way so there’s no chance for them to make love and that he’ll probably die anytime after his 17th birthday.

“You look gloomy. What’s wrong?” Sungmin asked early in the morning as they walked to school together.

“It’s just something that some stupid fortune teller said. No biggie.” Kyuhyun replied, trying to sound casual.

“If it’s nothing, then you wouldn’t look so gloomy. What did the fortune teller say?”

“It’s just that I happen to have some stupid curse. I need to make love to you before I turn 17 or I’ll die in an accident.” Kyuhyun deadpanned.

Sungmin laughed. “That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard!!!”

“I know. I told you that it’s no biggie.” Kyuhyun shrugged but deep down inside, he wished Sungmin showed at least a little bit of concern for him. But he can’t really blame Sungmin for laughing because the curse really do sound like a joke. Heck, if he were Sungmin, he wouldn’t believe it too.

“Just get him drunk then have sex with him. It’s what your mommy Wookie did to me. Tell you what? It’s effective. I got addicted to making out with him after that.” Yesung, the father, advised.

Kyuhyun really found it gross to be hearing such things from his parents but if that worked on his parents, then why not take the advise and do it? It was on a Saturday night when Kyuhyun invited Sungmin at his house to watch movies and possibly an overnight, which Sungmin easily agreed. Yesung and Ryeowook even decided to go on their second honeymoon (they’re also contemplating on adopting another child just in case Kyuhyun dies or leaves them when he decides to live with Sungmin if things go well) so that they could leave the house to Kyuhyun and Sungmin alone.

“Wow! You have a nice collection of wine.” Sungmin said as he watched the different bottles from different brands and different years all lined up on a counter at a small bar between the living room and kitchen.

“Yeah. My parents likes to drink before erm…never mind, so what movie would you like to watch?” Kyuhyun would like to respect his parents’ sex lives. He also secretly hoped that Sungmin would be tempted to drink one of the wines.

“Can we drink? I’m really curious about this stuff. I never drank before.” Sungmin said as he grabbed a bottle and looked at the brand and flavor and etc.

“Yeah, sure. My parents wouldn’t mind. Sometimes, I even drink with them.” Kyuhyun didn’t add the part in which he often feels like vomiting, not from drinking a lot of wine, but from the sight in which his parents would start making-out and do foreplay in front of him. Really, his parents can be such a bad example/ influence.

Sungmin happily opened the wine bottle while Kyuhyun took two wine glasses from the glass cabinet. Wine, popcorn and movies. It was a strange combination but enjoyable. At the middle of the movie, Sungmin started to hiccup. Kyuhyun turned to see Sungmin’s flushed face with his head hanging down. It was obvious that Sungmin was drunk.

It was his chance to have ‘wild sex’. He was so close to kissing Sungmin when his conscience started to bother him and make him feel guilty. He sighed and carried Sungmin to the bed in the guestroom. After making sure that Sungmin was tucked comfortably under the blanket, he instantly left the room so that he wouldn’t be tempted to take advantage on Sungmin.


“Why didn’t you do it?!?! It was your CHANCE!!! Do you want to DIE?!?!?!” Yesung yelled after Kyuhyun told his parents about what happened Saturday night.

“Calm down, dear.” Ryeowook patted his husband’s back lovingly. “Maybe it’s better this way.”

”What do you mean by it’s better?!?! Is it better for Kyuhyun to die?!?!”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Yesung and Kyuhyun were confused by what Ryeowook said but Kyuhyun finally came into an understanding when he and Sungmin had a talk on Monday afternoon after school.

“Last Saturday night was fun. We should do it again some time.” Sungmin said after apologizing for leaving early Sunday morning without bothering to wake Kyuhyun up.” What kind of a drunkard was I?”

“Just a quiet and sleeping type.”

“You didn’t do anything to me?” Sungmin asked suspiciously.

“No!!!” Kyuhyun replied hastily but Sungmin still continued to look at him in a suspicious manner. “Well, almost…but I backed out.”

The suspicious look on Sungmin’s face changed to a surprise look. “Why?”

“Because I don’t plan to be a rapist and spend my future in prison.”

“No, seriously. Why?”

Kyuhyun paused from walking and looked as if he was in deep thought. Sungmin also paused while waiting for Kyuhyun’s answer. “Maybe I seriously don’t want to be a rapist.”

“Yah!” Sungmin hit Kyuhyun’s head playfully.

Kyuhyun laughed as he rubbed the spot on his head that was hit.

“Thank you for not taking advantage of me that night.” Sungmin said sincerely. “I don’t know why I’ve not fallen for you. You’re such a nice, perfect guy. You meet my standards of a boyfriend. Most of all, you love me.”

Kyuhyun looked away for a distraction because he doesn’t want Sungmin to see his heartbroken expression. “Maybe we’re just not meant to be.” He didn’t bother to mention that maybe he was meant to die as a virgin after turning 17.

“Who knows? Maybe we’ll end up with each other a few years from now.”

Kyuhyun snorted. “That’s unlikely to happen.” If the curse is true, then he only have a few months left to live.

“Maybe it’s likely to happen.” Sungmin made sure he was in the spotlight of Kyuhyun’s vision. “I haven’t fallen for you but I want to know what it’s like to be in a relationship with you if that’s okay with you?”

“Is it okay to kiss?”

Sungmin blushed and nodded shyly. Kyuhyun wasted no time leaning forward and pulling Sungmin for a kiss. Perhaps this is what Ryeowook meant. If Kyuhyun took advantage of Sungmin that night, he wouldn’t probably be having a relationship with Sungmin right now and Sungmin might have ended up hating him.


Kyuhyun 1st and 2nd confession to Sungmin happened on Valentine’s day. This year he had to do it earlier because his birthday is on February 3 and if the curse happens to be true, he might die before February 14.

The whole month of January, he planned on confessing to Sungmin but something always happens like being interrupted or being suddenly busy. Then on the February 1 and 2, Sungmin suddenly disappeared. Sungmin’s parents said that he went Sungmin was going to stay in a friend’s house for a while but they don’t know which friend.

February 3 finally came. Instead of celebrating and being happy, Ryeowook was crying madly. “Huhuhu! Our son is going to die!!!”

“Ryeowook, stop crying. It’s Kyuhyun’s birthday. You have to be strong so we can celebrate Kyuhyun’s last birthday happily.” Yesung said but tears were also rolling down on his cheeks.

Suddenly, the parents were enveloped by a hug from their son.” Mom, Dad, I love you.” That only resulted to more tears from Yesung and Ryeowook. “I’m glad it was the two of you, who adopted me. I wouldn’t know what to do or wouldn’t dare to imagine if I had a not-so-understandable Chinese mother like Hankyung or a monkey-looking father like Eunhyuk.”

There wasn’t any huge party or lots of visitors. Just the three of them as a family. They went shopping for Kyuhyun’s birthday gifts. They watched a movie and had lunch and dinner together. It was simple but meaningful.

It was around 10pm when they arrived back home. Kyuhyun was a bit disappointed that Sungmin still didn’t show up or at least sent him a text message and greeted him happy birthday. He was in for a surprise when he opened his room and saw a sleeping Sungmin on his bed. There was a small note on his study table with Sungmin’s handwriting.

I’m tired so I’m going to get some sleep. I give you permission to take advantage of me while I’m sleeping. That would be my birthday gift to you.

Kyuhyun slowly kissed Sungmin awake. He knew that Sungmin was awake when Sungmin started to kiss back lazily and moaned softly. “Happy Birthday.” Sungmin whispered in between the kisses.

“Where were you? Which friend’s house were you staying?” Kyuhyun asked with a lace of jealousy. He couldn’t continue with what they were doing until his curiosity was satisfied.

“I asked my parents to lie for me. I was actually staying at my grandparents house. If they told you that, then I’m sure you would have come for me right away.”

“So you were avoiding me then?”



“I knew that you were planning to confess to me the whole month of January. That’s why I made up some sort of excuses so that confession would not happen because I want to be the one to confess this time around. I also wanted my confession to happen on your birthday.” Sungmin took a deep breath before proceeding. “Kyuhyun, you successfully made me fall for you. I love you.”

Sungmin went in a relationship without any special feelings for Kyuhyun but being in a relationship with Kyuhyun developed those feelings. The process of their relationship made it easier for Sungmin’s heart to open up for possibilities. “Did you get to read my note?”

“Definitely.” A smirk slowly formed on Kyuhyun’s lips. “So you really won’t mind doing way more than just kissing tonight?”

“Hurry up and do something before I change my mind and back out.”

No words were spoken after that but sounds can still be heard. They were so loud and vocal that it was Ryeowook and Yesung who couldn’t get any sleep this time around. The next morning, Kyuhyun was smiling and glowing from the aftermath. Two thoughts went inside his head.

Revenge is sweet. Yeah, he finally got revenge on his parents, who were equally loud and vocal that he either couldn’t concentrate on studying or sleep properly. Maybe a not-so-understandable Chinese mother and a monkey-looking father would have been better.

Third time’s the charm. His plan for his third confession went way better than expected because Sungmin decided to initiate it. A confession and a night of passion all happened on his birthday. Heck, he wouldn’t mind dying after having such a wonderful birthday. But he didn’t have to die anymore because the curse has already been lifted up.

“I’m getting you an apartment and kicking you out of this house.” Yesung said first thing in the morning when the four of them were having breakfast. “Then you can be as loud as you want over there.”


A/N: I was planning to put on an epilogue but then, the curse might be passed on again and it would be a neverending story!!!! So I hope you enjoyed this ^_^ I’m sorry I skipped out the sex scene. I’m not into writing smut. Lolz Don’t forget to comment~ ♥

100 fic challenge, sj: kyuhyun, sj: sungmin, kyumin, yehwook, sj: yesung, sj: ryeowook

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